Organic Morning's Journey [discontinued]

Tea type
Black Tea
Organic Black Tea
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 5 g 9 oz / 256 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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34 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m a little antsy today. It’s day 5 of NaNoWriMo & although I started day one off with a bang, writing 4002 words, days 2, 3 ,& 4 were a washout. I had gigs, I had a boyfriend to entertain...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: well… sort of. I’m on my second cup of this. The first cup was just so good that I couldn’t even spare time to type out a tasting note, I needed to focus on my cup of tea. That is to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am drinking a huge pot of this today! I made a steep in my small pot, poured it, and made another and this is still plenty strong, so hooray for all us resteepers! The nice thing about this tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “just for cavo…. finishing off the day with a cup of this tea. :) Terri was kind enough to send some of this my way and while i’ve been drinking this tonight i’ve been perplexed. I’m not sure how...” Read full tasting note

From Hugo Tea Company

[This tea has been discontinued.]

Morning’s Journey is my private blend of three black teas from three countries. This loose blend holds unparalleled balance and flavor, ready to sustain your adventures—no compass or knapsack required. Keep it close and brew it often.

About Hugo Tea Company View company

Company description not available.

34 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I’m a little antsy today. It’s day 5 of NaNoWriMo & although I started day one off with a bang, writing 4002 words, days 2, 3 ,& 4 were a washout. I had gigs, I had a boyfriend to entertain (& he’s been neglected A LOT lately, poor baby). Today I have a mix of students & free time, & although there are some things I’d like to get done, writing is a priority. I’d like to get back on track!

I started the day with yoga, meditation, & journaling. Then I had an awesome pile of gluten free pancakes, possibly the best recipe I’ve found online yet.

The tea? Hugo’s Organic Morning’s Journey. I’m on my 2nd cup (not a resteep, I don’t feel that it resteeps all that well) of this bright & yet dark brew. Ahhh, yes…I feel the caffeine level rising…good morning, all!

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Michelle 12 years ago

Congrats! We will win NaNo :)

HUGO TEA COMPANY 12 years ago

Great! Keep writing and don’t look back.

Angrboda 12 years ago

Don’t worry about falling behind. It’s a lot easier to catch up than you think so long as you don’t try to do it all in one go. I did Camp NaNoWriMo this summer and was about 10K behind at one point and still managed to win (in the nick of time) by slowly catching up. No need to stress over it. :)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Thanks everyone! Last year I managed to stay on top of it a little more, but I’m almost up to 9000 now! So I feel like I’m back on track, and yes, we will win NaNo!!!

gmathis 12 years ago

I’ve probably posted it that it’s becoming tedious, but a writing buddy and I are strict adherents to “Write something, even if it’s stupid. You can always edit stupid.” Keep hammering! :)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

That’s right, Mathis! I adhere to the same principal, and if I can’t come up with details of some place, thing, or whatever I’ll insert something like <figure this sh*t out & describe it> or something like that. It’s better to leave an than to lose my momentum.

gmathis 12 years ago

Obviously, getting the thought out is more important to me than editing. Meant to say …posted it so often …. ay-yi-yi. I think I may just take my weary brain to bed :)

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4843 tasting notes

Backlog: well… sort of. I’m on my second cup of this. The first cup was just so good that I couldn’t even spare time to type out a tasting note, I needed to focus on my cup of tea.

That is to say: Oh WoW! This is seriously GOOD!

Definitely one of the smoothest black blends I’ve come across. It’s so smooth that it doesn’t need milk or sugar to make it smooth … it just is. It doesn’t have a real “kick in the cup” type of quality that I generally look for when I consider a tea as a breakfast blend or morning blend versus a later in the day type of tea … but don’t let that fool you. It’s still invigorating and morning cuppa worthy – absolutely! It just takes a subtler approach toward the end goal – wakefulness!

It is bold yet smooth. Creamy with notes of malt and caramel, hints of chocolate in the background. Fruit notes – but the sweet fruit notes – of sweet date, grape, and even a hint of sweet apple. Now, imagine those fruits drizzled with honey. You get the idea.

By mid-cup, I notice some spices start to emerge. Slightly peppery, but very slightly, just enough to get the palate to notice something different in the background but not enough to disturb the smoothness of the cup. Maybe a hint of cinnamon.

Truly a remarkable blend. I would go so far as to say, if you had room for only one breakfast tea in your cupboard, this should be the one. I don’t think I could ever limit myself to just one, but, if I had to, this would probably be the one I chose. It’s so good… very good!!!

