I received a single sachet of this as a free sample with my small Kusmi order. I was actually considering ordering this exact tea, but decided on the White Bellini instead because I’ve enjoyed Kusmi’s peach white teas in the past. But I was excited to find this sachet when I opened the box! :3
I didn’t remember that Kusmi’s “white” teas actually use a mixed white and green base, so I steeped it at a white tea temperature. It did come out very slightly bitter, but not enough to ruin the mug. I quite like this tea, the “forest fruits” flavor is very heavy on the blackcurrant, which makes it very dark and rich and syrupy. So overall it’s quite jammy-tasting, which is unusual and tasty on a white base. There’s some nice nuttiness from the green tea as well.
I’ll have to keep it in mind for a possible future purchase. And since I really enjoyed the peach and blackcurrant white tea that Kusmi used to make before the rebrand, it would be interesting to try mixing this and the White Bellini to see if I could recreate a similar flavor…
Flavors: Black Currant, Floral, Hay, Jam, Nutty, Oats, Sweet