Pimbina (Cramp Bark Berry)

Tea type
Fruit Tea
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Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
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From Floèm (formerly PilKi)

Cramp bark is a tall shrub that grows wild in Quebec, making small tart red berries. The pimbina berry is widely used in alternative medicine for its medicinal properties, especially to relieve joint and muscle pain. It is also used to reduce menstrual cramps and spasms after childbirth.

What Does Cramp Bark Taste Like?
The cramp bark berry is a fruit with a tangy and fruity flavour. Its aromas are reminiscent of wild berries and undergrowth berries, with a touch of cranberry and cherry.

This unique fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, it was once used in jellies and canned food to replace cranberries. Excellent for flavouring jams and sauces, as well as adding flavour to desserts, especially pies and sorbets.

About Floèm (formerly PilKi) View company

Our ingredients and herbs grow freely under a boreal sky. They dot the wild territories and inspire the naturalness of the great outdoors.

Tasting Notes

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