Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Floral, Herbs, Honey, Sweet, Drying, Nectar, Wood, Hay, Forest Floor, Herbaceous, Plant Stems, Salt, Vegetal, Cream, Grass, Pastries, Straw, Flowers
Sold in
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 9 oz / 262 ml

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  • “I got this as a sample from Harney & Sons. I think this Tilleul must be an acquired taste or something. I was looking for something to use as a nighttime bev in addition to my chamomile and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow, after reading these reviews I was terrified to try this, but as I’m having trouble being the least bit tired tonight I decided to give it a go. It really reminds me of CS Original Sleepytime...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was my first experience with tilleul. I thought I would like it, but I was unimpressed. There just really wasn’t much flavor to it at all; it went beyond “delicate” to “boiled water with a...” Read full tasting note
  • “After reading the reviews I was prepared to toss the cup after the first couple sips, but it’s actually not bad at all. Full disclosure: freshly brewed, I think it smells like fresh cat urine. ...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

From the picturesque village of Carpentras in Provence, France comes Tilleul, a light and lively blend of the linden tree’s fragrant flowers and leaves. The naturally caffeine-free herbal is prized for its subtle floral quality as well as its mild digestive and sleep benefits. The flowers and tender leaves produce a light, woodsy brew, as beautiful as its taste, in a mingling of forest-like green and yellow that’s all part of the charm. NowRead more

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

24 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

I got this as a sample from Harney & Sons. I think this Tilleul must be an acquired taste or something. I was looking for something to use as a nighttime bev in addition to my chamomile and verbena. This smells like a chlorinated swimming pool and tastes bitter to me. I am not one to sweeten any tea but I needed some sugar to help it along.

Recently I read this is a very popular cold remedy in Europe. I dunno… For sure not a favorite but I doubt this has anything to do with Harney. More likely it’s the nature of the beast.

307tea 12 years ago

I actually bought a box based on the description and had the same negative reaction. Not what I expected or desired. I just forgot about it until I realized I ran out of my chamomile tea during my latest flu/cold. Desperate I made a cup and let me tell you this tea is fabulous. Maybe with my lessened olfactory senses it tastes different, but for sure it is great. It is creamier than chamomile and more satisfying than lemon. and being sick, it really relieved some of my discomfort. I will not be without it during a cold season.

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1015 tasting notes

Wow, after reading these reviews I was terrified to try this, but as I’m having trouble being the least bit tired tonight I decided to give it a go. It really reminds me of CS Original Sleepytime but without the slight mint. With a bit of sweetener it isn’t that bad and if it helps me get to sleep sooner rather than later I’ll probably throw this or the mint version in the cart next time I order from Harney.

mpierce87 11 years ago

Actually, the more I drink this – its alright, but I’ll probably just stick with my bagged CS Sleepytime Vanilla that is so easy to come by.

mpierce87 11 years ago

Plus, I’m still not the least bit tired… :(

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82 tasting notes

This was my first experience with tilleul. I thought I would like it, but I was unimpressed. There just really wasn’t much flavor to it at all; it went beyond “delicate” to “boiled water with a very slight aftertaste if you hunt for it.” It was really disappointing, particularly because the other Harney and Sons teas I’ve been trying have been anywhere from solid to oh my gosh amazing. This is the first real miss.

It smells great, though. If it tasted like it smells, I probably would have loved it.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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100 tasting notes

After reading the reviews I was prepared to toss the cup after the first couple sips, but it’s actually not bad at all. Full disclosure: freshly brewed, I think it smells like fresh cat urine. But if you can get past that… it’s alright.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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123 tasting notes

Opened my sample packet and sniffed. Decided I would like to wear it dabbed behind my ears but perhaps not drink it quite yet. Resealed packet.

(Later) Tried cold-brewing and ended up with a pretty little wet silk bag of flowers and linden leaves in room-temp water. Decided to nuke it for 4 minutes, bag-in, in the microwave.

Result: pale, pretty blonde flowery liquid. As it continues to brew, the flowery scent yields to… something not as pleasant. Removed the bag.

Attempted to strain bag over cup since it was pretty soggy, using tried-and-true bag-in-spoon, string-wrapped-around technique. String separated from bag, causing bag to splash into mug and part of tea infusion to splash OUT of mug.

This stuff had better be damn good.

