Peppermint Bark

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Peppermint, White Chocolate, Chicory, Herbaceous, Licorice Root, Menthol, Mint, Roasted, Smooth, Sweet, Creamy
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 14 oz / 425 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Backlog, Friday April 26, 2024 I obtained this one during the tea swap a couple of months back. I’m finally starting to make my way through these teas. I figured it’s easier to throw a bag into the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Holiday tea 2023 #9 From CameronB!  Thanks again!  The perfect time to try this one.  The chicory here is sure to brew this up quite dark.  The scent is a little off — probably the ROSE HIPS?!?! ...” Read full tasting note
  • “For some reason I’m always excited by peppermint bark teas, but they’re always disappointing to me. This one tastes mostly like peppermint leaf with a bit of added menthol from the flavoring, with...” Read full tasting note
  • “My coworkers give so many gifts around the holidays! I was not prepared for that level of Christmas cheer! This is one of the teas that I ended up with a few bags of. Hot, there’s a strong,...” Read full tasting note

From Bigelow

Reminiscent of a cozy winter day this caffeine-free herbal tea is equal parts comforting and invigorating. Refreshing mint flavor complimented by chocolate.

Taste Profile: Refreshing smooth mint flavor with mouthwateringly decadent sweet chocolate

Ingredients: peppermint, chicory, rose hips, natural chocolate flavors with other natural flavors (soy lecithin), licorice root

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17 Tasting Notes

346 tasting notes

Backlog, Friday April 26, 2024

I obtained this one during the tea swap a couple of months back. I’m finally starting to make my way through these teas. I figured it’s easier to throw a bag into the water during work, instead of making tea in a gaiwan, forgetting it, and tossing the leaves out due over brewing and bitterness. This cup held some idea of the peppermint bark. I’ll note that this isn’t too terrible for tea bag tea, but it’s nothing comparable to Teavana’s White Chocolate Peppermint (maybe no tea will ever hold that title). I tasted notes of white chocolate and peppermint, but it was light.

Flavors: Peppermint, White Chocolate

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4348 tasting notes

Holiday tea 2023 #9
From CameronB!  Thanks again!  The perfect time to try this one.  The chicory here is sure to brew this up quite dark.  The scent is a little off — probably the ROSE HIPS?!?!  but overall, I started chugging it.  Cold, I do really get that note of rose hips.  I wouldn’t call it the best peppermint bark tea around, but it could have been worse.  Really mild on the chocolate, when I was craving a chocolate shake.   The second steep somehow loses the rose hips effect.    Happy I tried it, not the worst, but there are plenty of other yum choc mint teas I love.
Steep #1 // 14 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5 min


This one does pretty well with milk to smooth out the glitches.

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4341 tasting notes

For some reason I’m always excited by peppermint bark teas, but they’re always disappointing to me.

This one tastes mostly like peppermint leaf with a bit of added menthol from the flavoring, with an undertone of roasted chicory and a slight sweetness from the licorice root. I don’t really get chocolate at all.

It’s drinkable, but not something I would purchase. A shame, the wrapper is very pretty.

Holiday grocery store teas tried: 11/19

Flavors: Chicory, Herbaceous, Licorice Root, Menthol, Mint, Peppermint, Roasted, Smooth, Sweet

16 OZ / 473 ML
Martin Bednář

To be honest, I have no idea how peppermint bark should taste like? It’s bark! The leaves are full of menthol, not the bark…


My interpretation is that it’s referring to peppermint bark candy that we see a lot at Christmas here in Missouri: it’s melted white chocolate with broken pieces of peppermint candy in it.

It’s hard enough to find a tea that replicates chocolate well—white chocolate must be even trickier. I think I’ve done this one with milk to smooth out the bumpy patches.

Martin Bednář

Ahm if so… I feel uneducated and a little stupid.

Cameron B.

Ha ha, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a USA thing Martin. Sometimes it’s plain white chocolate, and sometimes it’s a layer of dark chocolate with white chocolate on top. Always topped with crushed peppermint candy or candy canes!


Don’t worry, Martin — I am continually amazed at what a farm kid I am and how little I know about other parts of the world! One of the dozen reasons I love hanging out here!

Martin Bednář

I just found out it is some kind of candy indeed. Ohh boy. And I was always thinking about bark of peppermint. Indeed seems to be a US thing.

