AGH! I totally wrote up a whole review on this tea, and of course my internet poops out, sending me into no go territory. I refresh the page, and poof. My post is gone. WAH! >_< Anyhow, I don’t want to go on about this. I’ll try to remember what I wrote. But I do remember how it tastes. This tea is good.
Liquor – deep honey brown
Scent – strong nutty and light florals
Taste – nutty and floral with a hint of sweetness. There is some hint of astringency but it isn’t so bad for me. I assume you can add some sugar to this, but I didn’t try. It didn’t need it.
Overall, a good, forgiving tea. Withstood around 3 steeps. I accidentally left the second steep for 8 min, and the tea was still good. A good way to celebrate passing BLS and all.