Salted Caramel

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Black Tea
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  • “More catching up on notes. I really wanted to like this a lot more than I do. If someone gave it to me and asked me to guess what’s in it, I wouldn’t have a clue. Its got a scent that makes me...” Read full tasting note
  • “We’ve hit that weird part of spring where its cold and rainy one day, and warm and sunny the next. This is terribly hard one ones wardrobe, alas. So it’s an in between season, as far as tea flavors...” Read full tasting note
  • “Enjoying a taste courtesy of ashmanra! Reviews on this one are so-so so far, but it’s got a decently caramelly base, and it isn’t overly salty, which is a plus for me. Not especially strong, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am reviewing this here instead of under “random” in case anyone buys this tea and feels the same way I did about it. The base was a bit weak and more of the afternoon than breakfast tea variety,...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Ingredients: Black tea, natural caramel flavor, Himalayan salt, and natural vanilla flavor.

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Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

6 Tasting Notes

275 tasting notes

More catching up on notes.

I really wanted to like this a lot more than I do. If someone gave it to me and asked me to guess what’s in it, I wouldn’t have a clue.

Its got a scent that makes me think of maybe some sort of alcohol flavoring. It also feels somewhat weak in flavor and watery in mouth feel.

It really needs more oomf of some kind. I think it could be improved with a better base with a thicker mouth feel. That would help sell the idea of caramel better.

Oh, and I can’t detect the salt at all, which I consider a good thing.

But honestly, the flavor just doesn’t match its name for me. I guess its ok, but its really not something I enjoy drinking.


This one was a disappointment for me. You are right. The base is sooo weak. It smells nice as far as the caramel flavor goes, but everything is weak in the steeped tea, i am so glad I found Lupicia English Caramel.

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2970 tasting notes

We’ve hit that weird part of spring where its cold and rainy one day, and warm and sunny the next. This is terribly hard one ones wardrobe, alas.
So it’s an in between season, as far as tea flavors go. But fortunately I like salted caramel year round.
Hmm, not sure what I think of this one. Its smell is stronger than its taste, but I am not tasting that sort of toasted burnt flavor that is what happens in some caramel teas, so that’s a plus.
More cups will be required to finalize my thoughts.

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3011 tasting notes

Enjoying a taste courtesy of ashmanra! Reviews on this one are so-so so far, but it’s got a decently caramelly base, and it isn’t overly salty, which is a plus for me. Not especially strong, but pleasant on a rainy afternoon.


I wasn’t wow’ed by this one, but it was pretty nice once I added a bit of another tea that had some heft to beef up the base!


I’ve got enough left for one more small cup; with some hefty tea, I’ll have enough for one decent-sized mug!

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3515 tasting notes

I am reviewing this here instead of under “random” in case anyone buys this tea and feels the same way I did about it. The base was a bit weak and more of the afternoon than breakfast tea variety, but also it lacked bassy notes that would have amplified rich caramel instead of detracting, making it taste even richer. Instead the caramel was strong in the aroma and adding half and half just accentuated the weakness of the tea for me.

It isn’t a horrible tea and Ashman liked it, it just didn’t live up to my expectations so here is how I have doctored it up. I opened the sachet and since Harney sachets are supposed to be measured for 12 ounces of water, that should be one and a half teaspoons. I added another one and a half teaspoons of Teavivre’s Premium Keemun. I almost used Queen Catherine but wanted to guarantee plenty of oomph.

I steeped it at 190F in respect for the Keemun at 3 minutes with about 20 ounces of water, then resteeped the whole shebang the same way and combined. Big improvement.

This made for very pleasant pots of tea that we have enjoyed at both breakfast and lunch. The caramel is lighter but present, but the base tea now has some body and bass notes to ground it because dadgum it caramel should be rich and not watery.

This is giving me very much the same vibe as Cozy Comfort from Simpson and Vail but that one is vanilla instead of caramel.

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