Chinese Flower

Tea type
Fruit Green Herbal Blend
Not available
Lemon, Orange, Honey, Rose, Soap, Lemon Zest, Citrus, Flowers, Vegetal, Fruit Tree Flowers, Orange Zest
Sold in
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Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Nicole
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 379 ml

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46 Tasting Notes View all

  • “my it’s been a couple of days! brilliant because of classes winding down and very satisfying grades being locked in place…. but sad with the death of nelson mandela. i wonder if it would have hit...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow! I was so confused in the beginning of this cup but found myself IN LOVE! See full review here on the 13th. I just want to say thank you to Invader Zim for sending...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to ashmanra for this one, I am enjoying it this morning. I’m not going to rate it because my taste buds are totally askew from not feeling well but it’s a nice blend of citrusy flowers and...” Read full tasting note
  • “My co-worker has recently discovered Harney&Sons tea thanks to previous tea order that I hid at work to… spread my collection around a bit? Anyway we placed a joint order and grabbed this, and...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Green Tea with Flowers and Lemon A reinvigoration of the senses. Chinese Flower, flawlessly blended of hand plucked Chinese green tea, three types of flowers, and citrus flavors, yields the most high-caliber tea experience. A synergy between tea, flower, and fruit, every part gorgeously synchronized – crisp citrus aroma that bursts and floral notes that woo, Chinese Flower grasps the sensations. It is a rare jewel in the teascape, its bold vitality spellbinding.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

46 Tasting Notes

390 tasting notes

my it’s been a couple of days! brilliant because of classes winding down and very satisfying grades being locked in place…. but sad with the death of nelson mandela. i wonder if it would have hit me as profoundly before one of my majors had me studying people and the influence that we outwardly have on one another on one another in my human geography class….. there is no way for me to answer.

perhaps it is a lack of faith on my part, that as the old guard ages and passes (mandela, the dalai lama, mother theresa) that while there will always be good people, i don’t see any obvious stand ins for these outstanding individuals. brangelina? bono who got a TED award? i don’t think so……

SO i wrote that bit about 9 hours ago. stopped after the dot dot dots. dropped. wound up in an ambulance and at the hospital. KIDNEY STONES.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? so, surgery on one eye coming up…. and a stone IN ONE KIDNEY???? they’re asking me about pain levels in the ambulance ‘out of 10 sir’. 10? make it 20 and it would still be 21!!!!! OMG.

the tea. okay…. this was more of a frustrated rant and less a review. i don’t remember the tea. but i have another sample from stephanie.



Whoa! I am so sorry. I hope you can find some comfort soon. Kidney Stones suck.

As for outstanding individuals the first person I thought of was


Ok… I can’t type. Anyway, I was going to say Malala. I know ahe’s young, but she’s also using her voice in a powerful way.


woah hope you get back to better soon mister…sorry for the crappy times :(


malala? i will look her up. thanks veronica.


Seconding Malala. Very bright young girl, although I worry about the pressure that is currently resting on her tiny shoulders. and my dear James, rest up! I’m worried about you, and am sorry you were in so much pain!


Ow James! I’ve heard that’s horrible. Malala the first that came to my mind as well. Another person that comes to mind for me is the Bangledashi man who started the micro financing movement. I forget his name, but micro financing has changed many peoples lives in huge ways.


i just keep thinking ‘um…. final project? final exam? HELLO?? B.E.T.T.E.R. things to do!’ but i can’t even think because they gave me a really good drug. NOT an opiate (wouldn’t let em’….. by IV? nuh uh) but a really good anti inflammatory….. but it’s still making me fuzzy.



Oh my gosh, that is awful! I hope you feel better soon!!


yes, grameen…. that’s true, yyz.

i know there are brilliant minds on TED… and i know there are good people every place i look. genuinely. but i find it disconcerting when the people that i have spent my life admiring start popping off.


thanks caile. it has just been a STUPID month health wise. absolutely ridiculous!!


