
Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea, Popped Rice
Toasted Rice, Popcorn, Burnt, Seaweed, Vegetal, Rice, Salty, Smooth, Metallic, Burnt Food, Butter, Earth, Green, Nutty, Roasted, Salt, Toasty, Sweet, Grass
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Loose Leaf
Not available
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Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 25 oz / 752 ml

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135 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I always forget how enjoyable this one is. So much yum! Of course, I rarely indulge. I tend to bypass the DT options in my cupboard, not for any apparent reason, it just happens :/” Read full tasting note
  • “Bland on the sip, reminiscent of metallic taste. Light roasted green taste at the end of the sip with something hinting at a floral flavour. After taste is very roasty with green tea taste. As the...” Read full tasting note
  • “In july I cracked a tooth and it was incredibly painful. Due to the health professional shortage in my wonderful province, it still hasn’t come out of my mouth and I have 3 weeks to wait to see a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (130) Thank you Roswell Stange! I am always happy to try a genmaicha and this one is not bad. I am not running to stock up on it but it is easily accessible and if I am dying for a...” Read full tasting note


Watch out, it’s addictive

Some people call Genmaicha popcorn tea because it contains whole roasted grains of brown rice, some of which have popped. Others call it the Rice Krispie of green teas. Either way, genmaicha was originally drunk by poor Japanese who used the rice as a filler because they couldn’t afford enough tea leaves. It soon became all the rage. Today, everyone is addicted to its sweet, toasted rice flavour.

Ingredients: Japanese-style green tea, roasted rice.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

135 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

When Ost and I first swapped teas, she offered to share some Genmaichas, as I am what could be called a novice to this particular tea.
Today is the day I was brave enough to try one!
It smells a bit like popcorn, and I’m finally getting the whole scope of the word “toasty”. Is that actual popcorn in it?This smells toasty.
Its actually much sweeter than I expected from the smell, a bit more like caramel corn or sweet popcorn, instead of a full on toasted popcorn.
I’m enjoying it! Onward, to more Genmaichas!
Thanks to Ost


popped rice! so good


Yah! Happy you liked it! Did i send you Verdant’s kind? That’s my favorite. If i haven’t then next time we swap I will send you some!!

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333 tasting notes

This is a very rice-heavy genmaicha, and I had trouble scooping out a spoonful that had enough leaves in it for me to justify calling it tea!

But you know, it’s good. There might not be much new and exciting about it, but it’s comforting. The sencha has that nori-seaweed quality to it, so the overall effect is like one of those seaweed-covered rice snacks. A nice relaxing afternoon cup. Thanks again to beelicious!

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14 tasting notes

Day 9/24 Advent Calendar
(Catching up on my reviews from earlier this week)
I love Genmaicha. Looooove.

Dry – Love the little bits of popped rice and roasted rice. The smell doesn’t have that sesame roasted scent, just green tea.

Steeped – Lovely green brown color. The sesame oil from the roasted rice comes through.

Taste – Toasty and roasty but a bit weak. I will have to try it with a bit more tea next time.

Since Genmaicha is one of my favorites, I went ahead and ordered some from DT.

Couldn’t drink day 8/24 coco mint creme has coconut and I’m allergic.

Flavors: Green, Rice, Roasted, Toasted Rice, Vegetal

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1139 tasting notes

Day 9 of the advent calendar. I’ve never had a tea with this flavour before. I rather enjoyed the predominant toasted popped rice flavour. That’s really the star of this tea with the flavour of the green tea itself bringing up the rear. This tea was comforting, like a warm blanket on a cold day. Being a fan of most green teas, I’ll happily add this to my rotation.

Flavors: Green, Roasted, Toasted Rice

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3 tasting notes

I always forget how much I enjoy sipping on this tea. It has a light vegetal taste with a hint of sweetness that comes from the popped rice pieces. I have also enjoyed this tea as an iced tea and it is quite tasty in a rice cracker sort of way!

Flavors: Sweet, Vegetal

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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8 tasting notes

This was one of my favourite teas when i first began with Japanese greens. The roasted rice flavour was excessively addictive and I believe i drank atleast 3 teapots worth a day. Perhaps, that is why the taste does not appeal to me as much as it once did. It now has a strange aftertaste which I cannot put my finger on. I will be giving this tea a break for a while to see if it was just this particular batch from DavidsTea or if it’s just DT’s genmaicha itself. I would still recommend because, if I have grown out of it (which, I think, is really the case) that doesn’t necessarily mean the tea is bad.

Flavors: Grass, Rice, Toasted Rice

160 °F / 71 °C 0 min, 45 sec 1 tsp

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7 tasting notes

This was my first introduction to Genmaicha – I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. The background story was unique as well. Definitely a go to in my tea drawer.

Flavors: Rice, Toasted Rice, Toasty

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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737 tasting notes

Mmmm soo roasty! ^^ So much better than the last genmaicha I tried that mainly tasted like green tea. This one is actually roasty.

Flavors: Roasted

Cameron B.

I love the super roasty genmaichas. Maybe I should just buy a bag of the genmai and drink that… :P I ordered the Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha from Verdant so I’ll let you know how that is soon. :)


Heyy I did too! You’ll probably get your order before me though. xD But hey, looking forward to seeing if we agree on that one haha :P

Cameron B.

We shall see… We don’t seem to agree on a whole lot, but maybe genmaicha!


Haha yeah. That might be our one meeting point. xD But hey, better than none,right? :P

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818 tasting notes

Before bed tea. So comforting, mmmmmm! It doesn’t always have to be paired with sushi, although it is delicious that way. This is one of those teas I could drink as often as water. :)

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415 tasting notes

This tea is unlike anything I’ve tried tastes just like popcorn!

Flavors: Grass

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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