Coconut Cream Pie

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Coconut, Oolong, White Chocolate
Artificial, Coconut, Grass, Milk, Sour, Vanilla, White Chocolate, Plants, Sweet, Cream, Floral, Nutmeg, Creamy, Mint, Smooth, Earth, Nutty, Chocolate, Wood, Butter, Nuts, Roasted, Sugar
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by DAVIDsTEA
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec 9 g 14 oz / 407 ml

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57 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was a sipdown today and I see I never even added it to my cupboard. I liked it fine in the past. It is definitely very coconuty and sweet. But this last bit in the pouch was so sweet my guest...” Read full tasting note
  • “Something about this tea is too aritificial. Not sure if it’s the white chocolate, added sugar, or dairy (would’ve preferred this to be Vegan) but this coconut pie is more sour and cloying than I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Not my cup of tea (lol). Overwhelmingly coconut and I’m not the biggest fan of that flavour. I do love coconut cream pie, but this is more COCONUT and some white chocolate. Probably amazing if you...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown – the end of this was all sugar and finely crushed coconut, but dang did it make a delicious cup. I’ve fallen more in love with this as I made it through the 1 oz bag, to the point that I...” Read full tasting note


Cream of the cup

Rich coconut. Creamy white chocolate. And a golden, buttery crust. Can anything top a coconut cream pie? It’s a dessert so dreamy, so fluffy, it’s like eating a deliciously retro cloud. If we had our way, we’d be snacking on coconut-filled custard 24/7. Lucky for us, this tea came along. It’s an unbelievably decadent blend of toasted coconut, white chocolate and cane sugar, all on a base of smooth-drinking oolong. The best part? It’s an all-natural blend. We’ve got pie hopes for this one…

Ingredients: Oolong tea, white chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, butter oil, soy lecithin, vanilla extract), coconut, toasted coconut (coconut, sugar, dextrose, salt), cane sugar, natural coconut flavouring.

Contains coconut, milk, soy.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

57 Tasting Notes

3500 tasting notes

This was a sipdown today and I see I never even added it to my cupboard.

I liked it fine in the past. It is definitely very coconuty and sweet. But this last bit in the pouch was so sweet my guest wouldn’t drink it and asked to pour it out! There was so much oil floating on top that I poured mine out about halfway through as well. I guess it would have been better to put it in a tin and occasionally turn it upside down to redistribute the ingredients.

If you love coconut and really sweet tea, you would love this! It is definitely dessert-like. Just a bit too much for me.

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1445 tasting notes

Something about this tea is too aritificial. Not sure if it’s the white chocolate, added sugar, or dairy (would’ve preferred this to be Vegan) but this coconut pie is more sour and cloying than I would like it. While it makes a passable latte, I don’t think it offers up much competition or innovation to the other coconut oolong blends already out there.

Flavors: Artificial, Coconut, Grass, Milk, Sour, Vanilla, White Chocolate

Evol Ving Ness

Yeah, sadly, this one held such promise in the name.

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12 tasting notes

Not my cup of tea (lol). Overwhelmingly coconut and I’m not the biggest fan of that flavour. I do love coconut cream pie, but this is more COCONUT and some white chocolate. Probably amazing if you like coconut – the flavour is there!

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63 tasting notes

Sipdown – the end of this was all sugar and finely crushed coconut, but dang did it make a delicious cup. I’ve fallen more in love with this as I made it through the 1 oz bag, to the point that I think I’m going to pick up a bigger one next time I’m in the store. Not my healthiest tea, but great to drink all day until those oolong leaves are spent.

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6444 tasting notes

This review is for the Coconut Cream Pie infused Milk Chocolate Bar

This bar reminded me of a Bounty Bar with a toasted coconut flavor and crunchy coconut pieces. I would say it is one of the better tea chocolate bars DAVIDs has put out but at the same time, a Bounty Bar is significantly cheaper so I would probably just buy that if I was craving this flavor.