It does sound like a terrible month! A big hug for you!


I think I have had to deal with the knowledge of death since I was very young so it bothers me a little less. It’s still sad and the passing of great persons seem to in away acting as book marks or closures to great era’s, but my family tends to have children late and the men at least live long lives so this cycle seems a little expected and natural to me. My grandfather knew Dali, Hemingway, and Castro. Having said that Mandela was truly a great man.


yyz…. someday i think we should meet. for tea. someplace. i have a feeling you are a story keeper….


ackackack, i am sorry to hear the bad news. i’ve had friends tell me kidney stones were the worst pain they’ve ever felt, like worse than childbirth or any other medical malady they’ve encountered. you are tough!


:( I’m sorry. I hope you recover quickly!


well, miss july, i am nursing my kidneys (i’ve been told to drink and drink and drink….. i’m thrilled about the tea part, less so about if things get blocked again part) back to health with your awesome fruits d’alsace sample. it makes me feel better.

i don’t feel tough. i feel distinctly whiney, lol. makes me wonder if it’s been brewing for a few days though because i’ve been in a rotten mood for a few days without explanation.



Oh, sweet goodness! I REALLY hope that this gets resolved soon and you recover quickly. Kidney stones are the opposite of fun. :/


i just wish i knew if there was anything i could do to make sure this one goes AWAY and that it’a a one time occurrence!


There are dietary things that you can avoid to reduce the chances, but I’m not sure about guaranteeing that you never get them again. :/ You kinda need your kidneys, so it’s not like you can take them out like you can a gall bladder! :) I haven’t had them, but an ex did. I don’t remember what was recommended, sadly.


all they said was ‘drink’…. which is great…. but wow it hurts! i asked every question my addled brain could think up…. boils down to: many studies, no definitive answers. drink.

not sure how i’m going to pull off my exam of tuesday: can’t see, and now pain meds. greeeeeeeeeeeeat. hmph.


Haha, and you’ll be asking to go to the washroom every 5 minutes if you’re drinking enough, too. :D


well, i have a note from the ERP. this month is ridiculous!!


Awwwwww, I bet that was so painful! Feel better JustJames! :(

Terri HarpLady

Oh James, so sorry you have to suffer this :(
Here comes the woo-woo esoteric view: kidney stones are the physical manifestation of the sorrows/griefs we hold/repress, because the are painful to express. Sound like you are in the process of letting go of something, hence the stone is on the move!
The only pain in change is our resistance, I like to say, although sometimes it hurts like hell! Sending some Reiki your way!


I’m so sorry and I hope you get better soon


terri….. that is a remarkable thought! i have never heard that before. fascinating! not woo-woo, lol…..


boychik, i’m feeling a bit better today…. stressed to the max. i have until 11:59 pm to finish a massive project and then an exam tuesday. no idea how this is going to work. none.


stephanie, i’m so sorry i couldn’t comment on your lovely tea! i don’t remember it at all =0(, but i have another bag =0)


Drink, yes. You should be drinking enough to urinate about 2L a day – when you’ve got kidney stones, output decreases dramatically, and it’s how I know I’ve got to start drinking more liquids. Increase your fiber intake slowly and keep it there – it helps get rid of the calcium and oxalate (sp?) that turns into kidney stones. Reduce salt where possible. Also, find teas with (or add yourself) some nettle leaf, which will promote urination and help flush things out to reduce the pain. I actually have a tea for this somewhere with a horrible name and okay taste, and it usually reduces/removes the pain for me in a day or two. I’ll see it has any of your known allergens in it, and if not, I’ll send some your way ASAP.


You’re going to have a bad association with this tea now, I bet! And don’t apologize! :)


Oh my. Feel better!


thanks Kaylee….. it’s been a stupid month, lol. random beyond random.


