Tea type
Green Tea
Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Green Tea Leaves, Mate
Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Spices
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Edit tea info Last updated by KittyLovesTea
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 311 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was the first Kusmi tea I ever tried and so far it has been my favorite. I walked in and it was the tea sample of the day and after taking my first sip, I knew I needed to own a box. This tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! Thanks, VariaTea! Mmm, caffeine. Mmm, spices. Mmm, honey. Haha. I added the honey to help my throat. I quite enjoy this! I wonder if the local store carries this one. Honestly it’s nice...” Read full tasting note
  • “No one’s really written a note on this one either? Jeez. I got this as a sample with my order and I figured I could use it this morning because I have a headache probably due to suddenly seeing the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Umm… Ick. This is very much ginger, and weirdly cinnamon-spicy. And not at all what I was anticipating because this smelled like fruit and cinnamon to me when it was dry, but now there’s no fruit...” Read full tasting note

From Kusmi Tea

This original blend of maté, green tea, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom has a strong, warming taste and is the perfect blend for tea addicts needing a pick-me-up. Boost is the dream companion for busy lives. Fans of natural wellness products will be thrilled to know that this blend will naturally aid in regaining peak fitness and energy levels – while spoiling you at the same time! Known throughout South America for its effectiveness in tackling mental and physical fatigue, maté is also used in traditional medicine in India. Green tea, rich in flavonoids, helps the body to absorb vitamin C, while caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant.

Delicious as iced tea on hot summer days!

We suggest to enjoy this tea during the afternoon.

Main flavor: Spices

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17 Tasting Notes

117 tasting notes

I really liked it! Now, I’m not sure it really has a boosting effect (I suppose that drinking pure maté would work better) but I still reached for it for its nice cardamom and ginger taste.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger

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1353 tasting notes

Queued post, written June 18th 2014

Here’s another one from Auggy. This is one I’d never ever have bought for myself. Maté? Meh. Ginger? Bleh. Cinnamon in tea? Bleh. Green tea? Hmmm, sometimes meh. Cardamom pods? Could go either way. I’m just not a chai-y person, although I do tend to find it fairly pleasant on the rare occasion when I have one. Furthermore, maté and green tea is just not a combination I can in any way imagine. It’s… well, to be honest with you, it’s a bit bizarre.

However, it was sent to me by someone whose taste I trust implicitly and I have to try it at least once. Besides, it’s called ‘boost’ and a boost is what I could use just now as I’m preparing the foods we need to take with us for the Family Outing on Saturday. (A new-ish tradition in my family. For my grandparents’ Christmas present they get an outing with as much of the family as can be drummed together.) I’m in charge of a mixed green salad, a potato salad, biscuits and something that Husband (being vegetarian) can have for dinner. Husband is cooking his own dinner, I’ve got an almost full biscuit tin already (and it’s a large tin), so those things are easily dealt with. It’s limited what I can do on the mixed green salad before Friday, but I can can do most of the potato salad, so that I only have to mix it all together. I’m trying to have it all done before Husband gets home, because he’ll be spending a few hours working when he gets here, and I’d rather avoid doing noisy tasks in the kitchen while he’s working. The only problem I’ve run into is that I (fortunately) made a mental count of how many people we’ll be and realised to my horror that I’d have to double up on the salads. I don’t know why I thought the recipe would be enough as it was when it clearly says 4-6 people on it! O.o Off to the shops with me to get more stuff, then.

Hence the need for a boost.

Potatoes are cooking now, and there’s nothing else left to do until they’re done, so here I am. Boosting myself. By ranting, apparently.

Now, this blend smells earthy like maté, sharp like ginger and spicy like cinnamon. I’m getting a little bit of floral as well (cardamom) but nothing that I can translate to green tea. I fear it has been drowned completely by these other things. I still don’t understand what it’s there for in the first place. I can’t work out what it’s supposed to do for the blend.

At first sip, the initial flavour is lemon-y. This would be the ginger. It has a sort of lemon-y flavour, only sharper and throat-itchingly hot. The latter quality is the reason I don’t much like the stuff. (A popular winter ‘tea’ where I work is to take a cup of boiling water and put a slice of fresh ginger in it. Nommmmmmm!!! says most of my colleagues. Eurgh! says I.) The ginger starts burning my mouth just before I swallow, but there is sweetness from the cinnamon as well. Cinnamon is weird. It can be quite sweet and surprisingly spicy at the same time. It’s managing to do so here. Being spicy but also keeping the ginger down a bit. It has been my experience that ginger flavours only develop stronger as the cup cools, so I hope the cinnamon will continue to serve this purpose as that happens.

The cardamom is only vaguely there, with a tough of floral perfume in the very very background, and the base is earthy from the maté.

The green tea? Still can’t find it. Perhaps it’s softenening things up and smoothing things out. Otherwise these are all some pretty harsh flavours. I can’t be certain though.

It’s drinkable this, but it’s not exactly awesome. I might finish it. I might give it away. I might toss it. We’ll see.


Not sure if you’re interested, but since all my Kusmis seem pretty ground up, I’ve been using them in cookies, biscuits and muffins. I just soak em for a few secs and add the leaves to the recipe. I found some great recipes for baked goods including tea online. You might find another use, and avoid tossing this one :)

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663 tasting notes

Added 3 cloves, a teaspoon of honey and some lemon juice…

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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