Thank you Fusion Tea Room!
Smell: Dry, in the bag. It was very spicy, and I could definitely smell cinnamon and cardamom, and a hint of orange. It reminded me of chai a bit. There’s also a lot of ginger. Yummy smelling, but strong, so I couldn’t sniff it too much. LOL Steeping there was a lot of cinnamon going on, but that’s ok with me.
Taste: The cinnamon and all the spices were at the forefront, which is nice. It’s not too overpowering or strong. The orange is there, but not too much. It’s subtle. I do taste it though, and I like it. I also want to say I can taste the rooibos, but I’m not sure because I haven’t had enough of it yet to know it’s taste. Same with the tulsi. It’s all very yummy though, with a warm taste that isn’t too spicy. :-)
Other tasting tidbits: two packs of raw cane sugar. No cream, but I think I saw a review that said it was good with it, despite the orange. I’ll try it next time.