Professor Grey

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Black Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

From Della Terra Teas

A smoky blend of Lapsang Souchong, bergamot oil and chocolate.

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14 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Ok, so I’m one of those people whose ears perked up when they heard complaints that this tea tasted smoky…. because I like smoky tea! And what did I purchase in one of my post-Christmas Della Terra orders? A Try Me pack of this tea!! :D

Upon opening the packet of tea, it definitely smells smoky. Of course, my tastebuds started watering…

Awwwww yeeaaaah! This is great! Guys, if you have a sample of this and don’t like it…. waves This is delicious! Like a smoky cream earl grey. Nuts, I would have probably picked up more of this had I known (or maybe I did… Steepster is down right now so I can’t check the tea description, so perhaps it’s even listed as a smoky EGC. Either way, yeah, this is really lovely. The smoke isn’t harsh, probably tempered by the cream, and the bergamot is subtle enough that I think even a bergamot-hater like Sil might find this enjoyable. :P Either way, I’m really dying to read all the other reviews on this and see if I’m the first person to write a positive review… because I can see anyone who likes smoky flavours enjoying this tea!

[Hmmm… I see that there’s supposed to be chocolate here? And no mention of smoke? How very odd.]

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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momo 12 years ago

bahhh I have an ounce I haven’t opened and I didn’t realize the complaints about it were about smoke.

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Okay, I guess I just don’t like smoky teas, but also, I hate it when expectations aren’t met, and they didn’t say anything about it being smoky! Anyway, I was going to see if a coworker liked it. If not, I’d be up for a swap!

Sil 12 years ago


Alphakitty 12 years ago

Mine is really smoky too, and no chocolate—but honestly, I really like smokey teas I was kind of happy about it!

Kittenna 12 years ago

momo – if you try yours and it’s smoky (I’m not sure if it’s a batch issue or something, as I definitely saw reviews that didn’t mention smokiness, and to me if was blatantly obvious in my batch), I’m probably a willing recipient of it.

Tealizzy – give it a shot with your coworker (I love milk & sugar with my smoky teas, though I found this one didn’t need it), and if that’s a bust, let me know :)

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Will do! :)

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1220 tasting notes

I don’t understand what went wrong with this tea. I bought it expecting a chocolate and cream Earl Grey. Instead it tastes like a slightly sweet lapsang.

The other disappointing thing is that listed on the bag is black tea, bergamot oil, and chocolate. There’s also a ton of sprinkles of various types in here but they aren’t listed. There’s also some weird dried small flower I guess? There is chocolate in the form of very small chocolate chips.

And it does taste smoky. I don’t like it. And it isn’t what I ordered. No chocolate, not really any bergamot either.

Just wanted to edit this to note that Della Terra brought it back according to their FB page and properly marked it this time. It DOES contain lapsang souchong, and I’m pretty disappointed that they didn’t feel the need to say anything about that anywhere in the description? Black tea is one thing, lapsang is like, another thing entirely if you’re a person like me who can’t stand it.

I’ve properly labeled my bag now and I’ve stuck it in traveling tea box A so if it gets to Sil with it still in there, hopefully it can find its way then to Kittenna LOL or if anyone else gets it along the way it has two warnings of containing lapsang souchong.

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Emily M 12 years ago

This one sounds ew. Sorry you had a disappointing cuppa.

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Did you end up getting a response from DTT? I don’t like complaining, but damn, I don’t know how I’m going to get through my 1 oz. bag.

momo 12 years ago

Not yet, completely forgot about it until I saw your note

Della Terra Teas 12 years ago

Momo. Sorry! We didn’t get a message from you concerning the tea. :( I did make sure on Facebook to explain the issue. A miscommunication between the blender and the webmaster. Our mistake and we will make sure anyone that ordered the tea before we fixed the mistake will get a credit to their account if they would like. Make sure you send us an email to sales@dellaterrateas with your first and last name so we can do that for you! Thanks. :)

Kittenna 12 years ago

Wooo, sounds great to me, momo! If someone beats me to it, that’s totally ok, but whatever’s left will be removed when it makes it to Sil :) Since I only picked up a Try Me of this one, and did like it, I’m fine with vacuuming up other people’s leftovers, haha.

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1792 tasting notes

As some Steepsterites know, either some false advertising went on with this tea or it was just an honest mistake. I’m personally not a fan of smokey teas so the Lapsang souchong surprise isn’t a pleasant one for me. This was also sold as a chocolate EGC, but I don’t really taste any chocolate in this. Yes, there are mini chocolate chips but the smokiness is covering that up.