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Londo Mollari 12 years ago

I was on their website the other day when they did the grand unveiling post, but was too timid to order a tin. With such a pretty website I am so glad to hear the tea lives up to the image! I am not much of a trailblazer but I am glad someone is. Thanks for the post!

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Their Tins are really nice too. I really recommend this tea, and it makes me eager to try the others they have available, too.

Mrnixonpants 12 years ago

Hmmm… I’m curious now

Azzrian 12 years ago

Good lord this sounds yummy!!!!

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

@Azzrian: It is! And I’ve got some already packaged up for you! :)

Nik 12 years ago

What a great tasting note, thanks! I know Terri is always on the lookout for yummy breakfast blends; I’m going to send her a link to this to make sure she doesn’t miss it.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Thanks, Nik, for calling my attention to this post! Although I try to read everyone’s reviews, sometimes I miss a few, due to my crazy busy life. This was one of the ones I missed.

This sounds awesome, & right up my alley as a lover of rich black malty tasty teas! I haven’t tried Hugo Teas yet, but it think I feel an order coming on… Nice Review, LiberTEAS. Thanks!

HUGO TEA COMPANY 12 years ago

Thank you all for your kind support. The Morning’s Journey Blend was truly years in the making. About the others—we keep a limited line (never more than five), in order to keep pricing reasonable and to ensure that our teas are first-and-foremost drinkable (meaning less bitterness, natural sweetness, and smoothness).

Also, the tins aren’t just pretty—they are completely recyclable.

ashmanra 12 years ago

Hmmm, you are making me think about breaking my tea buying ban…

HUGO TEA COMPANY 12 years ago

@Ashmanra, you are welcome to think as long as you’d like. The Morning’s Journey isn’t going anywhere…nor is Steamed Cloud…nor is Pan-Fired Pagoda…nor is Hill Station.

Did we mention that we have some of the lowest prices on Finum Strainers and Filters?

Cheers. :-)

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3519 tasting notes

I am drinking a huge pot of this today! I made a steep in my small pot, poured it, and made another and this is still plenty strong, so hooray for all us resteepers!

The nice thing about this tea is that it is strong enough for morning but doesn’t make you feel like you need to do CPR on your tongue. I am awake, oh yes, but I am not traumatized.

And why did I make so much? To try out a new teapot! My doorbell rang just after eight this morning and I saw a FedEx truck. There on my doorstep was a huge box. Ike the puppy had sent me a tea service for six as a thank you gift for taking care of him while his master was in the hospital! Ike will be here again tomorrow to share my English muffin at breakfast, as he usually is, on Tuesdays. He may get jam on his piece tomorrow!

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Sil 12 years ago

that’s a pretty awesome “thank you”

ashmanra 12 years ago

Indeed, it is, Sil!

gmathis 12 years ago

Ike has very refined taste for a canine ;)

Sandy 12 years ago

A tea service for 6! Is Ike planning on asking a few of his friends over for English muffins?

ashmanra 12 years ago

Hmm, Rosie “hit by car”, Coal, Samwise, Ike, me, that makes five. Maybe Gracie is going to have breakfast with us!

Sandy 12 years ago

It was nice of Ike to think of Gracie, too.

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15620 tasting notes

just for cavo…. finishing off the day with a cup of this tea. :)

Terri was kind enough to send some of this my way and while i’ve been drinking this tonight i’ve been perplexed. I’m not sure how i feel about this tea. It’s smooth…and then there’s this weirdo mid taste and then i’m confused again. I like it..but it’s going to need another few cups for me to land on where i feel about this one. Still glad to be trying it out though!

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TeaLady441 11 years ago


Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Did I send you enough to get a decent sampling of it? If not, * can always send a little more. :)

Sil 11 years ago

I have lots! :) I can drink normal ppl cups too haha

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

You might need one of the new DavidsTea Latte mugs, Sil! 24oz of tea! (I want one…)

Sil 11 years ago


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1598 tasting notes

Sometimes you drink a tea sample, and only have enough to enjoy two cups, and then poof! It’s gone. And months go by, and even a year goes by and you’ve had hundreds of cups of different teas in between, and yet, you still find yourself thinking about this cup. This one that got away.

And then you email the company to see about ordering something similar and is there a way to make the shipping to Canada more affordable, and they reply back that they can offer you a custom black tea package deal and throw in that tea that got away since they can see you’re such a huge fan of it…

And it finally arrives!

And the tins are beautifully packaged and the box smells amazing. There’s no question which tea to try first. And it’s just as good as you remember! Your memory doesn’t fail you. Everything is so amazing!!!

(And I highly, highly recommend ordering from Hugo Teas due to their incredible customer service. I did the entire transaction through Facebook and they were very quick/responsive, as well as adding several dashes of humour.)

