I had to kick my daughter off the computer (she was editing a wiki), just so that I could log this tea quick…
This was a sample that MissB sent me in a box of awesomeness… I was honestly a little hesitant in trying it because I didn’t think that I liked milk oolongs. I’ve tried only one, admittedly, but it just was not my thing…
Well, here is an example of tea being fantastically unpredictable at times, because I absolutely love this tea. love it.
I’m using a porcelain gaiwan and doing short steeps, and am loving each and every cup I’m getting.
I’ve never had a tea like this before, where the leaves were rolled up into little balls, but with this sort of powdery exterior… really looking more like pellets than rolled tea.
The tea is quite sweet…very sweet finish. And, I do get a hint of stone fruit there…
So glad I tried this today!
Ok….letting my daughter back on the computer now. :D
ETA: In my hurry, I forgot to say THANK YOU to MissB (geesh! how rude of me!).
Also, I read the other note for this tea, and I am picking up on a ‘licorice root’ sort of sweetness… hmmm.. I wonder if that’s actually added to this tea?
I’ve read that the ginseng can have that sweetness as well. I find ginseng tastes like dirt, though, so I’m not entirely sure about it. :)
Oh, I though it was a ginseng oolong from your description of a powdery exterior. Interesting.
It probably totally was a ginseng oolong! lol It says “milk oolong”, but if you go to the website, it says ginseng… and i have no experience with ginseng.
So, that’s what the powdery exterior was?!?
Yeah! I haven’t tried one, but I’m curious. :) They do look really neat.
I googled, and the tea most definitely looked like a ‘ginseng oolong’. How fun! Thank you so much, OMGsrsly! I had no idea that’s what I was drinking. I definitely did like it…and it gave infusion after infusion. Actually, I’m going to set my gaiwan aside and try to get more out of the leaves tomorrow. :)