Got this one from The Cookie Lady when we met up at Disneyland last month! Wasn’t really sure if I’d like this much since it’s Celestial Seasonings and i just wouldn’t think they’d make tons of teas I’d like. xD That sounds mean I realize. But I just don’t usually have high expectations for bagged teas!
This one totally surprised me though!
The strawberry flavor is super strong. It’s kinda bread-y, almost like a pastry. It reminds me of a strawberry pastry.
You don’t even need added sweetener in it! It’s delicious just how it is! I would totally pick up more of this if I saw it in the store anymore…just not sure that they make it anymore :( Thank you soo much for letting me try this, The Cookie Lady!
It’s a win in my book! :D
Flavors: Bread, Pastries, Strawberry, Sweet
Never heard of this one, nor have I tried strawberry and cinnamon together. Interesting on both fronts!
Cinnamon and strawberry together is so good, IMO. 52Teas had a strawberry pie honeybush that combined those flavours and was delicious, and I use cinnamon in strawberry rhubarb pies/crisps!