Now sipping it plain… Nope. No discernible flavor. Well, maybe a little. Probably a few drops of honey would bring it out a bit. But I think I’d rather have a plain jasmine-scented cup than this. I bought a sample bag and I won’t be buying more.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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3519 tasting notes


This was actually a sharedown. I ended up with a huge amount of Tilluel and decided to share this one with someone who loves using lots of natural remedies.

I still have a big bag of Theodor Tilluel Mint left for cold and flu season.

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2075 tasting notes

Guess who reached SIPDOWN 40 and made all 4 teas as sipdowns today?

Thank you derk for Czech national tree cuppa today. I repeat myself as last note… why people dislike this? For me, it’s perfect repose for evening. I think I can count with my fingers only number of linden teas I had. So, not biased at all.

Yummy, a bit nectar-honey-like, herbal (of course); a bit drying today maybe? Well, I wasn’t taking care about tea sachet in, it could be in for 5… maybe more minutes. But overall, I again repeat: “I DO LIKE it”!

PS: Maybe it needs other than microwave warmed up water? I do all the tea with stovetop kettle… I never understood the idea of heating up water in microwave. That water tastes different and WRONG.

Flavors: Drying, Herbs, Honey, Nectar

205 °F / 96 °C 10 OZ / 300 ML
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Courtney 4 years ago

Woot! Good job on all the sipdowns!

Mastress Alita 4 years ago

In my very infant tea-drinking days, I just stuck a teabag in a mug of microwaved water and was fine with that. Now I think back on that and shudder; at some point, microwaved water instead of kettle-boiled water started tasting “different and wrong” to me too!

White Antlers 4 years ago

Microwaved tea water or that’instant hot’ stuff that some office coolers have is just WRONG. : p

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Thank you Courtney! At least something positive on staying at home all the time.

I have tried it once Mastress Alita, when our kettle was broken or maybe there was vinegar in (to dissolve the scale in). I don’t remember. It was awful water with even worse tea in. I don’t know what it was back then, but rather nothing than this!

White Antlers: That instant hot stuff is sometimes my guilty pleasure. With loads of sugar. Mostly drank because of needed sugar.

White Antlers 4 years ago

Martin I won’t judge you. lol

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1655 tasting notes

This was a desperation purchase to tide me over until my order was ready for pickup at the local apothecary. Had there not been a 25% off sale going on the moment I was browsing Harney’s website, I would have passed as these linden sachets are expensive. High demand in these strange times, reduced harvest, supply chain interruptions?

The full sachet contains fine sifted leaf. If I were served this blind, I wouldn’t be able to tell. It’s all sweet nectar floral, a bit of soft wood, forest herbs. A delightfully elegant full-bodied elixir.

One thing I have to mention is Harney’s absurd amount of packaging. The envelope is 2 to 3 times the surface area of the sachet itself (I noticed the same thing with a recent purchase from Rishi Tea). Twenty sachets to an oversized paper box. A large cardboard box stuffed with craft paper to ship it.

Should you not give a damn about excessive packaging, I do recommend Tilleul. Though it does seem, based upon other reviews, that I have the minority opinion of this tisane.

Flavors: Floral, Herbs, Nectar, Sweet, Wood

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML
White Antlers 5 years ago

I just got an as yet untried sample sachet of this with my Queen Catherine order. Thought it was just me, the crotchety old lady, who was annoyed at all the packaging. Enough craft paper to use as school book covers for 2 years. (I am sure no one makes book covers anymore…)

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65 tasting notes

If I could give this a negative rating, I would. It was on clearance when I was shopping on H&S’ website and figured it couldn’t be that bad for just $5. Wrong.

Flavors: Hay

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46 tasting notes

This tea is also known as Linden leaf tea. I suppose it is a bit of an acquired taste. Personally, I love it. It took me a little while to love it. It does the trick in helping me fall asleep at night. The leaves are big, fluffy and bulky. It’s an airy light tea, so it takes up a lot of space. It’s a bit messy to get out of the bag/tin/container. You have to use a fair amount of leaves. The leaves are fragile and break easy. What I like about this version of Linden is it is not to flowery. I’ve had very flowery versions that are just to much. This one has a nice flower to leaf ratio. The liquor is extremely light. That’s how it should be. Like a white tea. The smell is strong potent but light at the same time. Salty, astringent, woodsy, delicate. It tastes like it smells in my opinion. Sort of like a chamomile but with a certain herbaceous note.

Flavors: Floral, Forest Floor, Herbaceous, Plant Stems, Salt, Vegetal

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