So, I was quite curious about the base of the Creamy Eggnog tea (yes, even before trying it!), so had to order this one as well during the Black Friday sale!
Brewed up, the liquor is quite a light beigey-yellow, which darkens a bit as it sits. The aroma is faint lightly of a creamy green tea, that is, somewhat vegetal and distinctly like tea! Haha.
Although I definitely didn’t underleaf according to the instructions (2 tsp/8 oz.; I measured out a generous 2 tsp of the wirey leaf and then ran out of hot water, so it was shorted by probably 2 oz.), the flavour I’m getting here is lighter than I expected, given that I could definitely pick it out from the eggnog tea in spite of the flavourings. However, what I can taste is delicious, light, and creamy, with absolutely no astringency whatsoever. A delicate and delicious cup of tea. The flavour seems to develop a bit as the tea cools, so I would definitely recommend drinking this one more lukewarm than hot, at least once! I seem to recall that was the case with Creamy Eggnog as well, so that’s unsurprising.
All in all, a fairly tasty, light and creamy green, and one that I’ll enjoy finishing off!