
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by teaplz
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 45 sec 2 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m not entirely on speaking terms with my tummy at the moment. Or rather, it is not entirely on speaking terms with me. That seems to be a trend around Steepster at the moment. I was catching up...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really need to try to space out my tasting notes. I tend to not write any for 3-4 days and then do a whole bunch all at once. Sorry for clogging your dashes, everyone! I just get in the mood to...” Read full tasting note
  • “John Harney Appreciation Tea #10 This peppermint tea from Harney & Sons is a the perfect illustration of the principle “less is more”. Take a simple, natural ingredient and allow it to express...” Read full tasting note
  • “Now this is what I’m talking about! ALL the peppermint! I find the peppermint tisanes I’ve tried have a natural creamy component to them, and this one is no exception. So glad I stumbled upon this...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

From Oregon comes a marvelous, brisk peppermint. The peppermint leaves from this area produce a great smelling and crisp tasting tisane. We find a cup of this can also get a pesky stomach under control in no time.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

40 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

I’m not entirely on speaking terms with my tummy at the moment. Or rather, it is not entirely on speaking terms with me. That seems to be a trend around Steepster at the moment. I was catching up on people’s posts and there were a number of you that mentioned having tummy troubles.

Luckily Fleurdelily sent me a bag of this stuff in her parcel, so I’ve got me a weapon to deal with it. And I still haven’t got a return parcel put together. Really, it’s getting both embarrasing and ridiculous. At this point, however, I will probably have to say that it has to wait a little while longer, and then I solemnly swear I will have one in the mail before mid-January! It’s all due to Christmas and some other things going on right now meaning I try to be frugal and spread out extra expenses a little bit. (On the upside on that front, it looks as though January will be the last payment on my student loan! YAY! And Husband has just finished paying his as well. Those are some excellent expenses to get over and done with.)

Anyway, I’m having this peppermint tea in order to try and mollify Mrs Tummy a little bit, so I really ought to tell you about what it tastes like and whether or not it’s working.

Gosh! Minty! A bit strong too. And that’s really it. What else is there really to say about peppermint? I honestly can’t think of anything. I’ve been sitting here sipping and trying to analyse the flavour like I do with regular tea, but all I’m coming up with is ‘mint.’ So I’m throwing in the (tea) towel and moving on.

As for whether it’s working, I inhaled as I slurped the first sip, and I could feel that menthol-y feeling all the way down in my esophagus. It’s still there. It feels like breathing in frosty weather. I had a slight bit of acid burn, which seems to be soothed slightly by this, but it’s still there. It’s too soon to tell whether the tummy will become less rumbly, though, but I hope so. We shall see.

As it is, I think soothing the acid burn, even just a little bit, is worth a load of points, because that feeling is really very irritating indeed.

(I really do need to stock up on a few herbs for medicinal purposes. We haven’t got very much of the vile-but-soothing Throat Tea left either, but since that’s only chamomile and licorice root, I expect it’ll be cheaper to mix it myself.)

Hesper June

I try to always have some mint tea on hand for tummy issues as well as for congestion.
Ginger tea also is great for tummy problems.
Hope you feel better quick!


I don’t care for ginger, except in cooking or baking, so I’ll stick with mint. We’ve usually got some ginger root in the fridge though, so I do have it on hand. Husband uses it in cooking. A slice of fresh ginger steeped in boiling water was a very popular drink at my work place for a while. (And by the end of the day, it looks more like a slice of potato, LOL)


Grats on finishing (or nearly finishing) your student loan payments!


Hope you are on better terms with your stomach!

Regarding herbs, oh, try having lemonbalm (melissa officinalis) – it´s maybe the most popular herbal tisane in my country, and it is pretty nice. Slightly minty but softer, a bit more oomph than linden tea. It is nice for an upset stomach as well! Or even, and ok this was a surprise, Lipton has a “smooth digestion” tisane in my country which is actually quite OK (the easy sleep tisane from the same line is pretty bad though)

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470 tasting notes

I really need to try to space out my tasting notes. I tend to not write any for 3-4 days and then do a whole bunch all at once. Sorry for clogging your dashes, everyone! I just get in the mood to write about tea every few days.

Okay, so this note isn’t really about tea. Last night I went to our local diner, it’s my dad’s birthday week (yes, in my family you get a whole week!) and he requested a diner trip one night. We ended up going after Survivor (another family tradition), so we got there at about 9:30. But it’s a diner, they’re 24 hours! We got a really weird mix of food: my mom (who cares only about dessert) got greek yogurt, my dad got banana pancakes and I got spaghetti & meatballs. Which were totally phenomenal.

