After Ate

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Rooibos Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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9 Tasting Notes View all

From Epicure

Real cocoa nibs, rooibos & peppermint.
Add a splash of coffee liqueur for fun!
Contains caffeine.

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9 Tasting Notes

16384 tasting notes

There’s an epicure building on my walk to work every day, so for the last three(ish) weeks I’ve walked by it and had the same thought – “Oh, I have an epicure tea that I haven’t had in a while… I should brew a cup of it!”.

And then I never do.

Well, I was hunting through my stash yesterday for a tin of something else and I found my tin of this tea – which was enough of a reminder for me to actually brew it up and squelch that nagging thought that pops of whenever I pass by that building. The cup itself was perfectly average, with a very mild and mediocre mint and chocolate profile (with hints of something more nutty). It worked as a sweet treat to distract me from all the other goodies I’ve stocked my new apartment with because “it’s Christmas and that means lots of festive treats and snacks around the house!” and that’s really probably the best thing that I could ask of this blend right now.

That and shaking that thought every time I pass by the epicure building.

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