I just cracked this one open today and it smelled divine in the packet. Incredibly juicy-smelling. Vegetal (zucchini?) with a grassy overtone. Yum.
After steeping the aroma is quite savory, with a bit of seaweediness, and a buttery, brothy character. The tea is a clear butter yellow with some suspended particles. It has a thick mouthfeel.
Even though I oversteeped — I didn’t check the Breville setting and went for longer than I usually would have for green tea, and even longer than I should have for this one, and I probably could have gone with cooler water as well, I thought this was excellent. No hint of bitterness, and a really nice nutty aftertaste.
I am looking forward to trying it again with more attention to time and temp — but if this is what it tastes like when done wrong, I’m not sure I want to be right….
Flavors: Broth, Butter, Grass, Nutty, Seaweed, Zucchini