
Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Coconut, Marigold Petals, Pineapple, Rose Petals, Safflower, Sugar
Coconut, Pineapple, Fruity, Tropical
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Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 6 min, 45 sec 5 g 8 oz / 243 ml

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190 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Cold/warm brewed this (as in, put in cold water from the Brita pitcher but left the cup on the counter for about 24h because my fridge is stuffed full of research asparagus) and it’s pretty tasty....” Read full tasting note
  • “I love you so mu-uuuuuuuch, Tropicalia. This is the first tea that has ever just had to be a staple to me. I bought 100g the first time around and have already purchased another 100g so that my tin...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yes friends. It is that good. If you look at my highly outdated profile description, you’ll find Pina Colada as one of my favorite flavours! The smell is spot on. It even smells sweet! Coconut,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Whoa the new format is super weird. I mean, I’m sure I’ll adjust but it’s just SO MANY changes all at once. Maybe what’s bothering me the most is the weird new font? But lots of differences and...” Read full tasting note


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Your happy place

So you want to go somewhere really exotic this summer. A place where the sun is shining and the drinks are plentiful. Where the sands are white, the water is clear and the sky is blue. No problem. Just ice yourself a cup of this herbal blend. Not only does it taste just like a piña colada, it makes you feel as happy as one too. With pineapple, coconut and little sugar hearts, the only thing missing is the paper umbrella. And a bikini.

Ingredients: Apple, pineapple cubes, coconut, rose petals, safflower blossoms, sugar hearts, marigold petals, artificial flavouring*.

Allergens: Coconut, not vegan

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

190 Tasting Notes

95 tasting notes

Cold brewed this one for about 18 hours… The result? Pure pleasure. It tastes like a cross between a pina colada and a pineapple smoothie, and the flavour is the strongest of any of DAVIDS teas that I have cold brewed. It is refreshing and delicious, nothing really more needs to be said! I used about 8 teaspoons for my Takeya pitcher.

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343 tasting notes

First I hot brewed this at normal strength for about 10 minutes (for 24oz) and then I used the remainder plus 2 fresh teaspoons to make another 24oz cold brewed. This reminds me of coconut water. It is sweet, refreshing and light on the tongue. It’s not super sweet but enough that I don’t need to add sweetener. I ordered more of this and Pink Passionate. I think those are my new favorite juice-type teas that I’ve found this season. A plus, I’m feeling a bit better and tea stays down (sorry TMI).

Iced 8 min or more

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144 tasting notes

I cold brewed a pitcher of this and when I took it out of the fridge everyone in the room recoiled in horror. I hugged it to my chest and said “IT’S CALLED COLD BREWING, IT’S SUPPOSED TO LOOK THIS WAY! THERE’S A FILTER IN THE PITCHER! IT TASTES LIKE PINA COLADA!!” No one would try it so I have the whole pitcher to myself, which is awesome because it tastes amaaazzinnnggg. I was expecting to have to sweeten it a little but I totally don’t have to at all, it’s naturally sweet and creamy. I would love to try it as an iced latte! The pineapple flavour is really pronounced. Unfortunately I used up my whole bag making this pitcher, so I’m gonna have to go back and get a tin of this!


Lucky you no sharing! All for you!


This tea really does look a little horrifying when it is cold brewed. Good thing it is so worth it and even better when you don’t have to share! Lol


Hahahaha!! I find it really amusing that anyone would look at a tea and recoil in horror. LOL!

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464 tasting notes

I cold-steeped a pitcher of this overnight and grabbed a travel mug full of it as I headed out to take my cat the specialist vet hospital. His breathing hasn’t been so good.

The tea tastes pretty good like pina colada. The apple mellows out the tropical flavors and there is milky quality to the taste. I was expecting some sort of unnatural flavor with the sprinkles, but I 8mm getting nothing like that. I’m glad I brought a mug-ful with me.


Poor kitty! I hope he’s okay!


Good luck with the vet…


Oh no… best of luck with kitty, keep us informed.


Thanks, everyone! My cat is still at the vet hospital. He’s recovering from a nasty asthma attack and possible pneumonia.

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37 tasting notes

Hmm… the smell of this tea sort of reminds me of Ceckmate… I guess it is the coconut. But whenever I brew tea, i like to smell the spoon after i scoop the dry leaves into the tea bag; I think the best smell is on the spoon… lol.

