2021 "Intergalactic" Dian Hong Black Tea Blend

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Black Tea
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From Crimson Lotus Teas

This black tea is full of golden buds and develops an impressive body. The cacao-like tanginess fades into a mellow woodsy aftertaste reminiscent of brandy and expensive pipe tobacco.

There is an invigorating dry fruit aroma in this tea that is laced with notes of dark chocolate.

Our passion is puerh tea but we can’t ignore the amazing black tea offerings that come from Yunnan. Dian hong ( 滇红 ) is a special black tea that comes from Yunnan’s large leaf varietal camellia sinensis assamica. The connection to puerh tea is undeniable. This tea was made from the exact same trees that get processed as puerh. This blend contains old tree material.

These cakes are loosely pressed at 200 grams. You can brew this tea gongfu style, grandpa style, or even boil it on the stove. Our favorite method is boiling a chunk on the stove for more than 10 minutes, straining off the leaves, then adding honey and milk for an incredible Hong Kong style milk tea that is very addictive.

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2 Tasting Notes

16374 tasting notes

Geek Steep S2E9 – Star Trek: Lower Decks

This is the tea that I chose to drink during our episode recording – grandpa style! I had recently received this Crimson Lotus order and I was chomping at the bit to dive into this tea cakes, so a space themed one was EXACTLY on the money for a Trek Episode!

I was not alone in that mindset because our Guest Geek Cody (from TheOolongDrunk) had the exact same idea and ended up brewing this tea as well from his recently received Crimson Lotus order – though he was steeping gongfu. It was sort of a Geek Steep first because we’ve never had an unplanned occurrence of people drinking the same teas before. The closest would be in Grave of The Fireflies because Marika and I had the same teas for both the watch and the recording, but we watched together and then chose the same tea to record immediately after. It also kind of happened with Wonder Woman but I had picked a tea for the watch of that movie and then Marika asked if she could choose the same tea for the recording. This was a TOTAL surprise and coincidence.

I gave a pretty good flavour description in the episode, and I’m sure I’ll give more in the future because I have a cake to sip through now. So, I’ll just finish this note by saying that in hind site this would have been the perfect tea to pick as a pairing for our season one Star Trek episode covering Deep Space Nine.

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