White Bubbly Berry

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White Tea
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170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The tastebuds they are a changing! I’m less of a fan of this one when I first had it. Now, part of that may be the cold brew that i decided to try with this one but i’m just not loving it as much...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is tasty! Different than the other Bubbly whites I’ve had, in a few ways. I like it. First off, I was worried that the dominant flavour would be bubblegum and while that is present, it takes...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Dhart1214 for this sweet sample tea! Happy new old car to me! Well, I sold my baby, my Silver Rav4 and now, I have a new, old, Grandma car! Hooray for me, sigh! (I really am grateful...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum! This one pretty much tastes like a grape white to me, complete with concord grape flavour, but actually was quite pleasant in the travel mug on the way home! The white tea was apparent behind...” Read full tasting note

From Kally Tea

It’s New Year’s Eve and you are with the one you love, as midnight approaches, you both raise your glasses of Champagne with fresh raspberries dancing in the bubbles and while caught up in the moment… Clink!

This is the type of exhilaration that is felt when you drink this exotic white tea blend.

Cheers! Turn off the lights!

Ingredients: White Tea, Safflowers, Champagne Flavor, and Red Raspberry Flavor.

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15 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

The tastebuds they are a changing! I’m less of a fan of this one when I first had it. Now, part of that may be the cold brew that i decided to try with this one but i’m just not loving it as much anymore. I’ll try and have a cup of it hot later but i’m just not feeling it. That’s likely because of the whole white tea thing i suspect since it’s just kind of a wimpy tea lol

Terri HarpLady

Thank you! When white teas first came on the market I was excited. I bought some & it basically tasted like…water? I’ve had more flavorful white teas since, & will drink some on occasion, but black tea is my boyfriend, if you know what I mean!


i am with you on that one Terri!


I’m with you both!

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1764 tasting notes

This is tasty!
Different than the other Bubbly whites I’ve had, in a few ways. I like it.
First off, I was worried that the dominant flavour would be bubblegum and while that is present, it takes a back seat to the other more complex notes. Something in here is most definitely reminiscent of champagne! I credit that partially to the aroma, but also to the mild grape like taste. Grape skins perhaps? Hmmm. Most surprising is the sparkling sensation on my tongue. How on earth did they achieve that?! Yup, I even get a wine/drying sensation in the aftertaste.
Second, the white tea is blended beautifully. So delicate, and yet not overpowered. There is however, something odd going on… as there is an odd bitter note right in the middle of the sip, and lasting into the aftertaste. Heck, even the aftertaste is complex!

Second infusion was terrible. Milky!! Hopefully it was a one time thing. Bad water? spilled milk from Mums coffee? (my cup was clear… so likely not)
Bah. Lowering the rating a few points. The first steep was great. I’d rate the second one at 65. So reducing it by 4 points is more of a principle thing than anything else. On the plus side, I won’t feel bad taking this one out and about with me! (ie, since I can’t resteep anyhow)

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 15 sec



Yup. Well, half a yay… Hmph!

Daniel Scott

A light, champagne-like white tea that goes milky on the second infusion? Weird and ew.


Yup, I was pretty grossed out! the first infusion was great though. Really odd


I think you’re just on crack darling.


no comment ;P

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676 tasting notes

Thanks to Dhart1214 for this sweet sample tea!

Happy new old car to me!

Well, I sold my baby, my Silver Rav4 and now, I have a new, old,
Grandma car! Hooray for me, sigh! (I really am grateful though)
Don’t you think the best way to celebrate would be with some White Bubbly Berry Tea?!

I am now driving an older Mini-Van. It’s in perfect condition with new tires and low mileage (116,000) for a (gulp) 1995.
The poor grandma who owned it has MS. Her name is…Bonnie. No lie! Not a rattle or scratch on the car. (Weird her name is Bonnie,huh)

So, here I am driving an old lady car and learning again that the things I have don’t matter. (The turn indicators go click, click which my granddaughters like…they think it’s retro! Heck, I’m retro!)


I’m celebrating with a sweet bubbly berry tea and I like it!
The wet leaves smelled like raspberry green peas and I giggled.
How cool? I wondered what the tea would taste like.
I would have slurped down a sweet pea raspberry tea, but the sweet pea wasn’t there. Arh.
Instead, there was a soft, floral raspberry flavor which made my mouth tingle. The tea was smooth with fire around the edges of my tongue and sweet enough not to need a thing added to it.

I added some sweetening to it anyway.
I spent the whole morning getting a smog check, and at the Larimer County Building doing the car registrations.
If you don’t think I needed something sweet after that, then you probably haven’t done this task in awhile!

I loved kicking back with my sweet bubbly berry tea! I’ll enjoy this again and again! (She sent me an ounce…goodie!!!)

Thank you so much for the White Berry Bubbly!

Am I the only person who never saw this funny/cute Japanese/Thai Tea commercial with the little dad and son worms? http://youtu.be/TgPmaNMReKQ


Pimp out your Van with a licence plate that says TEABAGS or ERLGRY or PU-ERH


If I was brave I’d just put Pu- but it would attract an element I don’t want to attract.
(and maybe dogs that can read)

Daisy Chubb

That was the first time I saw the commercial too! so cute!