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2611 tasting notes

My coworkers give so many gifts around the holidays! I was not prepared for that level of Christmas cheer! This is one of the teas that I ended up with a few bags of. Hot, there’s a strong, unpleasant alcohol flavor. As it cools, the flavor improves. It’s mostly mint with a bit of something else, maybe rooibos in the background. It tastes similar to other teas of this variety, but it’s not at the top of its field.


A little milk with this one isn’t bad, either.

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11 tasting notes

Couldn’t finish drinking this, tastes awful. I followed the directions for brewing but it didn’t help. I couldn’t taste any peppermint or chocolate, just a muddy taste that wasn’t enjoyable.

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484 tasting notes

My husband picked this up since he saw it on sale at the supermarket. It’s definitely but a little on the artificial side for my tastes and not quite chocolatey enough. It is best as a latte. I don’t know if I’ll buy this again but I’ll happily finish this box.

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2993 tasting notes

Quite minty without a lot of chocolate. I would have liked some creamy/white chocolate flavours. It is pretty good for a bagged tea, however I find the sweetness off putting. It tastes like an artificial sweetener was added which lingers as an after taste after you have swallowed.

I highly recommend trying this as a latte or as an iced tea rather than hot. I have tried it all three ways and liked the plain hot tea the least.

Flavors: Menthol, Mint, Peppermint, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 14 OZ / 400 ML

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1719 tasting notes

O Ggmathis, why didn’t I remember your review before I brewed this one? On its own this is tasty but lacks a certain wow factor. Had I remembered her comments, I have a whole box of cacao nibs I could have added. Primarily, this is a light peppermint tea. It doesn’t beat you up with mint yet is obviously mint. A good balance in that respect. It is just the chocolate doesn’t reach that decadent level I crave. I added Splenda and it brightened the cup but didn’t really fix it. I may have to try this again with some Charlie Brown love added. Thanks ggmathis.
Dad – there was no infection and no clear idea what was going on. One of his nurses told him she laid awake all night trying to figure out what to do for him. She told his family doctor her idea, who agreed to let her try. They treated his leg as if it were a severe burn. He immediately began to respond. After just a couple days the leg has gone from black and blue to nice and pink. Still looks kind of gross but nothing like it was before she treated him. He is walking all over the hospital wing now and making plans to come home. Truly miraculous.


that is AMAZING news…how incredible to have someone there helping your father out. So glad to hear the good news


Yay for the good news.


Great news!

Evol Ving Ness

How wonderful to have especially caring medical staff engaged in promoting his recovery! Hurray! Happy for you and yours.


Let me know if you want me to mail another bag :) I bought more. And thanks for sharing the good grandpa news! What an awesome nursing staff!


So where did those extra G’s come from. LOL I’m going to look when I go to the big city later this week and see if I can find this one but thanks.


Wow, that is awesome news! Glad to hear your dad is getting better, and God bless that nurse.


That’s great news!

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3012 tasting notes

After 10 days of antibiotics (the Dopey and Sleepy phase), whatever was gunking up my head is coming loose, so now we’ve reached the Sneezy and Grumpy phase. Remember the days when you could sneeze one of those wonderful, high-pitched, head-clearing, let-it-all-come-loose sneezes without having to hold it in until your eyeballs bulged? But I digress.

Anyway, all this has left me craving hot pepper, spicy food, and tea with heavy duty vaporizing qualities. This fits the bill nicely and needs no special attention whatsoever. I’ve been drinking it ever since Bigelow introduced it, and I can’t say I’ve ever coaxed much chocolate flavor out of it, but it is creamy and minty and much improved with a little milk.

Cameron B.

You forgot about the Doc phase, I suspect before Dopey and Sleepy. Here’s hoping you get to Happy soon! ;)


You’d like my Doc … they serve tea while you wait (Harney & Sons Cinnamon Apple for Keurig) and have a therapy dog who “fetches” the doctor into your exam room and puts her head on your knee when you’re getting a shot.


Spicy, hm? I’d totally make you dinner and drop it off.


Weenie-level spicy, not “four hot peppers at the Thai restaurant that triggers hot flashes” spicy ;)

Martin Bednář

To be honest, even one of four hot peppers are too spicy for me :D


I have to drink a glass of milk after looking at the one hot pepper on the menu.

And I want my doc to take lessons from your doc cuz I would be glad to go if there was a dog there.

I love Chagrin Valley Cool Menthol salve to open the head!

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16 tasting notes

Tastes just like peppermint bark. This tea has more mint flavor than the other peppermint bark tea I’ve tried. Pretty good for a cheap tea. My husband loves it too!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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