Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Apple Pieces, Black Tea, Flavor
Caramel, Fruity, Smooth, Sweet, Apple, Citrus, Floral, Grapes, Muscatel, Apricot, Orange Blossom, Nuts, Chestnut
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 320 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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46 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Lest you think that I am just a Dammann fan girl who loves all of their teas without reservation (which, to be honest, I almost am), there is this tea. I do like some chestnut teas (Lupicia’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Day 3 of Dammann Freres advent calendar. I am almost caught up :) The dry tea smelled strongly of black licorice to me. I was a bit worried as that is not a good flavour for me. But I read the...” Read full tasting note
  • “No floral. Anywhere. This is okay by me but I double checked the packaging just to be sure. It’s all caramel in the dry leaf. Reminds me alot of the DAVIDs salted caramel really, and I’m kind...” Read full tasting note
  • “this was one of the last teas remaining from my truly life changing exchange with Ysaurella…. life changing how? well, french teas are wont to do that. …. ……. unless you are james and the blend has...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

Black tea combining an array of flavors, with the aromas of candied chestnut, biscuit, caramel toffee, orange blossom and candied apricot. A special sweet treat!

Dominant note : Gourmet notes
Type(s) of tea : Black Tea
Main flavor : Candied chestnuts
Complementary flavor(s) : Biscuit, Caramel

About Dammann Frères View company

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46 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Lest you think that I am just a Dammann fan girl who loves all of their teas without reservation (which, to be honest, I almost am), there is this tea. I do like some chestnut teas (Lupicia’s Chauds le Marrons!) but this one falls a little flat for me. I think it’s the addition of the orange/orange blossom. It just becomes too floral for me, and a little too much overall. This is one of Dammann’s more powerfully flavored blends, and it bowls me over a bit. Probably I should mix it 50/50 with something unflavored to tame it a bit!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Every time you drink this tea I think of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqwLx0DG7qQ


Oh, Lupicia’s is so amazing.

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871 tasting notes

Day 3 of Dammann Freres advent calendar. I am almost caught up :)

The dry tea smelled strongly of black licorice to me. I was a bit worried as that is not a good flavour for me. But I read the description of this tea and was a bit confused, becuase it still only smelled like black licorice.

The brewed tea smells like sweet toffee to me. It tastes like toffee. Maybe a bit like burnt caramel, I think that might have been what was giving me the licorice scent. I definitely get a short bread type biscuit or heavy pastry taste. To me there is a quick floral and candied fruit taste right at the beginning of the sip. As with some of the other reviews, I am not getting much orange blossom per se, but I do get a light floral flavour. Again this tea is thick and luxurious (stealing a note from Dinosara).

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

i like this one :) though it’s not my fav DF


I liked this one as well. Not my fav. How much water are you using for these sachets? I keep wavering.


I am using around 10oz I think. It seems to be working for me. Steep times around 2 minutes so far.


i glitch around toffee and caramel, can’t taste them at all unless it’s butiki. so this one did nothing for me =0(


justjames…sooo feel free to send me all your caramel and toffee teas that aren’t butiki lol


….sure! it’s the weirdest thing. i can taste notes that other people never get. i can taste ingredient 22 in the chocolte chip cookies. but no caramel. nothing.




i have at least 3 i can send…..

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863 tasting notes

No floral. Anywhere. This is okay by me but I double checked the packaging just to be sure. It’s all caramel in the dry leaf. Reminds me alot of the DAVIDs salted caramel really, and I’m kind of meh on that one. Once steeped it does smell a touch more nutty. Chocolate/caramel and nutty.

No additives (this is amazing!) and the first taste gives me a cherry/fig note along with the dry/astringence of a nutty flavor. I’ve never had chestnuts that I know of but I guess that’s the flavor I’m getting? Makes me want to try them as a food. :) The nutty flavor it is most reminiscent of, to me, is almond.

This doesn’t actually seem like a tea to me, though. The black tea is very meek and hiding under the other flavors, so it’s almost like I’m drinking the essence of cherry&almond. It is smooth and stands very nicely on its own with no additives, but it doesn’t seem like something I’d want to try again. A fun novelty tea, though!

Yay, I’m catching up!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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390 tasting notes

this was one of the last teas remaining from my truly life changing exchange with Ysaurella…. life changing how? well, french teas are wont to do that.

…. ……. unless you are james and the blend has any caramel or toffee basis whatsoever. because i can’t taste it. the tea was very smooth. but it was just tea to me…. there was no other flavour. sorry Ysaurella!!!!

no numbers because this is a genetic oops, not a tea oops.

it really is weird… i can smell the stuff, but i can’t taste it =0(
not once— every single time in every single tea.