Anywho, I would like to start of by saying that since I love coconut and especially Pina Coladas, my expectations for this tea were so high that they were low. What I mean by this is that I didnt think this tea would match my expectations and would be a dissapointment, because I did not expect it to actually taste like pina colada. I am glad to say that this tea ACTUALLY met my expectations!!! Oh my goodness! had it iced and it had the exact aroma and flavour of pina colada. I did not expect the flavour to be that accurate! I definately tasted the coconut and pineapple, but I also got a hint of caramel. Everytime I took a sip I would turn to my friend and say “OMG this tastes AMAZING,” yeah, it was that good! I definately have to stock up on this one, I can see myself sipping this tea all year round. I cannot wait to try it hot!


100 is momentous!

Drunk From Tea

Oh yes! I cannot believe how much I enjoyed this tea! I remember when I took the first sip, I said to my friend “I am so rating this 100” but my friend didnt know what I was talking about hehe


Good thing we don’t go around rating people. I shudder to think how God would rate me although in love that never changes and is always completely 100 or I would dispair.

Drunk From Tea

Lol exactly!

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107 tasting notes

I keep being disappointed by flavoured herbals. I keep seeing people say things like, “It tastes just like [thingummy]!” and it never, ever does. Not to me, anyway. Being flavoured like something doesn’t usually mean that it tastes just like that thing. It just means that the flavour is reminiscent of that thing. Am I being too picky? Probably. I mean, if something tasted just like [thingummy], it probably would be [thingummy].

Anyway. This tea. It’s supposed to taste “just like” a pina colada. It does not. It just tastes very similar to a pina colada. But really, once you get over the disappointment, it’s actually an impressively close imitation.

The dry smell is amazing. Bang-on pina coladas, basically. Nothing less!

The taste is a bit weak. I discovered that this tea is chunky enough that the 26g I bought basically make one pitcher at best, so it could be that I really needed more of it. But I cold-steeped it for 14 hours, and my first impression was that it tasted very, very much like a pina colada at the back, but was a bit weak at the front. I also felt that I really needed to put too much sugar in it to bring forward the tastes that I wanted – there’s something a wee bit tart (the apple?) at the forefront of the taste that I did not care for. I originally added what I felt was (accidentally) too much honey to the pitcher before I placed it in the fridge to steep, and still added white sugar when I went to drink it by the cup. Still, it’s a re-purchase, even a tin or two’s worth.

I also discovered that it’s really amazing with the addition of (what else?) rum and some half-and-half. I certainly can’t add the rum to my work Timolino tomorrow, but I’m seriously debating the cream.

Iced 8 min or more

I get what you are saying about the “just like” I think it sets us up for heightened expectations for sure.

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212 tasting notes

This is very good. It really gives the impression that I’m drinking pina coloda. Smooth and creamy with a heavier mouth feel to it just like the drink. I think the pineapple and coconut are done really well since they feel pretty natural. Iced, this is the perfect drink for a hot summer day. This one shall get some cupboard space. :D

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1473 tasting notes

I wasn’t expecting to like this, I’m not a huge pina colada fan. But I was happily surprised at how good it was! I cold brewed it and it got me through a few days of brutally hot temps at the office. I think I need to get more of this! The girls told me it tastes like pineapple juice and it really, really does. Yum.

Will Work For Tea

YUM! I wonder if it would be good with a spike of rum, to be enjoyed at home. :)

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2145 tasting notes

Thanks go to scribbles for sending me this one during our swap.

I haven’t had a chance to try many teas from DAVIDsTEA, but I’ve heard a lot of good things so I was really excited to finally make some ice tea out of this. I had a one ounce sample and used the entire thing to make a pitcher of tea which my son and I have been drinking all day.

Honestly, I was surprised by how much I liked this considering the fact that it contains a lot of things that I don’t generally like. It was very sweet, but not overly so, very fruity and exactly like what a tropical blend should taste like. I find that a lot of tropical blends are lacking, and I didn’t feel that way about this one. While this will never make my regular rotation of teas, it is a nice change of pace from what I normally drink and I could see myself ordering it again on occasion if the price were right.


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90 tasting notes

I made cocktails with this on the weekend, with a splash of club soda and some coconut rum. They turned out so yummy! The pina colada flavor was spot on, with just the right level of sweetness. It is heavy though; I used my entire 20g in the cold brew so I am still curious to try this hot (and also iced minus the booze!) I may pick up some more if I find myself craving it. Thanks sarai for the sample!

Iced 8 min or more

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