Guava Goddess

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I feel like a total hippy for drinking this. But lo! My local store was having a sale on these and I figured it had been long enough that I may find one I like. I grabbed this one and one other to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Tamm I have been craving this! I broke down and bought one today. The guava puree is delicious and is the perfect foil for the fizzy, fermented kombucha. It’s true the flavor is quite...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was pretty sure I’d tried this flavour before when I saw it at the grocery store but I couldn’t remember when so I grabbed a bottle just in case. I just went through my last tasting note though...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! Ahh nicce guava goodness :) Definitely one that I’ll repurchase next time I find myself at a Fresh & Easy or Whole Foods :) But dang, I love the ones with chia seeds in it...” Read full tasting note

From G.T. Kombucha

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7 Tasting Notes

541 tasting notes

I feel like a total hippy for drinking this. But lo! My local store was having a sale on these and I figured it had been long enough that I may find one I like. I grabbed this one and one other to try out.
This took me awhile to actually drink. It is pretty big (16 oz). The smell right off the bat screams vinegar; which is pretty unpleasant. But the actual drink itself is pretty nice. I felt that the tangy-ness from the vinegar flavor helped out the tartness of the guava. Overall I would buy this one again. Bonus though for me is the super low sugar amount (14g) when compared to a soda. I will always turn down soda in favor of water/tea but this would be nice to have on hand to spice things up a bit.
The normal cost is pretty high ($3.75-ish) but on sale these were $2.50. Although that price isn’t really ideal either, it is nice to splurge every now and again.


I like this stuff too, but it is very pricey!


I know right? I think that may be part of why I’ve avoided buying in the past. My first bottle was so weird to me that I dumped it. I actually got smart this time and since they were on sale I just picked some from ones that were the most empty. >:) I used my deductive skills to find the popular ones!

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to Tamm I have been craving this! I broke down and bought one today. The guava puree is delicious and is the perfect foil for the fizzy, fermented kombucha. It’s true the flavor is quite vinegary and sour, but I kinda like that! It reminds me a bit of beer.

If they weren’t so expensive, I’m sure I’d be drinking them all the time. Yay for probiotics!

Will Work For Tea

I miss the version that they made before they were recalled a couple years ago. They use to be more potent and fizzier. I liked them better that way! :)


I know about the cost thing! These are super tasty. If the cost was less I’d probably order this one by the case. I think it’s become my favorite one! lolol Share the craving!

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16374 tasting notes

I was pretty sure I’d tried this flavour before when I saw it at the grocery store but I couldn’t remember when so I grabbed a bottle just in case. I just went through my last tasting note though and it was six years ago! Holy smokes! No wonder I was struggling to remember when.

It seems like last time I drank this I was really struggling with the sourness of the kombucha vinegar, but this time around that didn’t phase me at all. That’s a fun reminder of both how palates change over time, but also acclimation to polarizing/acquired flavours. Six years ago I would have very much been a kombucha baby since I put off trying kombucha for a very, very long time since I wasn’t sure if I was allergic to it or not (long story). Now I quite often find myself disappointed when kombucha doesn’t have that strong sour funk.

Anyway – I really enjoyed this. The guava flavour is really spot on, but not sweet/cloying like so many guava drinks tend to be. I thought the balance with the kombucha vinegar was really nice!

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726 tasting notes

Ahh nicce guava goodness :) Definitely one that I’ll repurchase next time I find myself at a Fresh & Easy or Whole Foods :) But dang, I love the ones with chia seeds in it already.

ALSO SCREAMING BECAUSE I’M DONE WITH FINALS AND I START WITH DISNEY TOMORROW. Well technically today since it’s 12:21 in the morning


Have a fantastic first day!


Yay for finishing finals! Yay for first day at Disney!


Yay! That’s great!

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