Strawberries and Cream

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Alphakitty
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 15 sec 17 oz / 492 ml

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38 Tasting Notes View all

  • “OMG I HAVE A VARIABLE TEMPERATURE KETTLE WOOOO!!! Thanks, Nxtdoor! Ahem. Now that’s out of the way, I brewed this one up at 158C (as per my kettle! Eee!!), and it’s WAY nicer. Not bitter at all....” Read full tasting note
  • “My friend had a cup of this yesterday when she was over, so I stuck the leaves in the fridge until a few hrs ago to see how cold brewing would turn out. I didn’t use a teabag this time, just the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Soooo i think i need to try this cold brewed. It’s not a BAD tasting tea but i can’t get over how much it tastes like those strawberry shortcake dolls smell. If you were a child of the 80’s you...” Read full tasting note
  • “Okay – I noticed on Della Terra site, it referenced a lower water temperature than what said on my package. I contacted them and they confirmed to do as per website instructions – 158 – 167°F I...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Strawberries and cream. So creamy, so fruity, filled with berry deliciousness! Just like the classic dessert, this green tea will cover your tastebuds in all the classic flavor you know… Delicious!

Ingredients: Green tea, Lung Ching, Pai Mu Tan, strawberry flavor and bits, cream flavor

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38 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes



Now that’s out of the way, I brewed this one up at 158C (as per my kettle! Eee!!), and it’s WAY nicer. Not bitter at all. The strawberry flavour is still super mild to me, but that could be due to the cold. Still not a super fan, but that’s because I’m not in love with most green teas.

So. Brewing at the proper temperature makes tea nicer. It’s also a LOT easier to brew tea at the proper temperature when you have a kettle that takes care of that issue for you.

It’s even on sale! Just make sure you CALL your local store and get them to put it on hold for you! My local store didn’t have it, so I called another and went there only to get the last one on the shelf! They said they had NINE.

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Lol Grats.


It’s exciting! Now my green teas and oolongs won’t languish in the cupboard unloved…


That’s now on my list of things to pick up this week. Hope they have one in stock near me :)


The downside is it beeps a lot. It beeps when it reaches temperature, it beeps when you set it on the base, beep beep beep. It’s not too loud though.


You will love your kettle! I am rather lost without mine when I go to my parents place now, I have to wait about 10 minutes for water to cool for greens/whites, no idea what the temp is when I do that, but I don’t want to burn them! Var. temps make life so much easier :)


Oh, you totally have a point! Oh well. My parents pretty much only drink black teas, and my mom uses bubbling-boiling water for everything, or else it’s “not hot enough.” Yeah. No wonder she doesn’t like green tea!


The microwave in our apartment already does lots of beeping. No one will notice a kettle under that. :D


LOL. HOw did I miss this? Hahahaha. I love it. Glad you’re happy. I feel exactly the same way. I am now certain I am not abusing my teas. Am trying this tea for the first time today. We shall see.


:D I still love it. Especially the “keep warm”, because I can get up, stumble into the kitchen, put the kettle on, go get ready, then come back and make my tea! I think one of the Zojirushi water heaters would be awesome too, but this works well for me. :)


I’m so excited to get mine! :O I hope there’s not a huge difference in quality in the $60 range for kettles. I’m not super big on researching. I just want it to work. (I’ll check the forums though)


I got this one because 1) Nxtdoor recommended it, 2) COLOURS! It lights up!, and 3) it was on sale. So happy with it so far. Just remember that to return stuff during the 1 year warranty at Canadian Tire, you need the box. So keep it with the receipt, just in case.


Cool. I’ll remember that!


There were some stupidly good deals last year in kettles. I know. I gotmybreville for next to nothing heh.


I saw brevilles on sale for $189 I think last week. Still too expensive for me. :)


Naw mine was under 100 heh only reason it came home with me lol


Dude that’s amazing. The tea maker one?


Naw just the regular variable. The tea making one seems like and xercise in having to clean way more than I want to for the amount of tea I drink.


The only reason it tempts me is it has a timer and can have tea ready for me to stumble into the kitchen and drink when I first wake up. :D


Yeah it’d be nice to have tea waiting for me, but I think it’d require too much cleaning too. :( Sometimes it’s hard enough to get the taste of the last tea out of my cup – don’t want to worry about the whole pot!


I’m hoping to get one that’ll boil it to whatever temperature I want, while I’m in the shower, and then I can run out and start steeping my teas while I pack up my lunch/put my shoes on etc. Then I’ll still have time for my tea! (Because waking up 10 minutes earlier probably won’t happen)


LOL. The keep warm function is so nice. I basically do the same thing.

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1186 tasting notes

My friend had a cup of this yesterday when she was over, so I stuck the leaves in the fridge until a few hrs ago to see how cold brewing would turn out. I didn’t use a teabag this time, just the leaves in the giant mug with a covering on top. The flavor was mild, then I added some sugar and there’s quite a bit of strawberry flavor coming out! This will be delicious in the summer, I think I will hold off on cold brewing for a while here, it’s just too cold outside for it. But come summer, yes, this will hit the spot perfectly.

8 min or more

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15618 tasting notes

Soooo i think i need to try this cold brewed. It’s not a BAD tasting tea but i can’t get over how much it tastes like those strawberry shortcake dolls smell. If you were a child of the 80’s you know what i’m talking about. They had this sweet smell about them – strawberry shortcake; lemon meringue etc… well this tea? It tastes like that little red headed dolls smelled like.

