Amande Amaretti

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Almond, Marzipan, Smooth
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Edit tea info Last updated by Ysaurella
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 g 9 oz / 280 ml

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29 Tasting Notes View all

  • “another delightful sample from dinosara :) This one reminds me of amarettoe in dry form and scent. Steeped, it’s a delicious almond, marzipan sort of tea. I am really enjoying this on this super...” Read full tasting note
  • “okay, i really need to review my personal standpoint on stubbornness. i did this tea SUCH a disservice yesterday. overleafed, oversteeped…… i wonder if admitting that and having the brilliant new...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is likely going on my shopping list. have no idea how on earth Canadians acquire DF teas, but in the event that I have the opportunity to acquire this without paying insane shipping...” Read full tasting note
  • “It seems I am the very first to review this tea, damned…had to create the tea in the database as well. I was curious about this tea especially because I like very much nutty teas. Of course I...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

Blend of teas from China and Ceylon flavored with almond and decorated with yellow petals of flower. A subtle fragrance that reminds us of the wild almond trees orchards in spring.
Recommended infusion time: 4 to 5 minutes

Mélange de thés de Chine et de Ceylan aromatisé à l’amande et agrémenté de pétales de fleur. Un parfum subtil qui nous rappelle celui des vergers d’amandiers sauvages au printemps. Temps d’infusion recommandé : 4 à 5 minutes

About Dammann Frères View company

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29 Tasting Notes

2439 tasting notes

Love the almond flavor in this. You can also taste the black tea underneath. It’s definitely brisk! A little bitter, but I never time my steeps, so that’s probably my fault. I don’t prefer this over other almond teas I’ve had, but it does taste good! Thanks to Cameron B for yet another sample.

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424 tasting notes

I love this tea. I’m a big fan of marzipan (surprise?) and almond flavoring in general. Loved Butiki’s Almond Indulgence and this tea reminds me a lot of that, which is great since I can’t get the Butiki one anymore. This is all delicious almond flavor with a tea base that doesn’t overpower it.

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4124 tasting notes

Having conquered the Fauchon samples sent to me by Dinosara, I am now moving on to the two Dammann Freres teas that she also sent samples of. Isn’t she so generous?! :D The dry leaf is mostly just black tea with a few scant pieces of flower petal mixed in, I assume for aesthetic effect. Yum, dry scent is mouthwatering! It smells just like almond paste or marzipan, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I did a 3 minute brew at 200 degrees.

The brewed aroma is still marzipan, though it’s a bit less full than it was in the dry leaves. Hmm… The base tea is quite nice, mellow but flavorful in a somewhat woody kind of way? I don’t taste a lot of flavoring in the beginning, but as I near the end of the sip, I can definitely taste the marzipan. I can imagine that adding some sugar would amplify the sweet almond taste, and adding milk would make it lovely and creamy. However, I did neither, as I’m trying to get out of the habit of adding sugar to my flavored teas. :P

I don’t think this has quite enough flavor to be my perfect almond tea, but it’s the best contender I’ve tried so far.

Flavors: Almond, Marzipan, Smooth

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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3294 tasting notes

Black tea with almond flavoring, reminding me very much of Amaretto, which I never much cared for, although I do enjoy Almonds themselves. This is from the crazy box of flavored tea sample my dear Sil sent to me awhile back.

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2291 tasting notes

Delicious and almondy. Thanks so much for sharing, Shmiracles!

Edit: SO WEIRD! Last time I didn’t like it at all. I mean, it’s not the bestest tea ever, but it’s the first tea I’ve had for a couple days and therefore it is delicious and tea-like.

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1501 tasting notes

If you’re looking for an Amaretto (the booze) replacement, look no further than this tea. It’s a smooth almond black, with a hint of marzipan to it. Really lovely, quite simple, and a must-have for almond lovers. I am definitely enjoying this cup!

Thank you Dinosara for sharing the perfect sized-sample with me!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Sami Kelsh

Ooh, wizard. I love marzipan-almondy stuff something fierce, and have been meaning to put in a DF order just as soon as I have an income… /adds to basket


Yum… sounds amazing! An amaretto/almond that’s not green!

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1714 tasting notes

I big huge thanks to Dinosara for sending me a sample of this tea!

I’ll start off by saying that Damman and I don’t get along so well. We rarely see eye to eye, but I’m not one to learn lessons easily and am attracted to anything almondy like a magpie to shiny. I steeped this in less water than normal because DF teas always seem to have meek flavors for me. When hot, this tea was so-so. As it cooled it got better. The almond taste is present on the sip and fades out to leave the black base to hold up the aftertaste. At first the almond seems sort of baked marzipan like, but has a flash of raw almond tang. I’m finding that my favorite almond teas are paired with something else, making a more complex mix of flavors. Chocolate, coconut, rose… things like that. This tea is good (really good if I’m comparing to other DF teas), but I’m not captivated by it.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I agree that there are better almond teas out there. Mariage frères has a few.


Which do you like of Mariage’s?

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193 tasting notes

Birthday Tea! Well kind of. My birthday was yesterday but I went out snowboarding and I was so tired and sore when I got back I couldn’t think of putting in the effort to make any tea. It was only my third time snowboarding and I did a huge face plant just when I thought that I was getting better. I guess I got a little too confident. So today my neck is unbelievably sore. You just can’t take those falls at 31 as you can when you’re 23 (that was the first time I went). 31, ouch!. It’s really the same as 30 though. That was a hard birthday. This one I feel the same. I’m still in my early 30’s!

Anyway, onto the tea. Thanks Schmiracles for sending this to me! I kind of forgot what I had asked for from you and this was a pleasant surprise. I really like almond, but it’s something that can also go horribly wrong if the flavour is too strong. But this is perfect! This is everything I have wanted in other amaretto teas. The flavour is there, and it’s natural, but not over done. It tastes like almond extract, almost cherry like. I also like the black base with it. If it was more affordable to make an order I would definitely order this.

One day.


Happy Birthday!


yay for birthday fun!


Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a fun day!


Thanks guys!

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726 tasting notes

Going through a butt ton of sipdowns today! I’ve picked out about 7 that I have like 2g or less of so since it’s fairly early right now, I’ve just decide to spend the entire day with these teas!

This is a good tea, but the flavour isn’t… well if I liked almond flavoured teas, I know I’d like it, but almond is a bit weird. It’s all me, not the tea!Good tea, but I probably wouldn’t purchase it on my own.

Thank you tons for the sample, shmiracles!

Flavors: Almond

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 1 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

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