
Tea type
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Beer, Citrusy, Passion Fruit, Tropical
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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2 Tasting Notes View all

From Club Kombucha

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2 Tasting Notes

16002 tasting notes

I think I mentioned in a tasting note over the weekend that I was at a trade show on Friday. Club Kombucha was one of several different beverage companies present, and they were handing out cans of kombucha as samples. I’m a big fan of their Hops kombucha, but haven’t tried a lot of the others. This was the most interesting sounding to me, and it was actually very good! Something about it kind of gave me the same sort of citrusy/tropical beer type of flavour that I get from the Hops as well, but just much more intense. It was kind of nice to see that those distinct flavours I enjoy in the Hops flavour aren’t exclusive to that flavour.

Flavors: Beer, Citrusy, Passion Fruit, Tropical

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