Check out the full review here:

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50 tasting notes

HOT: This tea tastes mostly like straight up coconut milk, with some grassy/floral tones to it. I found it to be a little boring, although I do enjoy coconut milk. I added a splash of cream, and it brought some vanilla notes out pretty strongly, and I tried some with lemon and was surprised to discover I preferred it this way. Overall I felt that the tea was good, especially if you like vanilla, just boring and lacking the depth of flavour that I prefer from oolong tea.

ICED: I normally prefer hot tea, but this tea has some extra floral and grass notes that come out a little more iced. I like it better without cream than with. With cream it tasted exactly like a glass of coconut milk.

Overall this tea was boring to me. I am sure however there are some coconut lovers out there that would be much more satisfied than I was.

Flavors: Coconut, Cream, Floral, Grass, Nutmeg

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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85 tasting notes

It was a rather difficult day and I was very thankful for the chance to get some alone time while my husband took the kids out of the house. I sat down to watch a new favourite of mine, Travelers. As I was watching the show, I decided it would be well matched with warm cup of tea as the rain hit the window the thunder let me know the sky was alive.

I really didn’t pay much attention to what I was grabbing other than that it was part of the Your Daily Resolution tea set that I had opened this morning. As always I opened the tea and gave it a great sniff knowing right away it was something with coconut. It brews a cloudy pale yellow and produces a coconut and grassy aroma. Taste wise it is ok, it is smooth and creamy, with a grassy taste and a hint of mint (not sure where this comes from) but I did not taste the coconut that I smelt in the dry leaves and in the scent wafting in my face.

My husband tried a bit (he is not a tea drinker) and he thought it was more nutmeg flavoured.

While I will not go out of my way to buy this again, I am sure others will enjoy this. I have come to realize I am not much of a coconut fan in my teas.

Resolution with this tea – Eat (and drink) more ginger … ironically this made me laugh since there is no ginger in the tea.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Grass, Mint, Smooth

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

Oh no, I’m sorry you had a difficult day but I hope having that muchly needed alone time was able to make up for most of it.

I wasn’t a fan of this one either.

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103 tasting notes

A delicious dessert tea. But when I strolled down to my local David’s Tea shop at noontime and got this cup, I was shocked to be charged $4.28 for it. It was an occasional indulgence at $3.00. David’s Tea has just lost a customer.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy

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91 tasting notes

I prefer the Coconut Oolong from DAVIDs to this Coconut Cream Pie flavour. Coconut Cream Pie is also nice and creamy but the roasted coconut comes out much more clean and crisp in Coconut Oolong. The white chocolate in this is pleasant, don’t get me wrong, but it just doesn’t win me over the same way. There’s a more artificial sweetness to this one.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, White Chocolate

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 5 g 12 OZ / 355 ML

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4337 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge: Saturday, March 13th: National Coconut Torte Day Tea #2

additional notes:  A favorite, which is why I decided on it today.  However, now that it’s older, I’m getting this really weird bitter flavor on my mouth like this tea is full of chemicals or something.  It doesn’t really taste like bad coconut yet, which is odd.  And it doesn’t really TASTE like chemicals, but if I lick my lips afterward, it is really bad chemicals.  Such a shame.  I love this crazy blend.  The weirdness seems to be gone by the second steep… I really don’t want to chuck it, as it is impossible to get now.  But if David’s ever reblended it, I would try to drink it very fresh.  OR if another company could try to recreate this naturally?  Looking at the search for ‘coconut cream pie’ on Steepster, there is only a handful of results and I have tried most! The newest/current would be DEB’S!!! Maybe at some point.
2021 sipdowns: 30 Fusion – Red Bush Chai


I’ve had that with a few DTs, where I thought I used to like a blend and the next time I have it, it tastes like chemicals. I assume it must be something weird happening with the flavouring, but it’s kind of unpleasant.


This might be the first time I noticed with a Davidstea (or really any tea), so I guess I have been lucky.

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