Khongea Golden Tippy Assam

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by pbellchambers
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 315 ml

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  • “On day 3 of a migraine, which started with crazy psychedelic visual effects on Tuesday afternoon. There for a minute I thought my computer monitor was frying, then I realized it was me, not the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Having some of this in an effort to try and stick to teas that my tastebuds won’t find wonky. I really don’t want to waste any of my tea with not being able to taste it. I seem to be ok for...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks Stacy for providing this VERY generous sample! She said this tea was not on her website yet, so with her permission, I will be the first one to review it… I have tried many assams, as I love...” Read full tasting note
  • “Made this morning with a dollop of cream. Drank some of it with my painkillers, then went to bed and slept the whole day. I’m still in a lot of pain, unfortunately. (I sneezed. Glamorous,...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

With citrus, oaky, clove, cinnamon, and raw cacao notes, Khongea Golden Tippy Assam is a smooth, rich, and malty tea with a pleasant astringency that lingers. This Assam is stronger than our Premium Taiwanese Assam and originates from the Khongea Estate in the Brahmputra river valley of the Assam region in India. This second flush tea utilizes the P126 Clonal plants that produce a large portion of golden tips and is graded TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe). The Khongea Estate is a member of the Ethical Tea Partnership, which focuses on sustainability and living and working conditions of those working at the tea estate. We recommend experimenting with the 4 and 5 minute brew time range for this tea. At 4 minutes the brew is less astringent yet still flavorful, however, this tea is more complex at the 5 minute range. While supplies last, we will be offering 1 free ounce of Khongea’s Assam Leaf (strong & malty Assam) with every 1 ounce purchase of our Khongea Golden Tippy Assam. Limit 3 ounces of free tea per order.

Ingredients: Indian Black Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 4-5 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F degrees (boiling)

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52 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

On day 3 of a migraine, which started with crazy psychedelic visual effects on Tuesday afternoon. There for a minute I thought my computer monitor was frying, then I realized it was me, not the monitor. Then I thought maybe I was having a stroke or something, it was pretty crazy, even for this old (reformed) hallucinogen lover. My sons were both home studying for finals, so I made them come sit with me for half an hour. Leif said, “maybe you’re having a flashback” & we all laughed. We drank tea & talked, & gradually my vision cleared up as the headache emerged. I haven’t had a migraine in years, & probably not coincidentally, I’ve eaten some things over the weekend that have made me feel like crap anyway (will I ever learn?), so it’s no real surprise.

But the show must go on! I taught at the school yesterday, then played a 3 hour gig last night, mostly with my eyes closed. Today I have students on & off, & will spend the off time practicing because I’m going into the studio with a vocalist on Monday to create backup tracks for his upcoming CD.

So I’m starting the day with a potent Assam! I’ve written numerous reviews of this one, & even won a Haiku contest (yes, I’m still milking the glory from that, LOL).
Onward through the fog…

Butiki Teas

I hope you feel better soon.


Oh no! Feel better.


Oh that sucks. Here’s hoping it clears up quickly!


That sounds horrible :( hope you feel better soon! Migraines are the worst :(


No fun. I hope you feel better soon.


I’m so sorry to hear this, Terri. I hope you start feeling better soon. Maybe the tea will help. If it doesn’t stop soon, though, you might want to consider a trip to the doctor.


Feel better!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I would say that shrooms are likely better than migraines, not that I’ve dabbled in that at all :P


I hear tell shrooms are sometimes used to treat cluster migraines. What could possibly go wrong?

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I believe it. I may or may not have learned some important things regarding my now-gone migraines when I was not using shrooms. That definitely didn’t actually happen. For sure…

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15267 tasting notes

Having some of this in an effort to try and stick to teas that my tastebuds won’t find wonky. I really don’t want to waste any of my tea with not being able to taste it. I seem to be ok for spicier chai like teas and the darker, bolder teas. This is a bit off today but not to the point of being disappointed. I still love this tea and will continue to enjoy it! I really enjoy the flavour of it, though it’s not my favourite straight tea from stacy. :)


Doh! forgot to grab a sample of this one… or was it the Taiwanese we talked about?


i think it was the premium tawainese assam you were after trying…but i’m out until my order gets here this week


ah! yes I think you’re right. Lucky you got in before the shipping increase


I so should have nabbed a sample of this one from you, but by the time I saw it I was tired of bagging up teas and labelling them, haha. So lazy.


what you mean 2 hours was too much?


