This novel, pearl-shaped tea used to be the province of Chinese tea-makers, but it seems Rohini tea estate has learned the secret – and extremely well. This is a lovely, relaxing casual tea with nice, fresh green tea characteristics, and something of the oolong about it, as well. It boasts a distinctive flavor profile and can deliver various nuances to the discerning palette if steeped several times at one sitting. This unusual, vivid, fresh-tasting tea is a perfect alternative when a meaningful diversion or the entertainment of the senses is in order.
Origin: 2011 Darjeeling
Tea Estate: Rohini
Type: Single Estate
Grade: Rohini Pearl
Length Of Infusion:2-3 mins
Water Temperature :80-90 C
Dry Leaves
Aspect: Large, tightly-rolled pearls composed of young leaf and silver tips
Colour: Dark green, grey-green
Scents: Sweet and vegetal
Brewed Leaves (Infusion)
Colours:Dark olive and charcoal green, with yellow-green highlights
Scent: Steamed leafy vegetables
Colours:Very light, creamy yellow with a ephemeral green blush
Flavour: Light, delicate, with a suggestion of smoke and cooked vegetables.
Aromas: Sweet, leafy greens