Hattialli Golden Paw Assam

Tea type
Black Tea
Indian Black Tea
Apricot, Bread, Cocoa, Dried Fruit, Malt, Stonefruit, Yams, Astringent, Earth, Floral
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 350 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Our Hattialli Golden Paw Assam originates from the Hattialli Tea Estate in the Dibrugarh District in the South Bank, Assam region of India. The name Hattialli comes from the words “Hatti Alli”, which means Elephant Road. This name came about since there was a nearby elephant camp. The Hattialli Tea Estate is known for golden tippy handpicked teas and the balance of briskness and mellowness of their teas. This phenomenal malty second flush Assam has baked bread, raw cacao, and oak notes. Sweet potato and dried apricot notes are also detectable with fleeting lighter floral notes. There is a fruity sweetness and with little to no noticeable astringency. Hattialli Golden Paw Assam is truly an exceptional second flush Assam.

Ingredients: Indian Black Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

For more info, please visit: www.butikiteas.com.

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36 Tasting Notes

417 tasting notes

Having a cup of tea before bed. Smells just like a mocha latte. Perfect!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

so jealous of people who can drink caffeine at night!


yeah right. im one of those people whos brain finally decides to turn on when the lights go out


I slept so well, too… :-D

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687 tasting notes

The final sipdown. I am down to the last steeper basket. It smells nicely like cocoa, and little like yams. With maybe a little bread scent too. There is an apricot flavour with malt and other dried fruits notes. Made it a little strong, but I will miss this tea.

Flavors: Apricot, Bread, Cocoa, Dried Fruit, Malt

Terri HarpLady

I miss that tea :)

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2238 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this one most of the weekend, which I spent at work hosting Nursing interviews. I went straight from my pouch of Hattialli Golden Lion to this one, and I have to say that I’m not noticing a huge difference, flavour-wise. If anything, this one is a little stronger in flavour, a little darker and more grain-like. I used 2 tsp of leaf for this cup, and gave it 3.5 minutes in boiling water. I added a splash of milk.

The initial flavour is primarily smooth dark chocolate. It’s rich and cocoa-like, and somehow almost thick tasting. Underneath that there’s a sweet maltiness, which helps to take the edge off the almost-bitterness of the initial flavour. I can detect a fleeting sweet potato note towards the end of the sip, but it doesn’t linger long.

It’s a hard call to make between Golden Lion and Golden Paw. They’re both excellent Assams, with bags of flavour; two of the best I’ve tried. I think on balance I’m leaning slightly towards the Golden Lion as my favourite, due to its creaminess and slightly sweeter flavour profile, but Golden Paw is a very close contender. Certainly a pair of teas I’ll never forget!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp

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184 tasting notes

The nice thing about this tea is that even a casual tea drinker would be easily able to identify it as a unique offering in the Assam category of teas. The leaves are long and golden, reminding me of of my well-loved Dian Hong teas of China. The smell in the cup is strong, malty and a touch astringent, even at a steep of 3 minutes 30 seconds. The liquor also is a bit astringent, but that astringency is balance by the deep cocoa and malt flavor that come with the tea. The mouthfeel of Golden Paw is very assam-like, but then you start to pick up the wonderful apricot and cocoa flavors that usually come with a good golden Yunnan, and you wonder if perhaps the teas in your tea cupboard have been sneaking around at night, carousing and making wee blends of their own…..

Hattialli Golden Paw Assam would be the perfect tea to ease an assam drinker into other teas, specifically Yunnans. It’s stout malty flavors allow the more subtle fruit and floral flavors to make an appearance in a well balanced cup of tea. It holds up to milk well, as assams normally do. I will be hoarding this tea for special occasions and stealth education of reluctant students of tea drinking, like my husband, who swears Tetley is the nectar of the Gods….. for now.

Flavors: Apricot, Cocoa, Malt, Stonefruit

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I should’ve bought this one! I’ve been going with Assams for a while, and just recently added a Yunnan black tea. :P

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1792 tasting notes

Holy moly, another sip down. I now only have one Butiki tea left at this location while the rest are at (my other) home, so it’ll be slim pickings over the next few weeks (other than ATR).

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6444 tasting notes

I have had this in my cupboard for a while and have not yet gotten a chance to try it. Now as I sip on it, I am getting some bready notes but also some astringency. I find I am just looking for more. There are many other straight black teas that I just prefer to this.

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1908 tasting notes

If I didn’t know better I might have mistaken this for a Chinese black tea as the flavour was more reminiscent of a Yunnan with those distinctive tobacco-like notes and hints of bitter cocoa. But when the tea cools off a bit the slightly sweet, malty side of the tea becomes apparent. It’s not nearly as malty as some Assams that I’ve tried but it isn’t as harsh either and can easily be drank without milk. It’s a nice tea but personally I think I prefer Butiki’s Taiwanese Assam to this one.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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2291 tasting notes

Yum yum yum. Strong black tea with a little soy nog in it (because I still don’t have plain milky stuff!) instead of a coffee eggnog latte.

Delicious. I really like this tea. And I will miss it.

Now to get into Outside Clothes (instead of old PJs) to go get some groceries and do some meal prep for the week. I have an idea and a plan, so we’ll see what actually happens!

(2 steeps!)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I almost had this instead of Malty Irish Breakfast today. :)

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4124 tasting notes

I purchased this one from Ost in her stash sale. The second I saw two of Butiki’s straight blacks on her list, I pounced! They just so happened to be two blacks that I hadn’t purchased but was curious about. Gotta love how that works out sometimes. :P Anyway, I decided to cheat this morning and try this tea instead of drinking one of the black teas I’m supposed to be sipping down. Naughty! The leaves look surprisingly similar to a very tippy Yunnan. There are a ton of fuzzy metallic golden buds mixed with darker leaves. Dry scent is slightly malty and sweet (I confess, I stored this in a tin that used to house a fruity tea and I don’t think I let it air out long enough, so it smells slightly fruity too). I followed the recommended instructions aside from the water temperature.

Brewed, the tea smells very strong and malty/bready with some earth notes and a bit of sweetness. Whoa, I was not ready for the taste. I don’t have any experience with Assam teas, and I’m finding this to be extremely strong and quite earthy. I think I now know what “brisk” means when describing tea. Once I got past the initial taste, I found a fruity sweetness in the second half of the sip. There’s definitely a dark cocoa flavor that almost borders on bitterness, and a little spurt of floral in the aftertaste which was rather unexpected!

Overall, I was really surprised by the strength and intensity of this tea, especially after looking at the dry leaves. But the experience was a pleasant one for me, and I feel like my tongue got more and more used to the strong earthy flavor as I kept drinking. I think in the future, I’ll try this one with sugar or milk and see how that changes it. :)

Flavors: Astringent, Bread, Cocoa, Dried Fruit, Earth, Floral, Malt

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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518 tasting notes

Oops! logged under the wrong tea.

Cameron B.

Yum, I love bready teas. :D


I have some of this to try!:)


I think the one you tried from the tea box is actually the ‘lion’ and not the ‘paw’. :D

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