Another tea from Roswell Strange! And another tea that I was curious about, although it didn’t quite make my Butiki order last weekend. The tea itself is quite beautiful – silver tips mixed with a few pink flower petals. It smells like lovely refreshing watermelon. I followed Stacy’s instructions and did 185 degrees for 4.5 minutes. I may have used a bit more than two teaspoons, maybe closer to a tablespoon.
The brewed aroma is very faint, but it’s the same juicy watermelon from the dry leaves. Yum, this tea! It’s definitely the most convincing, most authentic watermelon flavor (or any fruit flavor really) that I’ve ever tasted in a tea. I did add sugar to mine, just to amp up that lovely flavor. Stacy was right in her description, I did start to get more and more honey notes as the tea cooled. Yum, honey-drizzled watermelon! I didn’t get any floral, but I certainly don’t miss it. In the background, there’s a bit of that lovely hay and grain white tea taste that I love. Yum yum! And I can definitely see this being amazing as a cold or iced brew.
Flavors: Grain, Hay, Honey, Melon, Sweet