Strawberry Matcha (Organic)

Tea type
Matcha Tea
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Bulk, Powder/Instant
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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Sweet & creamy strawberries with a light grassy note from matcha.

ready, set, matcha
Strawberry Matcha is a mouth-watering blend of organic matcha green tea powder, cane sugar and wild strawberry is a sweet way to power up. Packed with all the mega-healthy benefits of matcha, you’re gonna want to add a spoonful to all your fave drinks—from strawberry milkshakes and powerhouse smoothie bowls to energizing iced lattes. With a fruity matcha this good, going green has never been easier.

What Makes It Great:
This matcha fave is now Certified Organic!
Matcha is a labour of love—it’s made by removing the stems and spines of the tea leaves and then grinding the leaf into a fine powder. Because you’re ingesting the entire leaf, you get 100% of the benefits, plus an energy boost.
Delicious sipped on its own or mixed into lattes, milkshakes and smoothies.

Organic cane sugar, Organic matcha green tea, Organic strawberry flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

3 Tasting Notes

16975 tasting notes

Adventageddon Day 19

Apparently I never added the organic version of Strawberry Matcha into Steepster like I do for all the other organic conversions – even though we’ve been selling it now for nearly a year. Oops.

Generally speaking I typically find the organic flavoured matchas pretty equivalent to their non-organic counterparts which a couple exceptions like Vanilla and Candy Cane since, respectively, those two use a different type of sugar and have an extra flavouring. This one, however, is another that I personally think is just a little bit different too. It’s still very good, but I’ve always felt like DT’s strawberry matcha was surprisingly quite creamy tasting and this one (to me at least) is a little bit brighter and more ripe tasting with less of that strawberry shake sort of vibe. Unless you latte it, of course.

I was kind of hoping it would pop up in the advent selections a little earlier because I had a bunch of frozen strawberries at one point that I turned into a nice strawberry jam/compote, but I’ve used them all up now so instead I just had this one hot and plain. A very, very big amount of it though. I was definitely quite awake feeling most of the afternoon. You can see in the photo I drank this out of a teacup and saucer set, but it’s deceptively very large. Bigger than every chawan I own except for one, in fact…

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.

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