Haha, I was getting overwhelmed at the number of samples I was taking home! . So glad I only took a single cup’s worth of a bunch of things. I have these little tins from the advent calendar – next time i come over perhaps I’ll bring them and use them instead so I don’t have to waste bags! :D :D

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359 tasting notes

Thanks Stacy for providing this VERY generous sample!

She said this tea was not on her website yet, so with her permission, I will be the first one to review it…

I have tried many assams, as I love bold black teas. Before I «met» Stacy and discovered her «TeaWonderLand» , I had only encounter your regular malty slightly astringent black Assam. Very effective morning black tea that I would go to as a «favourite comfy pair of jean» type of tea…

I am excited about this one, cause I never had a golden tippy assam. Not knowing much about Khongea plantation other than it’s location in India, I did a little research and I’m very pleased with what I found out, and the knowledge added to the appreciation of my tasting.

Stacy will correct me if I’m wrong, but from my reading, this would be a second flush (may-june harvest), the period when the finest Assams are produced with chunky golden tips.

Khongea is one of the highest yielding gardens in Assam, and is often referred to as a model by the tea industry to exemplify good practice in field management, where labor workers are treated fairly and environmental issues are carefully considered.

I love the fact that these issues are important to Butiki, so kudos for that!

What comes to mind first as I’m examining the dry leaves is: tobacco! Short, thin, slightly curly with beautiful bright golden tips. I don’t get much smell from it, so I have no clue what to expect…

I’m using quite a bit (about 2tsp for 10oz), I pour the hot water in my favourite clear glass cup and within a few seconds, the colour intensifies to a point where I decide to stop the infusion at only 90 sec. (I usually steep assams for about 4min!)

Wow! The colour is a dark reddish copper, and as the morning sun comes in from my kitchen window and hits the glass, I see it turn to an almost crimson red !

The aroma is powerful and I can’t wait for it to cool down a bit…or shall I burn my tongue just a little?

Thankfully, the taste is as rich as its colour! Very malty, I get undertones of tobacco and spices with a hint of smoke. It has a sweet finish, so the slight astringency and bitterness I detect are toned down into a non harmful way.

It is said that if Darjeeling tea is referred to as “the Champaign of tea”, a good quality Assam such as this one could be referred to as “the Best single malt Whisky of tea” .

I have to agree. Basically, if I was a smoker (and a little less girly) I would (in a very manly way) cut the tip of a very expensive Havana cigar, and instead of washing it down with bourbon and whisky, I’d have this tea!

Another hit from Butiki, and I can’t wait to experiment a little more with it…

Note: I later emailed Stacy for brewing recommendation and will not be afraid next time to let it steep longer. As she was pointing out, even more complexity will emerge. Thanks to the large sample, I’ll be able to just do that!


Awesome! LOoking forward to this one!


Sil, I have yet to try a butiki tea that I don’t like…she is one of my favourite tea merchant at the moment! Everything I try from her is a novelty :-)


heh there are a few from stacy that i don’t love as much as others but overall i think she’s got wonderful teas!


REALLY can’t wait to try this one. And I need to get some more Royal Golden Safari, Taiwanese Assam and Gui Fei oolong.


Very thorough and informative review. You did a great job here. I love me a manly tea! Straight forward, strong and with muscles! (If you can’t have the guy, have the tea I guess!)


Scatterbrain, this one will not let you down… I took advantage of the recent low price and stocked up on Taiwanese Assam, which is so far my favourite Assam ever, but this one is pretty close…


Bonnie! hahaha you kill me! too funny

Now to stalk stacy until she posts this…


Bonnie, thanks! P.S. please don’t pretend you can’t have the guy!


@TheTeaFairy, I strongly recommend you try Rishi Tea’s Ruby Black (Hong Yue). It’s another Taiwanese Assam but higher-end and with a lot more complexity. Butiki’s is more simple and comforting while Rishi’s is more of a special occasion kind of cup. It’s 15 US dollars for 30 grams but it’s well worth it.

Butiki Teas

TheTeaFairy-Yes, you are correct. Nice research!

Sil-Hahaha, well its technically available for purchase ($4.75 an ounce). Everything is ready except the pictures and I can’t take pictures until its sunny again (which sounds like it won’t be until Thursday).