There is also a fair share of colourful sprinkles and silver dragées, so consequently, you’re left with a reddish-orange skum ring on the surface.

Without any additives, it’s a lighter Lapsang with a weak bergamot note. I added some coconut almond milk in hopes of drowning out the smoke. What it left me with is black forest ham. I’m not even joking. I’m not really a fan of red meat as it is, so a tea that tastes like it is a bonus right there.

Why did this have to happen?

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Tealizzy 12 years ago

Haha! Ya, I still have my bag of this promised to Kittenna. She may be the only one who likes it!

Fjellrev 12 years ago

It sure seems like it! It’s funny how by the time this tea showed up on my doorstep, it was already discontinued. Then the ZOMG THIS IS SMOKE CITY reviews started the pour in. Interesting series of events.

Fjellrev 12 years ago

started to*

Kittenna 12 years ago

Bahaha, I came here to check comments and offer to take yours too, Incendiare! You’re in Canada, right? If so, perhaps we could trade some S’mores Genmaicha for Professor Grey… :)

Kittenna 12 years ago

& Tealizzy, I do still want yours as well, whenever we get around to that! (It’s going to be a terrible time for me to do much until about May, but I’m still in!!)

Kittenna 12 years ago

Also, black forest ham?! That’s hilarious. :D

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Yep, I sure am. I think I saw Daisy interested in S’mores genmaicha though, so maybe she would be happier with it? I’m honestly not really all that itching to try it. But! You are more than welcome to have the rest of my Professor Grey. Geez, you honestly like it that much that you’d take virtually EVERYONE’S?

Sil 12 years ago

More importantly, knowing what I know about kittenna’s tea stash…..she must REALLY love this one!

Emilie 12 years ago

I actually enjoy this one, though I do wish it tasted like it claims

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106 tasting notes

Smokey chocolaty bergemont oily TERRIBLE earl grey tea

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
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Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

honesty is the best policy, I always say :)

yappychappy 12 years ago

Its like they used lapsong in it. The smoky taste was ridiculous.

Claire 12 years ago

I wonder if it got contaminated in storage or shipping?

Tealizzy 12 years ago


Kittenna 12 years ago

I’m positive there’s lapsang in it. I actually found it to be absolutely delicious, but to anyone without a taste for smoke, I imagine it’s not wonderful. I didn’t find mine to be oily though, but IIRC, there were little thingies (candies?) that dissolve in this one, and I find them to leave scum sometimes, which is less than pleasant.

Emily M 12 years ago

Yeah, like Kittenna said, if there were candies in it the tea tends to get a little bit of a film on it and can be a little oily feeling. That’s the main reason why I don’t order too many Della Terra teas… they like sprinkles a lot. I’m not a huge fan of that, though I can drink them from time to time.

Emily M 12 years ago

Sorry you had a bad tea experience!

yappychappy 12 years ago

I tend to avoid the candied teas from della terra. or rather, i tend to try them and not like them seeing as i’ve had all of their teas. this one was just terrible though. i’m not the only one who commented on it being super smokey so not thinking was contaminated.. was just terrible.

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448 tasting notes

I know a lot of people are upset with this one because it’s smokey, but honestly, I have to say that I enjoy it. I wasn’t sure at first, but now that I’m revisiting it, I’m definitely liking it. I’m a little disappointed that it isn’t what I expected, but I do enjoy it for what it is.

I decided to try it with milk this time, to see if it brought the chocolate out any more. The red sprinkles make the milk look really odd. There’s a faint bergamot, with the smokey flavor upfront. There’s definitely more of a creamy milk chocolate flavor that I couldn’t taste much without the milk. I still don’t recommend it to anyone who doesn’t like smokey teas, but I’m really enjoying this one now.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Kittenna 12 years ago

I think part of the reason that people were finding this offputting is because if you a) haven’t had a smoky tea previously or b) don’t like smoky teas, it can taste very strange/unpleasant! Of course, no prior warning via the tea description was a problem as well. I definitely enjoy it for what it is :)

Emilie 12 years ago

I definitely understand people not enjoying this, the first time I had it, I wasn’t sure how I felt because it just wasn’t what I was expecting. I really enjoy smoky teas, so this is good to me now! I wonder how it ended up smoky though

Kittenna 12 years ago

I’m noticing that Della Terra doesn’t fully list ingredients for their teas…. I feel like either they don’t blend them themselves or there’s some sort of missed step between blenders and website ppl.