Right now i’m mostly sort of weirded out by that…

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Oh man! I totally know the smell you mean and I would find that disconcerting in a tea too.

Terri HarpLady

yeah, my daughters had those dolls, not sure how I’d feel about drinking that…


I think it depends on your age. I tried eating my dolls when I was a kid, and I quite like this tea. :)

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1271 tasting notes

Okay – I noticed on Della Terra site, it referenced a lower water temperature than what said on my package. I contacted them and they confirmed to do as per website instructions – 158 – 167°F

I totally noticed the difference between 175 and 160F steepings. The higher temp has less creamy and more vegetal and bitterness, whereas the 160F is more creamy and not bitter.

Overall, a nice creamy, tangy tea with a great mix of bases – the buttery green with a juicy white tea. I like this a little more than Lupicia’s Strawberry & Vanilla as the flavoring tastes more natural and has a better base, but Lupicia is more forgiving and easier to steep.

Full blog post review on my blog, The Oolong owl

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 0 sec

This one sounds delish!


This is the second review I’ve seen saying that this is better than Lupicia’s, which I am totally in love with so now I am even MORE excited to try this one!


Oh, good to know! I think this is one I ordered, and I really dislike bitter teas.

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470 tasting notes

I ordered this one because several reviews mention liking it better than Lupicia’s Strawberry & Vanilla, which I adore! So of course I just had to try some. I should have known from past attempts though that whenever a blend is compared favorably to one of my faves, my opinion will be the exact opposite. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I have strange tastebuds when it comes to some teas! Like Tower of London: a lot of people like it more than Paris, but I find it kind of flavorless and flat in comparison.

So, this tea… I wish I wasn’t thinking of Strawberry & Vanilla while I was drinking it, I might have liked it more. S&V isn’t very natural tasting I’ll admit, it’s like strawberry quick milk, but this strawberry doesn’t strike me as being very natural either. It’s like strawberry hard candies! I also don’t get a whole lot of creamy flavor either. I think more cream/vanilla might balance it, but at first sip this just reminds me a lot of strawberry chapstick. Kind of takes me back to being 12!

I do like the green/white blend, it makes this tea very light and airy, but it’s weighed down by the candy-sweetness of the strawberry. However everyone else seems to be really enjoying it, so I can’t help but wonder if maybe mine had a bit more flavoring than others? In any case I’m not a big fan of this blend, though I won’t have any trouble polishing off my ounce—I think it would make a great summer iced tea with some lemon slices!


haha strawberry and vanilla reminded me of strawberry chapstick but this one didn’t!


It’s funny how differently everyone interprets/tastes flavors—sometimes I am amazed that I’m drinking the same tea as other people when I peruse notes! Taste buds are mysterious things.


I always love going through after I write my note to see what other people tasted, it’s one of my favorite things about Steepster.


Mine too! It’s great how much variety there is in even a single blend. When people seemed perplexed that I have tea as a hobby that’s always the first aspect I point out!

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6119 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure I’ve tried this before… but may not have logged it. Anyhow, it’s actually pretty tasty! There’s a fresh, fruity flavour mixed with definite creaminess. The green base blends in seamlessly until the end, where it appears a bit more in the aftertaste. I don’t recall it being this good previously, but it may have been in a travel mug… or maybe I didn’t actually have it! Either way, more realistic strawberry flavour would be great here, but as is, I’m really appreciating the softening effect of the creaminess. Quite a delicious cup.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1792 tasting notes

Sample courtesy of DTT. Thank you muchly, DTT!

I really like this one. The dry leaf is very heavy on the strawberry. Very tart, like strawberry candy, but in a good way. You just know that there’s going to be a ton of flavour once you smell it.

Steeped, it is pleasantly strawberry-ish. The base is there, fresh and green, but it doesn’t get in the way or go unnoticed at all. It’s a nice balance between the two flavours.

Is there creaminess? Not really, but I don’t really care. I just may order this someday. I bet it would make a killer iced tea.


I really like this one iced. Actually, I tend to prefer all my green teas iced, so maybe I’m not the most unbiased observer here. :)


No way, I agree. It helps take care of some of the potential bitterness with greens, and you can definitely taste the added flavours of flavoured greens more when they’re iced. :)

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1220 tasting notes

This reminds me of Lupicia’s Strawberry & Vanilla but I like it a lot better. I can taste both the strawberry and cream flavors. It doesn’t have too much of that strawberry chapstick smell to it thankfully.

This time around with a DTT green I made sure to use a really low water temperature and it paid off definitely. All around a sweet and creamy tea. Not sure if it’s something I really like, I got an ounce so I have plenty to try again.

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180 tasting notes

Ah, this one tastes MUCH better a lower temp. Did two steeps, both around 160.

Very light tasting tea, with strawberry as the stronger flavor. The vanilla, or “cream,” comes out more as the cup cools.

An enjoyable cup. Thanks JennyFur for swapping!

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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292 tasting notes

I really enjoy the blend of white and green tea, it really makes for a very nice balanced base to this tea. I also appreciate the lightness of the flavor, I don’t feel like the creaminess is too heavy or the strawberry too sweet. I do find that the flavor is a bit artificial, but not too much to where I can’t drink it. It’s still a nice blend that I will probably quite enjoy on sunny afternoons.

1 min, 30 sec

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