I had a really fantastic walk this morning. :) If it wasn’t apparent before, I can truly see that Spring is here now. Throughout the entire trail, all of the green leaves have grown in, and the little flowers of the salmon berry bushes are in bloom… Couple weeks ago on that same trail, it was all just bare twigs, and now there’s a heady foresty smell the whole way.
I saw a BEAVER! Now this probably seems strange for a Canadian to get so excited over a beaver thanks to all those weird stereotypes, but I’ve never seen one before. I’ve never known anyone who’s seen one before. Until today, they were as mythical to me as a unicorn. So I was very excited to see one swimming in the river for a little while. I even saw him do that tail whack thing on the water when I got too close. :)
I also saw rabbits, Canadian Geese, robins, and a LIZARD! (which I almost never see. I think it was a salamander, but I don’t know my lizards very well) The animals are never around when I go for a walk, so it was fun seeing SO many for once!
Anyway, onto the tea. This is my first Genmaicha. I was very excited to try it when I got it yesterday, but it was just too late in the evening to be having tea so I saved it for today. It was quite interesting! It was definitely toasty, and it tasted a lot like popcorn, ha. Before I knew Genmaicha existed, I thought the idea of ‘Popcorn Night green tea’ from DavidsTea seemed so bizarre, but turns out it’s actually fairly normal!
In addition to being quite savory, there was also a bit of a sweet note from the tea itself. While it was quite interesting and I’m glad I tried it, I’m not entirely sure if genmaicha is my thing. While I perfectly enjoyed the cup all the way through, I couldn’t really imagine myself drinking it often enough to buy it. More like if it’s being offered, I’ll take it, you know? I think I’d like genmaicha more with additional flavors. Like “______ Genmaicha” as opposed to just “Genmaicha.”
But still, overall it was nice. :) Savory, popcorny, a little sweet and not bitter at all.
Kittenna-I also recommend trying this tea with boiling water and steeping for 1 minute. The boiling water puffs up the rice and gives it a more toasty flavor. Both ways are tasty but lately I have been going for the hotter shorter steeps.
Interesting! I’m quite enjoying it as recommended, but out of curiousity I think I will have to try that too!
Its worth a shot. I’ve tested sampling this tea to customers with both methods and the boiling water method got more genmaicha purchases. If you try the boiling water method, I’d love to know which way you prefer.
I tried boiling water for the re-steep (although I should have timed it, it probably got about 1-1.5 mins). The result is definitely stronger, and toeing the line of bitterness, which I’m not terribly fond of. I realize the second infusion wasn’t really the place to try this, but I was curious! I definitely liked the first results better, but perhaps with a first infusion, the result would be different. I’ll try to remember to do this next time!