This is such an amazing tea! Well, amazing for chocolate lovers anyway… It doesn’t only smell like dark chocolate and milk chocolate, but like cherry hearts candy or like the cherry cordials by Queen Anne overflowing during the Christmas season, but it also has a similar taste, just not as strong. You can also taste the rose petals very subtly, but oddly not smell them before brewing (at least I couldn’t), and I’m not sure why I keep tasting Cherry when it’s made with Strawberries… Any ideas on that one?
It’s surprisingly light in taste, since it has such a vivid and beautiful color. It is a vibrant red at first, and then a dark cherry crimson red by the end of it’s steeping – a long, well worth it, 8 to 10 minutes (in my pot on the stove top). This is a tea I could drink ALL DAY!!
If anyone enjoys these flavors and is interested in trading samples I have plenty of this left right now! It was my first time ever ordering loose leaf tea, found a great deal for a starter set with the ESP Emporium through Groupon, and I definitely didn’t know how much 4 oz. was!
Flavors: Cherry, Chocolate, Cream, Dark Chocolate, Rose