Geez…so sorry for all your pain :-(

I have had kidney stones before
(In the hospital with projectile vomiting from the pain)
I have also had many serious eye issues, torn cornea,
ulcers on cornea, cellulitis in my eye (hospitalized AGAIN)
I just said a prayer for you, and now I am going to drink
a cup of tea in your honor ;-) Creamy Earl Grey (DT)
the most relaxing version of my favorite tea.
Seriously, I pray tou are 100% feeling good way before Christmas


You not tou…lol…sometimes I type dislexic


thank you for such kindness CelebriTEA. i am really not a happy drug person normally, and i refused opiates….. but they gave me torridol? which is an awesome anti inflammatory…. that helped alot. i was still foggy, but it could very well have been from pain.

going to make tea now. and study. one last exam. tomorrow.

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807 tasting notes

Wow! I was so confused in the beginning of this cup but found myself IN LOVE!
See full review here on the 13th.
I just want to say thank you to Invader Zim for sending me this GENEROUS sample!
I would not NEED to order more but I do want to get some so I can have the tin for it to have a deserving home!
I love the tart lemon (not sour) and the grassy flavor for the floral notes to rest on.
There is a shy sweetness about this tea that is NOT cloying at all.
Its so perfect!


oh man… sounds more and more like i need to try and find a way to place a H&S order. damn canadian shipping lol


Is it that expensive or does H and S just charge far more than necessary?


the blend itself is so beautiful on the picture, it’s like fireworks of flowers !


It is so very pretty – gorgeous! And smells amazing!


i don;‘t think it’s that expensive… other companies can offer canada free shipping or like 3-6$ theirs is 15 under a certain dollar value and it goes up from there! it’s not as bad as the persimmon tree tea (starts at 23$ and goes up) but as soon as you reach 8$ that’s a decent amount of tea from somewhere else!


What is odd is I can’t get their site to load at all ever since I did the review on Sororitea Sisters lol. I want to put it in my cart but it wont load at all. Bizarre.

Invader Zim

I’m glad you like it! I like this one a lot, it’s great iced too. I like to keep it in a mason jar just because it’s so pretty!

When people come over and I offer tea they either pick jasmine pearls or see this one and want to try it. It;s definitely a crowd pleaser, if I held tea parties I think this would be a good one!

Daisy Chubb

aw, yeah Sil, every time I made a fakie H&S order the shipping is well over 30 bucks and then I stop and cry lol


Daisy – wish there was a place i could just pick it up here

Hesper June Azzrian, I have not been able to load their site as well. I hope H&S was not harmed in the Super Storm. Aren’t they based in New York?

They are in Millerton, NY and there is a store in Soho.


It is running for me now – geesh I thought I had broke the site lol

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to ashmanra for this one, I am enjoying it this morning. I’m not going to rate it because my taste buds are totally askew from not feeling well but it’s a nice blend of citrusy flowers and it did the job to perk me up this morning. :))


get better soon Amy


bleh – I’ve lost 5 pounds in the last few days which is not the healthiest way to do it!


I was in that ‘train’ a while ago, lost 9 pounds. Coincidentally, I lost the weight I wanted, not the way I would have lol. I hope you get better. Drink lots of water/a.k.a. tea.


thanks. :)


D’oh hope you feel better soon.


me too…

Charles Thomas Draper

I hope you feel better Amy..


Get well soon! I know one thing-the Steepster community shines less brightly in your absence Amy!


eep! get well soon Amy!!

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1598 tasting notes

My co-worker has recently discovered Harney&Sons tea thanks to previous tea order that I hid at work to… spread my collection around a bit? Anyway we placed a joint order and grabbed this, and I jumped at the chance to try it.

It’s not something I would order as I’m not keen on green tea. (see what I did there? Bwahaha). Anyway, it’s very bright, citrusy and floral and I think it’s quite enjoyable. I over-steeped it a bit but I can see how a shorter steep would lead to a more balanced blend, and I suspect this would be even better cold-brewed.

I’m happy I was able to try it!

