I picked this one out of the box because it intrigued me. It smelled really nice when I sniffed the sample.
Fortunately, there was exactly enough to go in my mug. Okay, it was a little short, but I just added a little less water and it was perfect.
I couldn’t really taste the white too much, but the raspberry, slight fake, actually tasted pretty decent. I liked the champagne notes a lot. The directions say to sweeten to taste, but it didn’t need any sweetening in my book.
I liked it, but I wouldn’t get it. I wouldn’t complain if someone else dropped me another sample of this one, though.
While I was drinking this, I was heating up my lunch. I got in from the kitchen and sat down to eat it. It was a little too hot and I burned the roof of my mouth and my tongue. Gah. It’s going to make the rest of the tea drinking I have planned for today a little more awkward.