Zhangping Shui Xian 2023

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jelina Yee
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3 Tasting Notes

336 tasting notes


My brief notes: A nice roasted and warming tea. Intense in the body, creating tea sweats. There’s a nice lingering sweet note on the tongue.

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1324 tasting notes

From the new oolong sampler. Once again, thank you Anne for the chance to try these out. This has been an amazing oolong journey.
Dry leaf: Well this is a surprise. I was not expecting a cake. Though it’s shaped like a brick, square shape so I shall you you a tea brick. Olive green hues that range from lighter to darker with large leaves and stems. And a few fuzzy buds
Dry aroma: Floral. Jasmine. Gardenia. Slight but definitely there.
Initial aroma: Slightly creamy, somewhat vegetal, butter cookies. Fresh. Light butter, a bit of asparagus,
Flavor: Floral, notes of gardenia and a bit of lilac
Mouthfeel: Smooth
Aroma cup: A bit of butter, a freshly snapped lilac flower branch
Wet leaf aroma: Buttered something.

These last two oolongs really blew me out of the water. Such immense flavor and range. The only thing I think that needs a bit of revision is the tea brick. As someone who has tasted a wide variety of tea, I know what to do with it but it might utterly baffle others.


I saw some of their tea on Amazon. I might have to try something out!

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57 tasting notes

Floral oolong tea cake. I received a 5g sample pack from my package. The cake is roughly 1.5 × 1.5 in, hydrated leaves are 2-2.5 in long. The tea reminds me of Taiwanese high mountain oolong the most, particularly the strong orchid aroma and the sweetness, but the zhangping shui xian taste less oxidized and does not have the grassy flavor often found in Taiwanese oolongs. This tea also has another flowery note I don’t quite know how to describe, it’s rice wine like?

This is my first time having zhangping shui xian. As an immigrant from Taiwan I think the most fascinating part is seeing the similarities between this tea and Taiwanese oolongs. Made me go “Ah, so that’s where it came from.” Taiwan has been making its tea since the 18th century, this proves that the ancestors did get the method right and it has lived on. Really love the stories and histories recorded by tea.

This is part of iteaworld’s New Oolong Tea Sampler. Currently not sold separately.

sold for $39.99


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