2016 Hidden Song

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Smoke, Tobacco, Vegetal, Freshly Cut Grass, Fruity, Green Beans, Leather, Lime, Plants, Sour, Sweet, Umami, Astringent, Peach, Stonefruit, Beany, Blackberry, Dust, Floral, Lemon, Meat, Mineral, Paper, Smooth, Sugarcane, Berries, Citrus Fruits, Honey, Char, Spicy, Wood, Camphor, Earth, Fir, Bitter, Green, Roasted
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Togo
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 11 oz / 333 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Notes from 9/2/19. DISCLAIMER: I’m STILL trying to develop my puerh chops. “Hidden Song” (2016) seems to be a good innocuous introduction to young sheng puerh tea. I’m looking forward to trying the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is very light coloured despite being 3 years old, but it tastes more aged than it looks. Overall, I found it to have very little astringency and bitterness. I agree with derk’s evaluation,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good morning! It is 8 am here, seems like another lazy day with cuppa of good tea. It is cloudy, it seems rain will come. Typical autumn weather I guess. Tea from derk. No rinse, 3.5 grams, 85 ml...” Read full tasting note
  • “If I had to introduce somebody to the world of puerh, and this person had sheng-y trepidations, Hidden Song would be first pick. It’s friendly, mild and sweet with some throaty astringency and...” Read full tasting note

From Crimson Lotus Tea

This puerh is sweet and vegetal with an aroma of edamame.

Prefecture: Lincang
Elevation: 2200+m
Wood Fired
Hand Rolled
Direct Sun Dried

About Crimson Lotus Tea View company

Company description not available.

15 Tasting Notes

400 tasting notes

Here beneath the leafy green,
A hidden song you’ll surely sing….

Review to follow soon….


This one’s my favorite from CLT! :D


Such a great tea…Thank you for the sample!


Of course, I’m glad you liked it too :3

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358 tasting notes

This is another I got from Haveteawilltravel. The dry leaves don’t give off a strong scent, but once wet, the liquor is very earthy, smells a bit like charred wood and ends up being a much lighter color than expected

The first steep isn’t entirely up to strength, but it smells like evergreen and the SO says it tastes like a Christmas tree. There is a bit of a camphor-like sensation and aftertaste, and the mouthfeel is smooth and thick.

The flavors seem to really carry through steep after steep, even after the mouthful starts to thin out a bit. I’ve got another tea that this one has sort of reminded me of, and as we’ve got enough left for one more session, I plan to do another tasting of them both soon.

Flavors: Camphor, Char, Earth, Fir, Wood

5 g 100 OZ / 2957 ML

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485 tasting notes

FINALLY getting into my samples from CLT’s 2016 lineup. I feel like I ordered them months ago, but I’ve been out of state, so only got to unbox them about a week ago. I’ve been meaning to try some of their stuff basically since I got into puerh. I’m glad to report that this first one does not disappoint! The leaf from this one was pretty nice looking, and had a sort of floral hay aroma – I think I smelled a bit of smoke on it after a rinse, but that didn’t persist into the flavor of the tea.

Many teafriends I’ve spoken to online have issues with Lincang teas, but I have only had good experiences with them thus far. They tend to have a really nice sweetness and, again in my experience, not a whole lot of unpleasant bitterness or astringency.

The first two steeps here were floral, with just a touch of bitterness in the first steep. Soft and sweet with a literally mouthwatering huigan I tasted mostly in the corners of my mouth. That aftertaste was definitely the highlight at least of the early part of this session.

In the next three steeps, the floral notes dropped off a bit, displaced by a bit of a vegetal taste – the tea was still sweet and thickening up some. I noted just a minor astringency in a couple of these steeps. The aftertaste remained strong, having received most of the tea’s floral bouquet along with a sugarcane sweetness to round out the sip.

I got another 11 or so steeps out of this tea – that’s another thing I’ve noticed with Lincang teas, they seem to just go forever – all of which had mostly the same character. They were slightly bitter on the front of the sip, though this faded as I got towards the end of the session, with a vegetal or maybe herbal flavor, followed by a sweet finish – between floral and sugarcane. It maintained a moderate thickness. This tea never got super oily or creamy thick, but I could appreciate the body. If I had chosen to, I probably could have gotten a few more steeps off of it as well.

I found this better in the 100mL Jianshui teapot I also just got from CLT than in my gaiwan. I’m glad that I enjoy what it does with sheng so far, because it’s so pretty that even if it didn’t make as good of tea, I’d still find it hard to stop using it! After trying Hidden Song, I’m excited for the rest of CLT’s 2016 lineup, all of which I have samples of cakes of. Their sample packaging is also pretty neat – at first I thought it seemed a little insecure, but opening/closing the packaging a few times without spillage has assuaged my doubts.

When this tea was first released, CLT had a contest of sorts, in which anybody who could guess the song that was printed on the wrapper would receive a tong of this tea as a reward. During a google hangout with some teafriends, we spent probably a couple hours trying to guess what the song was using only the notes which were visible from the front of the wrapper, as none of us had a complete cake. Needless to say, we failed, but while drinking this tea, I found myself chuckling at the memory a couple times :)

I don’t know if I was supposed to keep that a secret or not – oh well.

Flavors: Floral, Smooth, Sugarcane, Sweet, Vegetal

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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526 tasting notes

Now on to Crimson Lotus 2016 line up, hahah. Hittin all those vendors!

I love the packaging of his samples. The amount of tea is very minuscule, but the packaging is clever and aesthetic. The leaves are very dark and tightly compressed in small chaotic knots (no where near as tight as xiaguan). The small dark green tendrils give off a very sweet and green scent. I pick up some smoke and oak with a nice cooked green musk lingering off the leaves. I warm up my teapot and place a few bits inside. The scent mixes well and develops into a roasted green aroma. The scent is pungent, smokey, and strong. I can detect a slight sweetness in the background. I washed the leaves and prepared for brewing. The character begins sweet. I note a little bit of char and roast. The carries a strong green vegetal base. The brew stands in this similar fashion throughout the brewing. I noted a few steeps that were sour, and the leaves seemed a little mushy. I could note a faint huigan, but the sensation disappeared quickly. I didn’t pick up on any qi. The wasn’t too tasty, and it really isn’t something for me. I have one session left, so I will revisit in a few weeks.


Flavors: Bitter, Char, Green, Roasted, Smoke, Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 5 OZ / 150 ML
Crimson Lotus Tea

There should have been 20 grams in your sample. Did your sample have less than that?


as above ^ I did 10g sessions, for my pot is large. I have 10gs left.

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160 tasting notes

4g:60mL, porcelain equipz. drank the rinse. workday steeps; simple notes.

sweet to start, shifting into lightly vegetal with a lovely floral-ish sweet aftertaste. kinda dry-mouth after sipping, making me want more tea.

very nice. sweet and light but has depth of flavour. nice smooth texture, filling the whole mouth.

4 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

Oooh, sounds like it’s starting to settle! I tried mine a week after I got it like a month ago and it was a flower bomb when I tried it, heh, will have to dig it out for another go.

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