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371 tasting notes

I tried to find instructions on how to brew this tea on Della Terra’s website, and I think they discontinued it since it wasn’t there anymore. Probably the best idea…

Now, the dry leaves look very pretty: black tea leaves, chocolate bit, red sprinkles, shiny pink sprinkles, and silver orbs. With the way the aroma smelled and the flavor tasted, the tea – well – resembles lapsang souchong. I expected it to smell and taste like their other chocolate teas, but it instead smells and tastes like smoked black tea. Bizarre. Totally bizarre. Either that or my taste buds are out of whack.

ETA: Been procrastinating on editing this note. A while back I was browsing Della Terra’s website and noticed they were selling this tea until they officially ran out. In the ingredients list, they listed not black tea – like they did on the label – but lapsang souchong. (smacks forehead) Doggone it, I tasted smokiness when I first tried the tea and couldn’t…just couldn’t! >_< I wasn’t able check the website when I bought the tea to make sure what base was used. My credibility as a tea taster just went back down to level zero.

Anyway, now that I know why it tastes smokey, I’m more forgiving. Professor Grey needs to be steeped for 60 seconds, 90 seconds at the most – otherwise the lapsang overpowers the chocolate. Still can’t taste the bergamot. It’s decent.


205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec
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Tealizzy 12 years ago

I noticed it wasn’t on the website too! Guess they listened to the reviews.

KiwiDelight 12 years ago

What could’ve gone wrong when they made this making tea?? Maybe the sprinkles had something to do with it.

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Haha! When I got it, I thought they mislabeled it because I wasn’t expecting the red sprinkles…I had to check the picture online to make sure!

KiwiDelight 12 years ago

At least, if I’m in the mood for some lapsang, I can drink this. /unexpected problem solved

Kittenna 12 years ago

I actually wouldn’t be unhappy if this tea tested smoked to me…. :D Putting it on the list to try today.

KiwiDelight 12 years ago

Good luck!

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160 tasting notes

Since there are no notes or ratings I thought I’d whip one up quick before my meeting! I tried this first with almond milk and german rock sugar and did not like it, not much earl grey and NO chocolate. So they other day I tried it with nothing added, which is how I typically drink my tea and it was much better. I got the bergamot, though not much it was still there, and the chocolate is like a melted hershey kiss kind of taste and smell. It’s an interesting combo, I don’t think I would reorder this but I love the name and it’s such a fun idea!

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818 tasting notes

Okay, so I don’t know what happened with this tea. When I smelled the dry leaves, they smelled kinda funny, not really like earl grey or chocolate. I thought it would change when steeped, but the smell got stronger instead. It smells like smoke. I’m not sure what kind of smoke, but smoke nonetheless, and not in a good way. I could not really taste any bergamot or chocolate. I thought maybe it would get better as it cooled, but as I kept sipping, I decided I hated it and dumped out my cup. I have never dumped out my cup before! I feel so bad, because I love the other Della Terra Teas I got, but I guess this one isn’t for me. I really tried!

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Jackie O 12 years ago

I kind of felt that way about this one too. I was so excited because it’s such a unique and fun spin on Earl Grey, maybe they will alter it sometime and try again!

Tealizzy 12 years ago

I was pretty disappointed. Glad I’m not the only one!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Hmm, I have a sample of this one. Suddenly less excited to try it…

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Kittenna – I’m totally curious to see what you think!

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299 tasting notes

LOL, I should have read reviews before buying this but I lucked out because I like it. Not an EG at allllll. It’s very lapsangy and smells SO GOOD and cedary like a sauna. Mmmmmm.

It’s also full of junk?? I opened the bag and was like HUH. They put the wrong tea in & mis-labeled? There are shiny silver balls and sprinkles and chocolate chips and flowery bits and and and???? Not very Professory, I have to say. But it smelled lapsangy, so I thought: STILL A MORNING TEA! :D?

And it is very good. The DT lapsang I have kinda hurts my tum a bit? I have to reeeeally be in the mood. But this one is gentler so I can see having it more often.

But it is NOT an EG. Bergamot is AWOL.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
TeaLady441 12 years ago

What? That’s weird. Sounds like a grab bag of tea!

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612 tasting notes

This reminds me a lot of my beloved Upton Imports Baker Street Afternoon Blend in that there’s a delicate floral element, probably from the bergamot, laced up with the smokiness, a combination that’s somewhat unusual and to me quite beguiling. The chocolate combined with the smoke makes one think of keemuns like Hao Ya, but there’s no trace of bitterness here. Really yummy afternoon tea break sort of thing, good with a cookie.

I like it a lot! If you’re in the mood for a very bergamot-y standard-tasting Earl you’ll be disappointed, but if you like either of those aforementioned teas you may enjoy this. I definitely did.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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