Flavors: Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
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Courtney 11 years ago

Tea companies with great customer service and great teas are the best!

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Oh, that’s so awesome! So glad to hear about another company with superlative customer service. :)

looseTman 11 years ago

Cavocorax, Agreed, Organic Morning’s Journey is excellent and Tyler obviously cares about customer service. Have you also tasted his Full-Steam Black Tea?

Sami Kelsh 11 years ago

This is such a beautiful story. wipes a tear

TeaLady441 11 years ago

I haven’t tried it yet, but I bought it! I told him that I was interested in his tea, but couldn’t see hitting the free shipping threshold due go the limited selection of black teas, and he loaded me up with four different ones. :). Maybe I’ll go back for some non-black teas in the future. I’m just so impressed!

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

That’s cool!

TeaLady441 11 years ago

:) I feel really lucky! I’m so happy I facebooked them!

TeaTiff 11 years ago

So when you posted pictures of your orders today in the mail thread I had to look. I saw KC, MO and thought man another tea company here in KC I didn’t know about. I am going to have to hunt down where he sells his tea and pick some up. Shang and Hugo in the same city, who would have thought. I am really interested in trying this now.

TeaLady441 11 years ago

I haven’t heard of Shang, but I hope you enjoy Hugo!

HUGO TEA COMPANY 11 years ago

This is all quite wonderful.

If we still carried Morning’s Journey (aside from the heavily guarded private stock), then we’d post this nice bit of prose on the website—but that would be rather rude for everyone who can’t enjoy it like this.

Thanks for the support.


TeaLady441 11 years ago

Awww. I was hoping you wouldn’t mind my review. I can’t wait to dig into the rest!

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3011 tasting notes

Found myself in that situation where there’s a little more than needed for one cup, not enough for two, so I dragged out a big mug and made with lots of leaf and a shorter steep (3 1/2 min). Lots of malt and cocoa, less of the raisin-esque character I noted the first time around. I’m thinking this is one of those rare and wonderful breakfast teas you just can’t ruin.

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Nicole 12 years ago

I really need to get out next week and get some of this. It gets such good reviews and “malty” definitely puts it in my interest range!

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I should add another tin of this to my cupboard, it was pretty nice :)

Sil 12 years ago

heh i should try this one sometime lol

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807 tasting notes

Enjoying an interesting cup of this tea thanks to LiberTEAS
It says there are three kinds of black tea in here but I am going to INSIST one of those “black” teas is a puerh!
I am going to do a full review for
What I will say at this time before fully immersing myself in the cup is do not hesitate to do multiple steeps.
I am on my second cup and it has changed a lot – very good stuff.
I like steep two more than steep one as the puerh flavors are coming out stronger.
Earthy, sweet, interesting.

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HUGO TEA COMPANY 12 years ago

We hope it wouldn’t ruin your day if we told you that there isn’t any pu’erh in our Morning’s Journey—rather, there are only 100% Organic black teas here. But there are certainly pu’erh-like flavors.

We look forward to your full review!

Azzrian 12 years ago

Does not ruin my day at all … only makes the tea all that more interesting!
Wonderful how these three blacks blend into this wonderful complex flavor!
Posting review to be on the site on the 20th.
I will notate that there is in fact NOT puerh in the blend :)
Now I just need to get some for myself.
Luckily I still have enough in my sample for another session. :)
On steep four with this cup now.

HUGO TEA COMPANY 12 years ago

I’m pleased that you’re getting good mileage out of the resteeps. We have heard from some that it doesn’t resteep well.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Then they are doing it wrong :P

ashmanra 12 years ago

Sounds like one I need to try!

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139 tasting notes

Organic Morning’s Journey Black Tea – 2012

Per The 2012 Hugo Tea 2.6 oz. (75 g) tin:
“Behold friends! This is the 100% organic black tea blend you’ve been seeking. Morning’s Journey is my private blend of three black teas from three countries. This loose blend holds unparalleled balance and flavor, ready to sustain your adventures—no compass or knapsack required. Keep it close and brew it often.”

Blend of three black teas from three countries:
Fellow Steepster members have guessed Assam, Ceylon, Darjeeling, and perhaps Pu-erh. (However, since the teas come from 3 different countries, it can’t contain both Assam & Darjeeling.)

Per Hugo Teas (from review comments):
• “We hope it wouldn’t ruin your day if we told you that there isn’t any pu’erh in our Morning’s Journey—rather, there are only 100% Organic black teas here. But there are certainly pu’erh-like flavors.”
• “It does have darjeeling in it! Nice work! The other two teas are Yunnan and Ceylon :-). Happy Tea-Drinking.”

liberteas has an excellent review:

“Amount: 1 Tbsp / 8oz water Temp. 205*F (96*C) Time 3-4 min.”