Autumn Hearth



If there were enough letters mine would have been Stupidi*tea


Congrats on your new transport! Who cares if it’s old, a car is only meant to take you from A to B! or maybe in this case, from A to «TEA»!


Ha Ha…such a cute idea! A nice blog name!


Oh I think you’re on to something… Your blog publicity would say: Embark on a tea journey with Bonnie, she’ll take you from A to Tea!


My blog name is already done though…more me…Tea and Incense and almost ready. Maybe you need the blog name TeaFairy!


Can’t wait to read your blog, nice name! As for me, a time will come maybe…


Congrats!!! A New Old Car sounds super exciting! :)




Yay for new car!

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6119 tasting notes

Yum! This one pretty much tastes like a grape white to me, complete with concord grape flavour, but actually was quite pleasant in the travel mug on the way home! The white tea was apparent behind the flavourings, which is always a nice bonus with such teas. Glad I have a bit of this (and it’s nice to have a white tea to put into the travel mug rotation!)

ETA: Re-steep was pretty good with this one too.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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6768 tasting notes

With a name like White Bubbly Berry – how could I NOT try this!? This smells like Champagne and berries and maybe a hint of pomegranate.

The taste is amazingly squeaky-clean. It’s juicy and raspberry but has both subtle white tea as well as subtle champagne notes thru-out the sip, too!

This is superb! Among my faves that include champagne as one of their ingredients.


Oh boy going on the shopping list FOR SURE!

Sandy Stith

Ditto on the list. Yum.

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836 tasting notes

1 tablespoon of dry leaf used for 375 ml of water

Berry-type fruity-ness on the sip with trailing mildly-sugary sweetness. The berry flavours have an artifical feel to them. Dry, crisp mouth-feel. Notes of mineral. White tea flavour note near end of sip.

Thank you to Indigobloom and Sil for sharing this with me.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1113 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox

I’m having one of those mornings where I’m overwhelmed by my own tea stash and unsure exactly what I’m wanting to drink. Solution? Finish samples from the Here’s Hoping Traveling Tea Box!

I was pretty unsure of this tea based on the smell. Maybe a bit too candy-like? But the flavor is actually a lot more subtle. White tea pairs nicely with raspberry! I’m not picking out any champagne specific flavors, but perhaps I’m mistaking them for white tea flavors. Anyway, glad I snagged the last serving of this so I could taste my first Kally Tea offering :)

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2238 tasting notes

I’m down to the last few of my samples from Sil now, and this is one of the ones I’ve really been looking forward to. I’m a big fan of both white tea and berry tea, so this should be a good fit for me.

The dry leaf smells really lovely. Sweet, with definite notes of raspberry and maybe the merest hint of champagne. There are a good proportion of silver tips among the leaves and stems, and everything looks very fresh and green . I was drinking Adagio’s white peony yesterday, which is probably why the greenness stands out here. Although I love Adagio’s version, the leaves are much darker, almost black-brown in some cases, and just don’t have the look of freshness about them that these do.

Anyway, I waited patiently for the water to cool, and gave this about 2.5 to 3 minutes. The liquor is a beautiful golden colour, rather like champagne, and the champagne scent itself is more noticeable now it’s brewed.

To taste, this is wonderfully delicate. The champagne flavour actually comes across really well. I’m not sure what gives that effect – maybe it’s a slight grapeiness I’m picking up on? The floral nature of the white tea base helps a little too, I think. It could only really be improved if it was fizzy, let’s say that! The raspberry is more subtle, but it’s definitely there in the background. In terms description accuracy, this really is like drinking a glass of champagne with a couple of raspberries in it, only in tea form. I’m enjoying this as a warm drink (I’m not going to say hot, as I was good and waited for the water to cool, such that it can’t really be described as hot any more…). I’d love to try it iced, though. I have a feeling that’s how it would really shine. As flavoured white tea goes, though, this is a triumph. Hugely enjoyable. Thanks again to Sil for sharing it with me!

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 30 sec

so glad you enjoyed it! :)

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358 tasting notes

I think the only other champagne tea that I’ve tried is The Republic of Tea’s Anniversary Blend, which I loved. I was excited to try this one, since it includes red raspberry in the flavor as well as the champagne. The dry leaves smell deliciously of sweet champagne. The tea liquor’s aroma is very vegetal with a soft hint of sweet berries. There is a nice sugary sweet berry flavor with an aftertaste of fresh grapes, but there is also a very strong earthy flavor that overshadows the other flavors at first. It does dimish as the tea cools, but it still a little noticeable even once it’s fully cooled. The sweet berry and grape flavors seem a little artificial to me. I am definitely getting more grape from the flavor than bubbly champagne. This tea isn’t terrible, but I’m not as fond of it as I am of the Republic of Tea champagne blend.

-Dry blend has large fluffy green tea leaves with small reddish orange petals.
-Dry leaves smell like sweet champagne. Tea liquor aroma is lightly vegetal with a soft hint of sweet berries.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium bright yellow color.
-Strong grassy flavor with a sugary sweet berry finish. Lingering aftertaste of fresh grapes.
-Best with sweetener.
-Fair tea. Nice grape and sweet berry flavor with an unfortunately strong earthy tone.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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