Thanks Scatterbrain, will check them out for sure!

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2291 tasting notes

Made this morning with a dollop of cream. Drank some of it with my painkillers, then went to bed and slept the whole day. I’m still in a lot of pain, unfortunately. (I sneezed. Glamorous, right?)

Still decent cold, but I ended up dumping the last half cup or so, which was sad, but there was a bug in my tea, waiter. I took a sip before I noticed. Oops. :)

Flavors: Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

hope you are feeling better! I am sure the tea got rid of any bad bug bugs!

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6107 tasting notes

Ah, yes, I see here in the description that astringency is to be expected. No wonder it’s not sitting super well with me! Anyways, in the comparison between this and Khongea’s Assam Leaf, this one wins out by the barest margin simply due to being a little bit sweeter. Neither is my favourite sort of black though, given that I prefer my blacks to be ultra-smooth and chocolatey (and with raisin notes if possible, haha!)

Thanks for Boxermama for letting me sample the two of these!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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361 tasting notes

Still rolling through my samples from Terri Harplady and I decided to do a random grab into the pile and see what came out. This was the winner. It’s pretty good. I don’t love it as much as others I’ve tried, but I’m enjoying it. As it cools the flavors start popping out a bit more, so that’s cool. I think the astringency doesn’t work for me though. Something is not quite right, but like I said, I’m definitely still enjoying it.

Terri HarpLady

I think this is the one that I have a tendency to over-leaf or over-steep…or maybe both. It’s a good cup, but easy to overdo.

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790 tasting notes

Dry leaf smells fruity and yeasty. The steeped tea is malty, strong and honest. I’m not sure Assams are in my top teas but this one is high quality and very good. I’m glad I got more than just a sample, but I probably won’t add it to my next order. Nothing at all against the tea, just isn’t particularly one for me to keep around.

I like it, but, like stray animals, I can’t keep the teas I like all in my house. Gotta have room for the Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black. :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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171 tasting notes

I always have a cup of black tea in the morning. I turned to Butiki this morning out of sheer excitement. Stacy is going to be doing a custom blend for me. Not with this tea, but another black tea. I’m long over due for an order though, I didn’t quite realize how low I was on most of my butiki!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

AAAAAHHHHHHHH custom blends from stacy! of what of what! tell me more tell me ( does he have a car…)


LOL! Licorice Chai.


OOOH!! Dibs on a sample! lol


Hahahaha! For sure! It will have a guranse base and a strong licorice flavour. Very excited!


nice. My strawberry Rhubarb is almost ready to take baby steps into the world from last years contest giggling Through no fault of Stacy’s i’ve been totally telling her to take it slow and there’s no rush. So it’s been a long run but I’m good with that since it’s not like i’m suffering from no tea in my cupboard lol


Mine is probably going to take a bit because she has to order the licorice stuff, but also no rush for us, it’s going to be a gift for hubby. But, we ran through all the plans yesterday. It was fun and exciting!

Donna A

I’m interested in that Strawberry Rhubarb

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2955 tasting notes

Question: is the mark of a really good tea one over which you linger for a-g-e-s, carefully analyzing every little flavor nuance? Or is it the one you drank so enthusiastically and rapidly, you look at the empty tumbler and wonder, “Darn, where’d that go?”

This morning, Khongea Tippy Golden Assam (doesn’t that sound sophisticated?) fell into Category 2. Out of the potpourri of adjectives used to describe this one, oaky is probably the one that aligns the best. A warm flavor; not temperature, taste.

Delicious day-starter. So was the temperature. 57 degrees in mid-August? Preposterous!


Answer: Yes!


It’s both! As long as you enjoy analyzing every little flavour nuance.

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421 tasting notes

Once again so happy I placed an order with Stacy! I ordered my tea on maybe Saturday or Sunday and they arrived today. Which I consider pretty awesome considering NJ was pretty hard hit last week and this week from Sandy and a snow storm!

So the tea…dry leaf smells like rye bread? Yeah weird I know, but still so good! (I can’t eat regular bread stupid gluten) I’m also getting an oaky smell here too. The tea once ready to drink smells amazing with hints of citrus and clove. As I’m drinking it there is a bit of cinnamon that I get on the finish. This is so yummy after a very long and busy week at work!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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