1 Tablespoon – 5g (My Weigh Durascale D2 660), 8-oz filtered water (TDS: 72 PPM), heated to 205*F, brewed with a Finum tea basket in tea mug without sweeteners, milk or cream. Three steeps: 3, 4, 6, & 8 minutes.

Fragrance: Woody, warm, relaxing, pleasant, and moderately-strong
Dry leaf: Color – A few gold tips with amber, green, & dark chocolate brown < 1mm long twisted wiry leaves and small pieces.
Liquor: Clear, moderately dark copper
Aroma: Wonderful, relaxing, with a distant hint of cinnamon
Infused Leaf: Color – Mostly milk chocolate and some rustic brown leaves with some larger pieces of green leaves
Body: Full-bodied for the initial infusion and the first re-steep. Subsequent re-steeps require longer infusion times and result in a medium-bodied cup.
Caffeine: Invigorating without being aggressive like Irish-Breakfast can be.

I’ve been enjoying multiple cups of the Organic Morning’s Journey recently. The flavor profile includes malty-ness, muscatel, and a mild caramel notes. Organic Morning’s Journey has a natural mild sweetness combined with a creamy smoothness that provides a mellow and relaxing yet invigorating cup without any hint of bitterness tartness, or astringency. This is one of the very few teas that my wife will substitute for her all-time favorite tea – Earl Grey. Very well done Hugo Teas! It’s easy to see why this was such a highly-rated tea!

How will your 2013 Full-Steam Black Tea compare to Organic Morning’s Journey?

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 8 OZ / 236 ML
HUGO TEA COMPANY 12 years ago

Hey there,

This review is wonderfully thorough. I appreciate your attention to detail with the serving instructions. Alas, if only all tea-drinkers were this exacting.

Thanks so much for your support!

looseTman 12 years ago

You’re welcome. Thanks for helping me locate some 2012 O.M.J.. I look forward to tasting your 2013 Full Steam later this year.

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148 tasting notes

I have officially survived midterms and our move to a new apartment! We went from the Sunset district to a lovely place by Dolores Park. Our neighbors are very friendly and the kitties are excited by all the birds they can see outside the window.

I’ve been having this in my thermos for the past two weeks and it’s really lovely. Very smooth blend, good amount of body, and not at all bitter. A lot of full unbroken leaves in this tea and I am really impressed by the quality for the price. Hugo Tea, if you want to sell this in a larger tin, I would certainly not complain!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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canadianadia 12 years ago

congrats on completing your midterms and for the new apartment. It’s nice that you had a good tea to celebrate the momentous occasions

Sil 12 years ago

WOOT! yay for getting settled in a new place. It sounds beautiful.

Bonnie 12 years ago

Nice to be up higher and in a sunny spot. (Sort-of) The Sunset can be so foggy!

Claire 12 years ago

Bonnie, we had lots of sun outside our window this morning and Rayn and I were so pleased. No more perpetual fog bank!

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Congrats on completing midterms!

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1112 tasting notes

Next week is sure to be crazy (the university I work at starts classes, and I also start my class!) so I used this morning to cook some things for the week so that we have food on hand — black bean stew, Indian lentil stew, German potato salad, mini meatloaves with pasta, roasted hot peppers — one less thing to worry about! I’ll only need to made a few side dishes. I also made some mustard and BBQ sauce.

My reward? A nice sit down with a giant cup of this tea. It’s magical. So smooth, malty, raisiny-sweet and flavorful. Invigorating without being strong like your typical breakfast tea. I’m having some milk and sugar with it and it’s comforting and delicious this way. Those of you that have been around for awhile — I do believe it has an echo of Thomas Sampson to it :)

Many, many thanks to ashmanra for this tea!!!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 12 years ago

I thought you would like this one!

Nicole 12 years ago

Wow. You were busy this morning. :)

looseTman 12 years ago

After reading your impressions of Organic Morning’s Journey, I’m glad I ordered 1-lb of it a few days ago.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

LooseT, I tried to contact that chick to order some, but so far she hasn’t returned my call. Gonna try again tomorrow.

looseTman 12 years ago

Hi Terri, Perhaps Laura took some vacation time around the holiday weekend. I sent you additional contact info for Laura. Hopefully, that may help.

gmathis 12 years ago

You inspired me. Meat loaf for dinner! (Latent meatloaf lust has been burning in my brain since a recent rabbit-chasing chain of posts dealt with the same subject.) Happy fall!

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