Oh, wow! Here I thought it was the tea when you mentioned this to me the other day with something I’d sent you. Now I get it. It’s just a flavor your tastebuds refuse to acknowledge. Phooey.


i cannot explain the phenomenon. not in the least. everything else i can taste to a microscopic degree….. not this one. BUT i CAN taste butiki’s caramel vanilla assam. IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!! lol


I understand. I can’t taste some green tea’s at all. Some of Stacy at Butiki’s tea (Eggnog for example) I can smell but not taste.


i think ‘why’ is a perfectly good question to ask…., lol.

Aimee Popovacki

i get that a lot with white teas… no matter what it smells like i get this weird taste that tastes almost like stale tea.

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408 tasting notes

First day of Autumn is really adapted to sip this tea…chestnuts…candied apricots…orange blossom flower…and caramel…are you serious ? really ? caramel ? I cannot get the caramel…never…hidden by chestnuts…for the very best :)

I am drinking it in my new Japanese cup…strickly perfect for this tea as Tourbillon means whirl…
Hello Autumn ! Drinking more teas, yes ! Joyful season.

Pictures of this Dammann Frères tea and of my new cup are there : http://thevangeliste.wordpress.com/2014/09/23/tourbillon-dammann-freres/

Flavors: Apricot, Chestnut, Orange Blossom

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec
Cameron B.

Gorgeous cup! :D


if you ever come in Paris you should visit the shop Ikat rue François Miron – they have a ot of splendid real Japanese cups…I choiced mine after 25 minutes of hesitation…too much good choice !

Cameron B.

Oh Ysaurella, I would love to go to Paris! :P


This sounds like the perfect cup for the first day of Autumn!


Gorgeous cup, Ysaurella! And this tea sounds wonderfully autumn-appropriate.


thanks girls :)

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437 tasting notes

This tea is a nice mix of sweet orange flower water, a nutty note,and syrup. The dry leaf smells of marrons glacés, with a slightly sweeter note. The base underneath is light and brisk and slightly sweet. The flavour begins as a sweet soft floral note, followed by a nutty note which begins almost like almond and develops into chestnut, in a sweet syrup note which has hints of nutty toffee. The aftertaste is of roasted chestnut in an orange water scented syrup.

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15257 tasting notes

afternoon tea! this was a reasonable cup, though it’s not my favourite at all from DF. *shmiracles*was kind enough to send through a sample of this one and it was good for me to try it again and reaffirm that this one is just a little too floral for me to really have a party with it. :)

Sami Kelsh

Interesting! I’ve had this one in my shopping cart with Dammann for a while, so opinions good. Do I dare?


If you like your teas with a side of floral…you’ll probably like it. I figure this one isn’t the most amazing on the block though given that dinosara and i are usually in opposite camps in terms of teas.. she likes those green things.. i like the black lol but we’re both in sort of a not as loving this one as much as others mood when it comes to this tea

Sami Kelsh

Hmm. I feel like I had the impression from the description on the website that the floral wouldn’t really make a big difference, but if it does, I think I might pass on it – or at least not sink 6 euros into a bag. I like certain florals, but I was more interested in the other things happening in it. Oh well.


it’s not cloyingly floral… i’d dump the cup if it was.. but it’s floral enough that i’m like.. “move over..i’m trying to see the rest of the things in here!”

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301 tasting notes

The dry leaf scent is definitely FLORAL and I am not a floral person. As soon as the hot water hits the dry leaf, the aroma becomes more appealing to me – a little fruity and nutty along with the dominant floral. The sip is OK. I can drink this and it is rather pleasant – a little nut; a little caramel; a bit of floral. The tea is fairly well balanced now. I’ll pull this one out every now and then; probably serve to a guest or two; don’t think I’ll put it on the reorder list.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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813 tasting notes

Advent calendar tea!
(This might be tomorrow’s tea? I didn’t drink days 1 & 2 yet and I brought day 3 & 4 home since I keep my Dammann calendar at work. It’s So Pretty!)
I brought home 100g of this tea years ago when I visited Paris. When I was in the store I could tell I was gonna like it from the description alone. And I love getting to drink it again!
There are a few teas in the two advent calendars that I haven’t had, so that’s nice, but there are probably many more teas I’ve already tried that it will be fun to revisit.
I’ve mostly been drinking the same 5 teas for months and months. Also coffee. Work has been hard for the past 1.5 years and I’ve been working LAaaaaTE nights and drinking coffee to get through. Really too much coffee.
But let’s turn that around!! I have so much tea to drink! And it’s very exciting.
I’ll see you around soon!

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1714 tasting notes

Day 5 of the advent calendar?
I’m smelling chocolate and raspberry in the dry tea? Like the other DM teas, it is very smooth, but thankfully lacks the citrus that has been prominent in all the other teas in the calendar. It is a nice break. There is a honey like scent once brewed and a subtle caramel chocolate flavor. I can’t pick out any other flavors, but so far this one is my favorite.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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