Strawberry Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Not available
Candy, Grass, Strawberry, Artificial, Sweet, Bitter, Cookie, Sugar, Vegetal
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 5 g 9 oz / 275 ml

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How it tastes
Fruity, sweet and creamy, with the tea flavour of matcha in the background

This all-natural blend of matcha green tea powder, cane sugar and wild strawberry is a sweet way to power up. Packed with all the mega-healthy benefits of matcha, you’re gonna want to add a spoonful to all your fave drinks – from strawberry milkshakes and powerhouse smoothie bowls to energizing iced lattes. With a fruity matcha this good, going green has never been easier.

Cane sugar, Matcha green tea, Natural strawberry flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

34 Tasting Notes

2592 tasting notes

This has a nice strawberry candy flavor, balanced perfectly with the matcha. With some sugar to bring out the sweetness of the strawberry, this is quite tasty and refreshing. I only had the advent sample, but I’d totally drink this again. One of my favorite DT matchas for sure.

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252 tasting notes

Day 22 of 24 Days of Matcha 2021

It was good till it started tasting chemical.

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48 tasting notes

I enjoyed this a great deal. Sweet, and strawberry-y with a hint of grass,

Flavors: Candy, Grass, Strawberry

175 °F / 79 °C

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1268 tasting notes

Used this for my breakfast smoothie… I missed my smoothies over the last few days as I wanted to drastically cut back on my dishes until my sink got repaired, and smoothies require a lot of washing up.

Wisked 1 tsp in 1 cup coconut milk. I don’t like sampling in coconut milk because of its sweetness/strong flavor, but this carton is now desperately close to going off and now that Smoothie Town is open again, I have to use up the carton stat!

The strawberry in this is quite sweet, and waxes a little more toward strawberry-flavored candies than actual berries, since there is just no berry tanginess present. I couldn’t taste the matcha itself, which I’m sure was due to the coconut milk, since it added another layer of sweetness and a noticeable coconut flavor. The strawberry complimented the coconut flavor nicely, though!

And the mixed smoothie was one of the best I’ve had yet! The strawberry matcha coconut milk latte was blended with frozen mango, a teaspoon of lime juice, and a bit of yogurt and the strawberry really popped with the combined flavors; I think the tang of the citrus and the sweetness of the mango helped bring it closer to a “berry” feel and further away from “candy.” The flavor integrated so well, so it is there but the other elements are there as well, unlike, say, the Bubble Gum Matcha which had a flavor that overpowered the smoothie quite a lot.

One serving left, and I’m looking forward to recreating this smoothie for tomorrow’s breakfast, as well!

Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Strawberry, Sweet

Iced 5 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4333 tasting notes

DAVIDsTEA Matcha Advent Calendar – Day 21

This smelled lovely when I pulled it out of its drawer this morning. Very candylike but I’m okay with candylike strawberry so was excited to try it. Prepared with 8 ounces of warm water and 4 ounces of warm milk.

Prepared this way, it tastes pretty much exactly like strawberry Pocky… Very creamy and decadent artificial candy strawberry. The flavoring rather overpowers the matcha here, which I can perhaps taste a hint of if I cross my eyes and concentrate. There is a touch of bitterness that pops up at the end of the sip.

I’m enjoying this cuppa this morning as a sort of “guilty pleasure” matcha due to it reminding me of Japanese strawberry sweets. :)

As for the jam, today’s selection is White Nectarine-Peach Spread. To be honest, I had no idea white nectarines were even a thing… But I love stonefruits, so this sounds delish to me! Yum, it has such a fresh nectarine and peach flavor. I will say there is little-to-no tartness here, and I feel like a little bit would really help punch up the crisp stonefruit flavors. Even so, this is scrumptious for an apricot jam lover like myself!

(today’s advent teas:

Flavors: Artificial, Bitter, Candy, Cookie, Grass, Strawberry, Sugar, Sweet, Vegetal

175 °F / 79 °C 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Have you ever gotten to sample white peaches? Hard to find in my part of the world, but firmer and milder than regular “squooshy” peaches.

Cameron B.

Yes, I have tried white peaches! I remember them being more delicate, but not much else. :P


White nectarines taste like candy to me, so delicate and sweet.


I bet a Strawberry Pocky flavored matcha would make a delicious latte. Perhaps blending this with a straight matcha would balance out the flavoring.

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6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 55)
2022 Sipdown 59/365!

Well, this one did taste and smelled more like it’s intended flavour than the other two (blueberry and raspberry), but I think I like the berry ones a bit more even if the flavouring is kind of vague. It’s definitely candy strawberry here, which is fine, but I think the blueberry matcha was better, and probably also raspberry.

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451 tasting notes

This is pretty good whisked with milk for a sort of over latte effect. Whisked in hot water, it’s unpleasantly grassy. Not too sad to be finished with this one.

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606 tasting notes

I bought this one during the summer while I was pregnant. Because of the caffeine and not wanting to overdo it, I didn’t try this one and bought 100g blind, hoping I would love it. Thankfully I was right! This tea is so delicious. I made it up with some milk because I haven’t been able to master drinking matcha straight up yet. I’m hoping I will be able to someday, but as of right now, it’s not happening.
Anyways, so I probably made this a bit stronger than needed. I grabbed the wrong spoon. I used my Teaopia teaspoon instead of my matcha spoon… so probably an extra half a scoop than needed, but oh well. This would make a great latte. I would probably love that. And I’d probably even enjoy this one as either an iced latte or iced tea with a splash of milk. Either way.
So I should actually mention something about the flavour of this one. haha It’s got a really nice strawberry flavour. It’s really spot-on, which makes me very happy. It doesn’t taste like artificial strawberries. I don’t get a lot of the green tea flavour, but that’s okay. It’s there, but not very strong. My only “complaint” about this one is that it is VERY sweet. Like, very sweet. I would have preferred if they had cut back on the cane sugar a bit.

But even still, I will enjoy this one quite a bit. I’m glad I got 100g and I will probably get more if it comes back.

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16975 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 21 – Tea 6/6

Pretty stoked to see this tea in the morning as, for a very long time, it was my favourite matcha from DT a few years back. It’s such a surprisingly creamy strawberry flavour that it’s always reminded me a bit more of a Strawberry Milkshake or, simple, Strawberries & Cream matcha profile over anything else…

I debated all day how to make it, but I ended up doing it hot in a travel mug with a tiny splash of cream while out for a walk and then while grocery shopping. It’s already such a creamy flavour that it didn’t need much cream to boost those elements and really I added in the cream to make the mouthfeel thicker/richer more than anything else.

Super enjoyable – can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s advents bring!

Advent Photos:

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.

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1758 tasting notes

Made this today as a matcha latte with almond milk and sugar. It is quite tasty. Strong strawberry flavor but not too much matcha flavor. Overall while this is probably not considered a ceremonial grade matcha it is pretty tasty.

Making of this was simple. I have limited access to my tea ware now. So I put three matcha scoops of matcha in a cup, added about 10oz 175 degree water and then uses an Ikea frother to mix the matcha. I then added the sugar and almond milk and used the frother again. Came out quite tasty.

175 °F / 79 °C

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