Cherry Jubilee

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaLady441
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170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Herbal Infusions

Day 3
12 Teas of Christmas 2013

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8 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Thank you Cavocorax for sharing but the more I drink this, the more medicinal it tastes :(

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1598 tasting notes

And here’s this one again. Is this a sencha?

I don’t even know if I’ve had a sencha so I’m not sure where I’m getting this idea from, but it makes me think of sencha and cherry. And it’s sweet but also just a little salt. I sear I’m picking that up. It’s intersting, but not my favourite blend.

Just looking at reviews earlier and I’m reminded I will need MOAR moose tracks!

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Moose Tracks was tasty. Did you try Graham Slam? That one was my favourite after Cacao I’d say :)


Sooooo need to place an order, but first! Sipdowns must happen!


I haven’t, but I’ll add it to my shopping list, at least as a sample. And I’ll have to wait a bit before I order Moost Tracks – at least until I drink all my other Herbal Infusions teas!

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1501 tasting notes

Well, this is interesting. I’m unsure what’s in it exactly. Looks like two different kinds of green tea (one very long and fine, one almost mulch-like, or a mint perhaps), with orange rind. Smells strongly of a super sweet cherry. Steeped, it’s a light green, and tastes… well like a green cherry tea. I like it better with Truvia, but even then, there’s something that I find meh. Perhaps it’s the reaction I had to the rooibos I just drank, or maybe there’s strawberry in here.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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15267 tasting notes

this is another green from the 12 days of christmas that dexter sent my way. Again, though i am happy to try new teas, im not a fan of this one. There’s something in this one that makes me scrunch my face up. glad to have tried this, but it won’t be a reorder any time soon! :)

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1040 tasting notes

Drinking the last of this today. It’s ok – I’m not finding the medicinal qualities that others disliked. It is lacking in cherry though (that could be age though) – so I tossed in a little Cherry Passion from River Tea and all is well in my world….


I just can’t find a cherry tea I really like. Might have to look at this one. I broke down today and finally tried one of the Petey’s Bing Cherry ginseng drinks since they were on sale. That was a mistake. It was awesomely delicious and they don’t go on sale very often.


I LOVE cherry tea – and I agree it’s hard to find a good one. I’ve tried a gazillion of them (I understand that everyone’s tastes are different) and what I’ve found that works the best for me is adding cherry tisane to a base that I like. I haven’t found my favorite cherry green – but I have a green that I like and I add cherry tisane to it (ditto white and black). My two favorite cherry tisanes are: Cherry Goddess from Tealux and Pondi Cherry from New Mexico Tea Company. I hope that helps…


I know like NM Tea Co.‘s stuff. I’ll have to put that on my list and add it to my next order with them. Thanks, Dexter!


I love how beautiful NMTC labels are and I really appreciate that you can buy them to put on your own tins…. I don’t order from them enough, I think they are getting overlooked as I keep trying new things – I should really move them up on the priority list to purchase from. :))

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4246 tasting notes

Thanks so much for this one, MissB! Herbal Infusions is this new intriguing tea company that I probably shouldn’t know about. haha. I just wish they would list the ingredients in their teas. The leaves here are different – there are two types of green tea I think. The fragrance seems like marzipan but it isn’t in the flavor at all. It’s a nice buttery green but it seems like the other green tea could be a tiny bit more vegetal with a refreshing cherry flavor. The cherry subtle but any more and it might take on a fakey flavor. I was craving cherry today. (I think I have teas for many craves I have… which is great because I don’t usually have it in the actual flavor.)


I never noticed they don’t do that. Hmm. I actually love how natural tasting all their teas are. That’s what hooked me – I’m sensitive to “fake” flavours.

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