I was hesitant to get tea with my dessert (a totally divine cannoli) because, well, it’s a diner. But I saw some brightly colored boxes on the back wall that I immediately identified as Harney & Sons. What, H&S in my local diner?! Awesome! Since it was rather late I just got peppermint, which while simple is one of my favorite herbs. It’s just so naturally sweet and refreshing and relaxing.

It’s kind of hard to rate peppermint teas—I mean, it’s just one ingredient! But this was a really nice one. Smooth and naturally creamy, with a strong but not overly strong bite from the peppermint and that great natural sweetness. That’s why I love peppermint and not spearmint! Bleurgh, spearmint. My arch mint enemy! This, though, was the perfect after-dinner treat.


What a lovely post! Hey I am the same way that you are! I have to be in the mindset to write about tea and other times I just want to drink it and enjoy it for what it is :)
The Bday week is AWESOME and the way you all order sounds the way my family does lol

Terri HarpLady

Peppermint totally wins out over spearmint anytime!


Oh, I agree with both of you. Spearmint gets ptooied unless heavily masked by other things, but peppermint is delicious.


Harney and Sons at a diner! Awesome!!

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1737 tasting notes

John Harney Appreciation Tea #10

This peppermint tea from Harney & Sons is a the perfect illustration of the principle “less is more”. Take a simple, natural ingredient and allow it to express its natural beauty and complexity.


I so agree with this statement :-)

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1434 tasting notes

Now this is what I’m talking about! ALL the peppermint! I find the peppermint tisanes I’ve tried have a natural creamy component to them, and this one is no exception. So glad I stumbled upon this tin in the grocery store today. Harney & Sons have very pretty tins and tea bags- I couldn’t resist. I also bought mint leaves. I’m stocked up.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Where oh where can one find H&S here?


In canada?


Yeah! I’ve never seen it anywhere.


I have had better luck finding mariage freres and a few others but i did spot a Harney & Sons in Pusateries the other day….ie high end grocery stores. I’ll keep an eye out and let you know. Maybe Kettlecrow can tell us which grocery store in the area had it heh.

Also, though it’s a ways away…if i head to New York I’ll try and let a few canadian tea friends know so they can place a few requests. I don’t mind coming back with a suitcase full of tea. haha


Have you been to Pepper’s Foods down at Cadboro Bay? They had a small selection by the coffee in the back. Chapters sometimes carries a few boxes too!


Ohhh, I keep meaning to go to Pepper’s but always put it off. And I never bothered looking at Chapters.

Oh yeah, I can only imagine that TO has more options. Mariage Freres, wow, good luck finding that here, I’m sure.


if you have a williams sonoma – you have marriage freres. :) We had them in edmonton, so i’m thinking you might have one there, or at least over in vancouver.

Sil apparently has the sachets and will deliver..didn’t price compare but might be an option lol


Oh that’s right, Edmonton does have one. Not Victoria though. But now that’s another thing to add on my list when I go home for a visit!

Wow, thanks for the link! I was more curious about where a person could possibly find it in person. I don’t mind ordering directly from them. Just thought the concept of seeing H&S on store shelves here was insane haha.


yeah. the teas area always in the weird places i find. ie bookstores, high end kitchen stores, high end grocery stores etc. i was totally excited to see the tins of dammann freres lined up here in beijing. that was super cool. :)


Oh yeah, the tea options there must be amazing!


Thanks for the link; the shipping isn’t bad either. If I take to this peppermint it’s cheaper to order the loose from that website than pick up another tin.

I think Chapters stocks more of the Ambessa H&S right now, but they switch it up from time to time.


Do you have Barnes and Noble bookstores? They sell it there!

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115 tasting notes

Been drinking this every morning as I recover during what’s now the 3rd week of the flu/strep. Good flavor and holds up well to long steeps and multiple infusions throughout the day. Helps the throat and settles the tummy. I don’t think there is a ton of variation among straight peppermint teas, but this one is solid.


3 weeks? That is a serious bug.


man hope you feel better soon! eesh!

Terri HarpLady

Bummer! Rest & recoup, & hopefully you’ll feel better quickly!


Feel better soon!


Thanks guys. It’s actually just the start of the 3rd week. First was flu. Second was strep. Mostly recovered now just dealing with a lingering couch.


Cough :)


My advice, have a cuppa and post in the morning!


Thanks guys!

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206 tasting notes

I have been sick for the past week with tonsillitis, again…. 8th time in 2 years. I hate it. So this tea was a life saver and has been my rock. What I love about this tea is that it isn’t just peppermint. Its a mixture of so many soothing elements…its a must have if you are a peppermint tea lover or just to keep on hand when you are sick. Peppermint Herbal gets two thumbs up from this girl:)


Tonsilitis sucks!!! Feel better soon!


