Naturaplan Alpenkräutertee mit Malve

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Lemon Balm, Mallow Flowers, Stinging Nettle Leaves, Thyme
Earth, Herbs, Mineral, Tangy, Menthol
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 9 oz / 268 ml

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I found some tea bag left of those, and decided to brew it. As a collector I took it out of foil wrappers earlier, so it wasn’t so potent as earlier, but it was still very nice herbal! The mint was...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m not sure if this is the correct tea because there was no definitive name on the bag tag, but based on the taste, I’m dropping it here. From Martin Bednar. All the herbs in this organic blend...” Read full tasting note

From coop

Freshness guarantee
Keeps for at least 30 days after receipt
Country of production
Raw materials origin
Switzerland (Thymian,Brennnessel,Zitronenmelisse,Malve)
Nutrition information
View details
Malve 40% (Schweiz), Zitronenmelisse (Schweiz), Brennnessel (Schweiz), Thymian (Schweiz). Alle landwirtschaftlichen Zutaten stammen aus biologischer Produktion.
Net weight: 24.0 g

Trocken und kühl (nicht im Kühlschrank) aufbewahren.
Notes on use
Zubereitung: Pro Tasse/Glas 1 Teebeutel mit sieden dem Wasser übergiessen, 2 – 5 Minuten ziehen lassen.
Article number
P.O. Box 2550, CH-4002 Basel
Phone: 0848 888 444
Certification body: CH-BIO-006

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3 Tasting Notes

2072 tasting notes

I found some tea bag left of those, and decided to brew it.
As a collector I took it out of foil wrappers earlier, so it wasn’t so potent as earlier, but it was still very nice herbal!

The mint was probably most present nowdays, with kind of earthy thyme and sage.
Hmm, too bad that coop have those wonderful teas only in Switzerland.

On side note, it seems my brother caught Covid-19; he just lost all sense of smell (and common cold never did it to him); we made measures earlier… so we are safe but of course it isn’t great at all. Results should come in Saturday

White Antlers

OH NO! Martin, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. My oldest friend, who now lives 11 hours away from me, got COVID earlier in the year. He did not even know he was sick. He lost his sense of smell for a month and his toes turned purple (for real, not being funny) and he later learned he had been infected. He is in his 60s and has other long term health issues but he came out just fine. I wish the same for your sibling.


Praying for your family—may you be healthy and anxiety free!

Mastress Alita

Hoping the best for your brother. My sister is currently fighting Covid infection and has just developed the no smell/no taste symptom herself.


Praying for you and your family Martin.


oh no, all of our siblings are getting covid right now, which.. I guess is saying what is happening to the world right now… I’m wishing the best for all of your family, Martin!

Martin Bednář

Thank you everyone, I appreciate it a lot! We bought him some necessary things today (he got 1 year old, wonderful and cute, daughter). So far it seems he lost the sense of smell, which is in current situation the minor trouble.

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1654 tasting notes

I’m not sure if this is the correct tea because there was no definitive name on the bag tag, but based on the taste, I’m dropping it here.

From Martin Bednar. All the herbs in this organic blend are from Switzerland. Neat.

Light, bright, mineral and herby without green herbaceousness. The most forward taste is thyme but it’s not in your face. I feel the menthol oozing from my chest. Tangy lemon balm aftertaste. Overall delicate and balanced. Lovelovelove! I wish I had easy access to coop teas! The three you sent, Martin, are all fantastic!

Flavors: Herbs, Menthol, Mineral, Tangy

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
Martin Bednář

Ah, it is! This is with added “Malve” and that is Mallow wflowers. And same, I wish I can get those teas easier too. They are so well blended!

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