Cherry Blossom Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Green Tea, Sugar
Cake, Cherry Blossom, Honey, Milk, Vanilla, Artificial, Candy, Cherry, Floral, Sweet, Medicinal, Powdered Sugar, Sakura, Sugar, Fruity
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Arby
Average preparation
Iced 0 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 238 ml

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DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

15 Tasting Notes

252 tasting notes

Sooo we had an oopsie with this one. For reference, I work with children and adults with developmental disabilities and I asked kiddos sister (a teen) to make a matcha for me because I was cleaning something up for her and my work kiddo and I gave her the directions but I drank it with strawberry milk (cherry blossom matcha ) iced and went to make another just to find out that she poured in a whole 50 gram bag in.

I now have a headache but it tasted great. It’s my favorite DT Matcha.

Flavors: Cake, Cherry Blossom, Honey, Milk, Vanilla


Ummmmm, I don’t know what to say but…oh my goodness! The whole 50 grams? I bet you can smell colors!

Cameron B.

That’s a lotta sugar LOL, especially mixed with strawberry milk?! O.O


Yeah I know right? LOL I’m okay right now, definitely a headache but having a snack to see if that helps

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248 tasting notes

I love this matcha so much. Its lightly sweet and smells so good

Day 6 of 24 Days of Matcha
Obviously I loved it

Hot – Yes
Cold – Yes
Tin – Yes

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2439 tasting notes

I grabbed a bunch of matcha samples from a recent tea box, and this week, I’ve taken the chance to try them. I don’t follow the DavidsTea matcha instructions. I just mix the powder with a bit of cold water and fake sugar, then I add a few ounces of milk. It makes a nice concentrated matcha so I can really get a sense of the flavor.

The flavor here is super floral and a little vegetal and savory. It’s a really strong flavor, so I don’t taste the matcha itself much. Nice aftertaste – I like it more the more sips I have. I wouldn’t want it again, but I was pleasantly surprised.

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1241 tasting notes

My final advent sampler! Full packet wisked in plain oat milk, cold.

Of the floral flavors, this is my least favorite… Don’t get me wrong, I love sakura, but that tends to be the problem with outside-of-Japan “cherry blossom” flavors/blends. They always taste like a combination of artificial cherry flavoring and some floral flavoring (usually rose) and that just doesn’t really equate to actual Japanese sakura flavor to me, and I was getting that here, as well. The cherry at least wasn’t trending medicinal (as I have seen in some “cherry blossom” teas) but, like the other fruity matchas, it tasted like candy from all the sweetness. The floral mixed with the sweetness just read to me as honey, like the flavor of the Wild Honey matcha. So really, rather than tasting cherry blossoms, I was tasting cherry candies drizzled in wild flower honey. It didn’t taste bad, but… that just isn’t sakura! I also wasn’t getting any matcha notes this time, and in theory, I think I would really like the grassy/umami notes of matcha paired with the sweeter florals of sakura. If I can ever find a Japanese-produced sakura matcha, I would be wildly curious to try it…

Blended it with a berry mix and some yogurt for my breakfast smoothie. Tasted like I’d added the Wild Honey Matcha to my smoothie (I really liked that one!), since the actual berries toned down the cherry candy note and what was left was a sort of wildflower sweetness.

Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Cherry, Floral, Honey, Sweet

Iced 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

I agree, I hate fake sakura flavoring…

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1186 tasting notes

DavidsTEA Matcha Advent Calendar 2020 – Day 19

Backlog from yesterday – so I’m in a tea chat with some tea people on Instagram for this Advent calendar, and everyone has been hyping this one up soo much, so when I saw it come up I was like YAY!! I get to try this floral bombshell!

Well, for me, it did not disappoint! I do enjoy floral teas, and this one has that sweetness that DT puts in their cherry blossom teas that makes it perfection!! I loved their cherry blossom tea from a while back (which of course is not available anymore sadface), and this brought me back to that one! Sweet, floral, and delicious! This was another I did not want to finish my cup of as it was SO GOOD I WANTED IT TO LAST FOREVER! I also see it’s no longer available on the website :( ah well at least I have 1-2 cups left!!

Prepared the usual way, 175 degree water, whisk, top up with hot water, enjoy. Yummy and good Saturday morning treat!


You’d think shops would treat advents as samples which then people would want to visit the website and order the teas. So they would try extra hard to keep the advent teas in stock. I guess not. haha.


@tea-sipper, that would definitely be a smart idea on their part! Maybe one day that will happen :)

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6444 tasting notes

DAVIDsTEA Matcha Advent Calendar – Day 19

I know Roswell Strange and some others over on Instagram were looking forward to this but as someone who doesn’t love floral teas, I was sort of indifferent to it being in the calendar.

I made it as an iced latte. I don’t love it. it’s candy-like but maybe a touch too much. Plus its floral so its like candied flowers, which is not particularly appealing to me. It also has a bit of a texture issue for me because this is the first time I feel like its leaving a bit of chalkiness on my tongue.

Cameron B.