As someone who used to get strep and tonsillitis more than I care to admit, surgery seriously changed my life. It’s a pain in the neck and you’re out of commission for awhile, but it stopped the majority of the infections.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

thank you Scribbles! and Jeweledthumb… i have been wanting to get them removed but people keep telling me it is a painful procedure and takes forever to recover. I have a high tolerance for pain, but i am still nervous. How long was the procedure and recovery if you do not mind me asking.


To be honest, I don’t remember how long the procedure was, but I received general anesthesia. My (full) recovery was 4 weeks. I won’t lie, it was extremely painful and I could barely even drink due to the pain, BUT even with the pain, it did eventually go away (and they give you pain meds) and it sure beats getting throat infections so often! I scheduled the surgery during the summer. If you do have it, make sure you have someone take care of you for at least the week after surgery. Best of luck whatever you decide. =)

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Thank you so much!

Short Sorceress

I had my tonsils removed when I was 17 and it made a world of difference. Now I rarely even get a sore throat. Recovery time for me was about two weeks, but the older you are the longer it takes to recover. If it is something you are considering I wouldn’t put it off, the recovery time is a minor inconvenience when you think about how much better you will feel in the long run.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Thank you everyone!!!

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323 tasting notes

Eurgh. I do not feel good. Here’s to hoping this settles my stomach down a bit.

Josie Jade

Feel better!


Oh dear! Go to work, peppermint, and make it better!


I hope you feel better!


Thank you guys! I’m a bit better now :)

Rachel J

Glad you feel better!

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253 tasting notes

New tea, and great experience so far! I love the packaging. I’m thinking up alternative uses for the tin already. Also, the sachet is very smooth feeling and you can tell its good quality. It has the greatest amount of full leaves I’ve ever seen in a tea bag! So I steeped this in 16 ounces, which was recommended on the package, and my first impression was that this was a very beautiful peppermint. The liquid stayed a pretty green color for a very long time before settling into a greenish color color (prettier than it sounds). Drinking it, however, the flavor is not as strong as I would have liked it to be, which is surprising just giving the sheer amount of leaves in the sachet. Anyway, next time less water and more flavor!

Sidenote: Does anyone know why the instructions say to boil water until the pot is hot and then discard the water? o.O

ETA: a later second steep of this tea was a no-go. Very bad :(

Boiling 8 min or more

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187 tasting notes

I was out this morning, at Cucina and Co., a place where there’s lots of gourmet food, but it’s usually high-priced. I really wanted tea to go along with my breakfast, and the options were very, very slim. There was only Bigelow-everything, Twinings English Breakfast, and this. Since the tea was going to cost me $1.67, I figured that I’d pick out something that I hadn’t tried yet. And since I’ve heard great things about Harney & Sons (and have really enjoyed their Decaf Ceylon when I had the chance), I gave this one a shot.

I wasn’t disappointed. This one was the best peppermint I’ve ever had in a bag. It comes fairly close to loose leaf, I’d even say. The taste was incredibly fresh and light, with a great, great minty kick. That menthol feeling coating your mouth was sublime. It didn’t have any of the bitterness that I sometimes taste in peppermint. I really enjoyed the entirety of my cup. Was it what I planned on drinking originally this morning? Nope. But for on-the-go, it definitely worked in my favor.

Boiling 6 min, 15 sec

I don’t usually like mint in my food or drink…it reminds me too much of mouthwash or toothpaste. When I was down in DC in October, though, we went to this fantastic Morroccan restaurant, and they served (of course) Morroccan mint tea at the end of it…with the pouring-from-on-high tradition and everything (there were bellydancers and giant pots of food you eat with your hands in a circle, that’s the kind of place I’m talking about). I could probably drink VATS of the stuff prepared the way they had, and I’ve been kind of wanting a mint tea since then…maybe I’ll give this one a go!

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259 tasting notes

Out to a bookstore/tea/coffee place with some friends late on Saturday night. Caffeine is out for me. I notice that Harney & Sons teas are being sold.

This is a post-prandial cup of tea and I’m stuffed to the gills. Plain peppermint seems like an excellent, simple, uncomplicated choice for the occasion.

I ordered a “medium” and they put two tea bags in the cup. I am quite certain that their water was about 50 times the temperature of boiling—maybe their water was about 2500 degrees on the Kelvin scale. So my tea steeped for a good ten minutes before I could take a taste.

Finally I was rewarded with a big, single-note peppermint tea that was more flavorful than other peppermints I have had. I don’t feel a need to keep this at home, but if I ever wanted a straight, strict peppermint, I would turn to Harney & Sons. This refreshing tea kept me perky and also permitted me to descend into the arms of Morpheus when the time came.

Boiling 8 min or more

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