Chocolate Mint Maté

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Yerba maté Tea
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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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  • “So, I guess I am on a roll of reviewing teas that don’t exist anymore. I am particularly sad that this one got discontinued, as I have just finished what little of it I had left. This is one of the...” Read full tasting note
  • “So this is one that’s been in my cupboard for at least three years, since it’s been discontinued that long. I remember I used to love it but not now. It’s unfortunate the description is their old...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve just bought a box of this tea and I have to say it’s a real shame they are discontinuing it. I wish I could buy loose tea leaves like the other teas they carry but tea bags is all they have...” Read full tasting note
  • “Smooth delicious chocolate with more than just a hint of mint. It’s a nice calming dessert drink. It’s a cute flavour and aroma. Makes me smile a little” Read full tasting note


No point in resisting

They say chocolate relaxes and lowers inhibitions, while stimulating a desire for physical contact. Centuries ago, it was actually banned in some monasteries. So what happens when you combine it with minty freshness and a maté high? You’ve got one great party drink. Which is why we suggest infusing a cup of these leaves in a litre of vodka for a few hours, and then inviting people over for martinis.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

4 Tasting Notes

170 tasting notes

So, I guess I am on a roll of reviewing teas that don’t exist anymore. I am particularly sad that this one got discontinued, as I have just finished what little of it I had left. This is one of the teas I have used many times to introduce my friends to the greatness of tea, and it did make a few new happy drinkers. It also is the tea that helped me get through countless sleepless nights (ok, I could probably count them, I’m lazy), studying or typing some essay, thanks to the mighty power of maté. The best way I could describe the taste is: After Eight in your cup. Minus the sugar. It’s really that simple (and my friends all agreed on that!). And since I love After Eights, 1+1=2, I love this tea! The taste of maté gets a bit lost in there, but not entirely (you have to concentrate pretty hard).

I guess it got replaced by the Mint Chocolate Rooibos, which I haven’t yet tried, but I suspect it tastes very similar. But rooibos instead of maté? Whyyyy?? Rooibos makes me sleepy! Now, my exams are coming up, and I am left wondering what will help me make the sleepless nights more enjoyable. Sad, very sad indeed!

Emotional outburst aside, I am really enjoying this last cup of it I’m having now!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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652 tasting notes

So this is one that’s been in my cupboard for at least three years, since it’s been discontinued that long.

I remember I used to love it but not now.

It’s unfortunate the description is their old style which is more cutesy than informative, with no ingredients list to speak of.

I’m telling you, there’s rooibos in this. Davidstea lied. Yeccccch. Minty hay. With mate. That should be the new name for this…if they ever bring it back.

Giving the rest to my friend, only a cup or two and she might enjoy it.

Glad I attempted this one first and followed up with a tastier tea (milk black) after I dumped this one out.


(That means “I hate rooibos”.)

Show 9 previous comments...
Stephanie 11 years ago

I too am a rooibos hater.

Courtney 11 years ago

Blech. I’m with you guys, but green rooibos I can tolerate, whereas red is just a disaster.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Add me! Rooibos blends always taste like medicine to me, no matter how hard I try to like some of them! Too bad, cause they are super healthy…

ohfancythat 11 years ago

It’s got such a gross taste to it! The ONLY rooibos I’ve been able to tolerate are the lemon/lime chiffon teas from Della Terra. Because the flavoring magically masks the hay taste.

I don’t think I’ve ever tried green rooibos!

Courtney 11 years ago

Those are the only ones I’ve ever tolerated as well, though I don’t really drink them anymore. Green is much less offensive. :)

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

I agree with you Courtney, green rooibos is like a different tea, and it blends really well with anything fruity. The problem: there are very few green blends out there. I just recently bought one from Lupicia and it’s quite good. Davids used to have one also that wasn’t bad, I think it was called Green & Fruity…

ohfancythat 11 years ago

Which one from Lupicia?

Nxtdoor 11 years ago

Yeah, green and fruity was quite alright. Not too Rooibos-y. There are a couple of other good ones I had from Dexter3657 but for the most part I also avoid it.

Courtney 11 years ago

S&V have a few good green rooibos blends too. Coconut Macaroon was tasty.

MissB 11 years ago

I’m pretty sure green rooibos is used in the Della Terra blends, however I could be wrong. I’m with you guys; I stay away from red rooibos (usually, although I’ll try anything once) and find I get the scratchy throat thing with about 60% of them. Green rooibos though? All good. Candy Cane from Simpson & Vail, Lemon Meringue from Tealish are two of my green favs.

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1 tasting note

I’ve just bought a box of this tea and I have to say it’s a real shame they are discontinuing it. I wish I could buy loose tea leaves like the other teas they carry but tea bags is all they have left :(

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8 tasting notes

Smooth delicious chocolate with more than just a hint of mint. It’s a nice calming dessert drink. It’s a cute flavour and aroma. Makes me smile a little

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