Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Black Tea, Natural Flavours
Chocolate, Alcohol, Candy, Fruity, Raisins, Toasted, Toasty, Cocoa, Coffee, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Espresso, Malt, Creamy, Smooth, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Edit tea info Last updated by Majkia
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 319 ml

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42 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown no. 26 for the year 2014. I forgot how much I loved this. In looking back at my first note, I believe I was chintzy with the rating. Particularly after now having tasted many other...” Read full tasting note
  • “holy whoa. i had a cup of this yesterday. it was nice, but not notable. i kinda forgot about it right after drinking it. then i came here and read Miss Starfish’s mention of steeping longer and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dry, this smells of rich cocoa and black tea. MMMmmmmm! I tried this at 3 minutes (which is usually my cut off point for blacks) and while I liked it, I chose to steep it for another minute. I was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Just back from seeing Avatar. My heart hurts! I needed something extremely comforting and chose a double portion of this. I love the way you still taste tea as well as the chocolate – I bet it’s...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

If you love chocolate and tea, and want to experience the two as one, our Chocolate Tea is an apropos choice for you. With its China black base and rich aroma, it’s rated quite highly by all the chocolate fanatics here at Harney & Sons.

A family collaboration inspired our HT Collection, grounded in the Harney family tradition to provide the highest quality full-leaf teas that may be enjoyed as an affordable luxury.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

42 Tasting Notes

2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 26 for the year 2014. I forgot how much I loved this.

In looking back at my first note, I believe I was chintzy with the rating. Particularly after now having tasted many other chocolate teas, some of which were much too subtle with their chocolate flavor for my taste (I’m not naming any names but it starts with a K and ends with an i). This is a really stellar example of a chocolate tea in my book. No other flavors, just chocolate, and a very chocolatey chocolate at that. (Even given the age of the sample, which was open though ziplocked!) Bumping the rating accordingly.


I wish I could find this one!


Looks like it is still available from the Harney web site.


Harney really seems to have nailed the chocolate flavor tea. Personally, I have never tried this but I have had Florence and SoHo and both have great chocolate tastes.


Great work on the sip downs! I need to emulate you! ;-)


VT, yes—I think it’s the same chocolate that’s in Florence but without the hazlenut. Sherapop, thanks! I’m working hard. :-)

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814 tasting notes

holy whoa.
i had a cup of this yesterday. it was nice, but not notable. i kinda forgot about it right after drinking it.
then i came here and read Miss Starfish’s mention of steeping longer and thought that was a good idea.
so this morning, after my 5 minute steeped cup, i was WIRED! and it was delicious! or maybe that’s the caffeine motivated positivity talking.
who knows. who cares!
when i place another harney order i’ll probably throw a sample of this in again. i don’t need 4oz of it, but an enjoyable cup or two is definitely in the ‘do want’ column.

oddree and i were too tired to watch Sherlock on Sunday night, so we watched last night. and i’m not gonna say any spoilers. but episode 3 was kinda bonkers. all over the place. and i SERIOUSLY need to re-watch this whole season. the show is so fast paced that i get TONS of new things from re-watches. (i feel like the creators know that and have made each season even more complex than the previous one for this reason.)


Bonkers is right! I’m watching it now, and holy moly…


I couldn’t be bothered to find a stream or tv so I’m waiting for the dvd to come.


Every hour or so I remember the episode and go “Whoa!” all over again. Like, did that really happen? All of that? Will def have to rewatch about 10 times, like with the last 2 series. With lots of tea. Sherlock-themed tea.


Watching an entire season sounds like a lot of work!


I still have only watched part way into the second episode because I can’t get them to stream without excessive lag and that is no way to watch Sherlock! You are definitely right about picking up on more during the rewatches. One thing I thought was kinda cute was they used Benedict Cumberbatch’s actual parents to play Sherlock’s parents :)

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100 tasting notes

Dry, this smells of rich cocoa and black tea. MMMmmmmm!

I tried this at 3 minutes (which is usually my cut off point for blacks) and while I liked it, I chose to steep it for another minute. I was pleasantly surprised, this actually pulls of a semblance of chocolate, unlike other chocolate teas I’ve tried. Not artificial chocolate, or cheap oily chocolate, but rich dark chocolate. I added milk to try to bring out any creamy notes if present, but it overwhelmed the cup.

Next time I’ll try a 5 minute steep or overleafing if I’m planning to have it with milk. Quite nice on it’s own though.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1112 tasting notes

Just back from seeing Avatar. My heart hurts! I needed something extremely comforting and chose a double portion of this. I love the way you still taste tea as well as the chocolate – I bet it’s not easy to achieve that balance (and something I feel Harney & Sons is particularly good at with all of their teas).

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I love dessert teas, but I’m very fickle about them- being able to taste the tea is a must. Glad this qualifies!


I’ve heard there are some eye-straining problems with Avatar. Something to do with papyrus subtitles which I can’t really imagine. Is it a good story otherwise?