I’m glad you thought it was chalky too, I wasn’t sure if it was just the way I prepared it. I don’t remember the other flavors being that way.


No, I definitely got a different texture with this one.

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4124 tasting notes

DAVIDsTEA Matcha Advent Calendar – Day 19

Yay, it’s the weekend! And I was actually quite intrigued to see this flavor, as I really enjoy sencha with sakura. Even though I’m not a big floral fan, I find sakura to be very different from other florals and I really like it. So hopefully this is yummy!

Dry scent is very cherry candy-like. Not a good sign…

Prepared this straight and iced, as I figured this flavor would be better that way, plus I hadn’t tried that preparation yet.

To be honest, I hate this. It tastes like a cloying and powdery cherry candy, maybe cherry Smarties, mixed with a little bit of sakura. It has a weird powdery mouthfeel as well, though I’m not sure if that’s just because of my preparation so I won’t hold it against it. The cherry flavor is very cough medicine-like as well… I don’t get much in the way of matcha flavor, though that’s a bit expected with these mixes. There’s a bit of grassiness and a hint of vegetal spinach. I don’t get much bitterness, which is a plus.

But overall, I think this is gross, and to call it “cherry blossom” makes me frown. I’m not able to finish the glass, unfortunately.

Jam time, jam time! Today we’re having Lemon-Yuzu Spread. I love yuzu in tea, though I’ll be curious to see how it is in jam, as I find it to be somewhat more savory than other citrus. Well, it’s very interesting… There are definitely grapefruit notes, and also quite a bit of bitterness from the included peel. I’m also getting a piney note from the yuzu, which I’m not sure I enjoy in jam form. It goes great with green tea, but I don’t really like the sweetness of jam combined with the evergreen note… Definitely an interesting one to try though!

(today’s advent teas:

Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Cherry, Medicinal, Powdered Sugar, Sakura, Sugar, Sweet

Iced 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

It sounds like an interesting jam! I hope your chocolates at least made for a treat to start the day!

Cameron B.

I’m actually really excited about today’s chocolate! It’s a layered mini-bar with dark chocolate with crepe and passion fruit. Almost all of the chocolates have been nut-related so fruit will be nice!

Martin Bednář

Oh my, Cameron. Tha tsounds soo great — jam, chocolate. Unfortunately not the tea. I reckon that making tasty sakura flavour must be difficult.

Cameron B.

Martin, the ones I’ve liked have had actual sakura leaf or blossom in them…


I think Lupicia has a salted sakura tea. I might actually have it somewhere in the depths of my cupboard now that I think about it. Sorry you struck out on tea and jam!

Cameron B.

I tried their Sakura & Berry and remember it being good. And no worries, I have plenty of advent teas to go! XD

Martin Bednář

But, it’s matcha after all, milling the sakura blossom/leaf won’t be very tasty I think. I could be wrong…

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2962 tasting notes

I did 1 tsp matcha powder in ~1/2 cup of vanilla soy milk (cold) and it made a lovely drink. It was fairly sweet and had a very fruity cherry flavour. It wasn’t the cough syrup artificial cherry flavour, though, it was very pleasant. I was worried cherry blossom would mean artificial cherry + rose but I think they did capture a fruity floral combo similar to cherry blossoms.

Flavors: Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Floral, Fruity, Sweet

Iced 0 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 125 ML
Mastress Alita

Somehow I always thought matcha needed to “steep” in warm water/milk. I’m going to have to try mixing some of my flavored matchas directly into cold milks in my frother now…

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6107 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 70)
2022 Sipdown 72/365!

C is for… Cherry Blossom Matcha!

Ok, so I had this yesterday when I was assuming I had no “B” matchas, and wanted matcha – clearly I should have thought a little harder about that because I have, in fact, 3 different matchas that start with B – Berries & Cream, Blueberry, and Blue Magic. Oh well.

I’m slightly amused that most of these returning matchas that I think are new, I’ve actually tried before. This one included. Good thing I didn’t get too much of it! Anyhow, it was a bit disappointing – I really couldn’t taste any cherry blossom at all. I expected it to either be floral or have a bit of cherry tartness (or maybe even taste like the Cherry Blossom white tea), but none of the above. It was boring. Tasted fine because it was still sweet, just boring.

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16374 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 19 – Tea 5/6

Finally! I think I’ve been craving this matcha since like December 3rd so I wanted to scream in excitement when I saw it was today’s matcha! That is a several weeks old craving that I got to scratch!

I whisked it today cold in straight milk and I got the absolute thickest froth on it. I swear I could have stuck a finger in it and got a good taste like dipping a finger in a pot of frosting. It was so creamy and sweet, but with a soft floral character. It’s like cherry blossom meets mild, sweet cherry candy. Actually, it reminds me a a little bit of the floral cherry notes in Des Roses et Des Bonbons – a long since discontinued black tea from Camellia Sinensis that I miss dearly.

Best tea of the day – and while not my favourite matcha (top five, maybe?) it was SO satisfying after waiting for impatiently for it for so long.

Advent Photos:

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.


This one sounds delicious!

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