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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3506 tasting notes

I am trying to find some green teas to like because I almost exclusively drink black tea and I think drinking green will make me feel somehow more noble! Since I am not a fan of green teas the flavoring is going to be key. This one is so aromatic it is palpable when you open the tin. Lovely! And the steeped tea was very drinkable for me. I thought I was tasting oranges but the description says lemon. Shows how much I know! Maybe the three flowers blended in had an effect! And on that note….this tea is BEAUTIFUL! If you are having a group over for tea, put this in a nice glass container with a tight lid and keep it out as part of the decoration because these petals are bright and colorful and cheering!

195 °F / 90 °C

I feel the same way about green tea – I have to try this one to feel noble too :)


I tend to like flavored greens a little better.


JacquelineM – I will put some of this in your next package! Sandy is on her way now (I think she may be almo st as far as Georgia) and we hope to go to the tea store as soon


as the end of the week! Sorry for the divided post – the laptop is really sensitive!


@gmathis – I try to like greens but haven’t made it there yet! If I am in a situation where I need to drink it, I can, like when visiting my Japanese neighbor. At home black tea reigns! Of the ones I have tried, Bangkok and Chinese Flower by Harney are the most flavorful.


You can add me to this list of those who ‘try’ to like Greens, you know, so I can describe myself as a ‘real’ Tea Lover lol ..

I actually found Bangkok to be really nice chilled, and H&S Jasmine Dragon Pearls were truly YUM too! I’ll to have to give this a go now, based on your review :)


Hope you like it! I like the new Royal Wedding even better, and it is white tea with coconut, vanilla, and almond.

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…..

And tea 23 of 24. First of all, I have to say this has been a great way to encourage me to really tackle my sample stash. I also love that these samples were all basically gifted/swapped to me. It really makes me so thankful for this community where we all understand each other’s tea obsession. And that however you choose to drink it, it should make you happy. I have to admit in real life, there are only a few who get it. So, I would like to thank you all for sharing your tea, as well as your impressions of the tea you are drinking. The reviews have been invaluable in my tea journey. And this community has helped it along so much. Thank you!

This sample comes to me from ashmanra. She was generous enough to share her Harney greens with me. I really appreciate that, because it is a place I order often, and I am trying to drink more green tea. This particular tea is a lovely green with a light citrus and a light floral taste. It makes me think of Spring, even though there is a light dusting of snow on the ground today. I am enjoying this, but I think floral and green tea is not a combo that I would drink regularly. I still prefer the Tropical Green from Harney. (I have a sample of Bankok to try in the new year! I am so excited!)

Mug method, about 185 water, about 2 tsp tea, 3 minutes. Tasted without additions, then added a super light amount of sweetener just to bring out the flavors a little.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I have those three, and Tropical Green is also my favorite! I bought two tins of it on a Barnes and Noble BOGO for my oldest daughter for Christmas.

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1113 tasting notes

I can’t believe I hadn’t tried this one yet! I was gifted this tea by a local friend, and just sort of forgot about it, I guess!

I really like this actually. Citrus and floral seem perfectly matched here. Unfortunately I let this steep just a little bit too long so it is slightly more astringent than I prefer my greens. Still totally drinkable though.

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558 tasting notes

Received some of this loose leaf from FrenchVanilla. This is bright and citrusy. I can really taste the tart lemon. I was scared upon sniffing the leaves as it smelled very vegetal, more along the lines of green teas I don’t care for, but it really surprised me. Lightly floral and really citrusy. This paired well with my orange chicken and rice Smartones.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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2201 tasting notes

I love the aroma of this tea, both the dry leaves and the brewed liquor. I stand by my assessment of lemon candy! The flavor is much milder, but still delicious. Clearly I’m a big fan of citrus flavored teas. I’m definitely bumping my rating up on this one.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Green Tea, Herbs, Flowers, Citrus, type tasting tea! This isn’t too shabby…a little grassy to offset the fruity…interesting!

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