I liked it a lot. I was fine with the subtitles (they were few and far between). I was so into the Avatar world that I was completely disoriented when someone needed to get through to use the restroom! (Maybe I’m a big sap, but) I cried from about the middle to the end!!! People were saying that it was predictable, but I thought a better way of putting it was that the story was archetypal. I won’t give anything away in case you decide to go see it!


Cool. :) I think I’ll see if I can go and see it.

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612 tasting notes

For a chocolate-and-nothing-else flavored tea this is pretty good! The smell is excellent dry, steeping, and finished. But as is true with most chocolate teas, it leaves one a little wanting not because it’s a bad specimen but it’s just…it’s not just good ol’ straight up chocolate. You know? (And then you’re like well, duh.) Still, nice cup. While it has a slight raspiness to let you know there’s tea in there, the tea is certainly not the star, just a ho-hum backdrop for lots of milk chocolate aroma. I have a feeling the chocolate mint’s going to be an improvement, as I can practically hallucinate peppermint right into this cup with a lovely tingle on the tongue, yum. Smells like a thin mint.

ETA I resteeped this for 5 minutes and it was quite good, smoother and still very chocolate-y. I’m digging it! Nice caffeinated option when I don’t want the intense richness of cacao tisanes or saltysugarbombed packet-y Choco-Late. The first tea that tastes like the liquified coating of yeah, Thin Mints. Not quite gourmet truly intense cacao drink nor fake sugary wax either, but the coating on mainstream bon bons. Nice.

Flavors: Chocolate

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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3499 tasting notes

I served this tea last at tea party today because I didn’t want the chocolate flavor of the tea to compete with the chocolate dipped strawberries. This is good but I think chocolate flavor in tea just isn’t a favorite thing for me, though I adore tea that has strong cocoa notes that are natural, like Emperor’s Red or Fengqing Dragon Pearls. I liked it, I drank it, but when it is gone I really can’t see myself reordering it – not because it is bad, but because I would rather have plain tea with real chocolates than chocolate tea!


That’s what I think too. I love dark chocolate, no chocolate tea can replicate this flavor for me. I’d rather have small piece of a real thing;)


Boychik: I love dark chocolate, too. When I was very young I liked milk chocolate, but my tastes have changed much as an adult. My son has always loved dark chocolate since he was a tiny child, and doctors in Raleigh send their pediatric patients to the “chocolate consultant” at the Lindt store so their mommies will get them accustomed to dark chocolate to boost their immune systems.


lol I didnt know that. my kids are crazy about dark chocolate. to control portions i started giving them dark chocolate chunks from Trader Joe. so like 5 chocolate chunks. And i love Lindt too;)

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220 tasting notes

Chocolate is divine. Chocolate flavoured things however, tend to be that weird seemingly token “artificial chocolate flavour”, so I had rather low expectations for this one. The aroma is very much Proper Chocolate, but I having been deceived by the smell of dry leaves before, I kicked my expectations back down again. My poor mistreated expectations really needn’t have been abused so readily, because this my friends, is what all other chocolate flavoured black teas wish they could be. Rich in chocolate flavour and thankfully not artificially sweet tasting, I think this is perfect with a splash of milk and several pieces of buttery shortbread still warm from the oven.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

That sounds fantastic, would love to get my hands on some… not easy in the land of Oz though…

Miss Sweet

Haha how strange! We actually have a NZ based distributor for Harney teas which I thought was incredibly surprising (given that its impossible to find anything from overseas here).

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2970 tasting notes

The is the last untried chocolate tea in my cupboard (I think….).
The is also one of the last Harney samples I ordered. This is perfectly servicable, but a little light.
Not compleatly overwhelmed. I find that there are other chocolate teas that I like more.


Have you tried chocolate delight by Tealux? It’s like hot cocoa!


I have not. Thats going on the shopping list!


I have a Chocolate Delight but I think it is by The Tea Guys. It is amazing.

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985 tasting notes

Thank you to Fairyfli for sharing her Harney Son’s Chocolate Tea with me. This tea has been in and out of my cart at the Harney’s website so many times….and now she has put me out of my indecision! What a relief!

The base seems very similar to Florence, but I can taste more chocolate than from Florence (which is kind of obvious, right? As there is not any hazelnut in this blend…) It does taste like chocolate and tea together, but nothing like hot cocoa. I do like this, but will hold off on a rating for a few more cups since she sent me a healthy trial! The only addition was sweetener. I am finding milk just ruins smooth teas for me. I will have to reserve the milk for the bolder teas…..

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I’ve been wondering about this one myself, and now I’ll definitely be ordering a sample the next time I order from Harney!

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6768 tasting notes

I got this one in a tea swap as well! I couldn’t smell chocolate when I opened the bag or even when I infused but as I sit here sipping I can notice it more and more and it smells great! It’s mostly black tea but the chocolate is noticeable! YUM!

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