Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
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Meringue, Mint, White Chocolate, Creamy, Grapefruit, Peppermint, Vanilla, Honey
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Edit tea info Last updated by sren
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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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21 Tasting Notes View all

From August Uncommon Tea

Tastes Like: vanilla, ruby grapefruit, mint, clover honey, earth
Feels Like: ethereal noise pop

A dazzling synesthetic experience where sound is like temperature and color has flavor. Warm and cool sensations move in textured rhythms. The myriad of tastes and scents wind and twist like shifting colors of an opal. With each sip there is a distinct, dreamy dominant note. One moment, it’s pale yellow vanilla, then another, electric pink grapefruit. Yet another time it’s bluish green mint, then brick-red earthy rooibos. Beauty is not always linear.

Ingredients: south african green rooibos, south african honeybush, grapefruit peel, peppermint, flavoring

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21 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

Yesterday, I discovered this for the very first time though I’ve had it for a while. What an enchanting blend! Very much white chocolate meringue mint with a hint of something else, possibly the citrus freshness of the grapefruit peeking through—though I did not pick up on straight grapefruit flavour here. Maybe in the next cup. The rooibos doesn’t assert itself much.

Really yum. I am a fan.

Perhaps this is now day 14 of cutting off caffeine at 3, or at least, aiming for that cutoff even if the reality is more like 5 on most days. Still, the awareness is positive, as is the discovery or rediscovery of herbal blends and tisanes. All good.

Flavors: Meringue, Mint, White Chocolate


My cutoff is 2pm which means I have to stop making caffeinated tea around noon. What generally happens is now I drink caffeinated tea at work and tisanes at home. Weekends are still a mess though.

Evol Ving Ness

Two! That’s impressive.

Because my schedule is irregular and often I am out in the world lugging around a bag of steeped tea, this cutoff off time means that either I will continue drink whatever caffeinated teas are in my bag or I will have to cart around two types of tea and keep straight which travel mugs are caffeinated and which not. Somewhat easier at home.

Evol Ving Ness

Still figuring it out.


Suggestion: lug around 2 travel mugs. Either label them or decide which mug is permanently designated the caffeinated or the non-caffeinated one. Prioritize drinking the caffeinated one as quickly as possible. Switch to decaf when finished. If your mugs are too big for this to be feasible (drinking quickly that is) consider downgrading to smaller travel mugs.

Evol Ving Ness

Logical, if only I were that logical and if only, I left myself enough time to boil water in the kettle twice before I left the house. Thank you for your very good suggestions, Starfevre. I will see how I can fit them into my current chaos.


Secondary suggestion: buy a cheap plug-in water heater with enough capacity to boil 2 travel mugs worth of water at once.

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6444 tasting notes
Roswell Strange

I’m flattered! You’re gonna make me tear up at work ;)


Hahahaha that was my goal :P

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2291 tasting notes

I ended up with a little of this from Dexter and a little from Roswell Strange.

I was really hesitant about this tea because of the mint. Generally, it’s not my favourite although peppermint is ‘better’ than spearmint (and wintergreen is best). But! Colour me SHOCKED.

This is really fascinatingly tasty! I don’t really get the grapefruit at all. Mostly it’s mint and vanilla and… chocolate? White chocolate? IDK. It reminds me of those soft (English?) mints you get at weddings crossed with Tic Tacs (since they’re vanilla and mint). The texture of this tea is soft, which is weird.

I did add a little honey to combat the rooibos. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

Butter mints? I love those things.


I guess so? The soft starchy ones that melt on the tongue.


I don’t think I’ve ever had butter mints!


Scotch mints are apparently more popular in Canada. Or so says the internet. :)


Huh, I looked it up and it seems a Scotch mint is a butter mint with a hard shell and lower butter content? I don’t think I’ve seen them down here.
Indigo – Definitely pick some up if you ever see them. They are SO good. Especially after dinner.


Ok where can I get them? Is it something I might see at Bulk Barn, or maybe a candy shop? They sound lovely!


Scotch mints are chewy. And Dare makes them and pretty much everywhere carries them in my experience. The ones I’m thinking of kind of dissolve…


Yeah, I think those must be butter mints. They’re soft and start dissolving when they hit your mouth. Though, now that I think of it there are also soft peppermints. http://www.amazon.com/Red-Bird-Peppermint-Puffs-Count/dp/B0012ZX18A/ref=pd_sim_325_6?ie=UTF8&dpID=51AX-fHOP5L&dpSrc=sims&preST=AC_UL160_SR118%2C160&refRID=0SK6REVYQ3FQHPGYBHPV Like a candy cane/hard mint bit with a texture close to a butter mint.

Indigo- I don’t know what a Bulk Barn is, but a candy shop might have them. We can also find them in the bulk candy aisle of our grocery store. And restaurants over here often have them in a little dish on your way out. If you can’t find them let me know. I will happily ship some up to you.


Wow, I would have never seen that coming! I’m almost tempted to pick up a sample…I’m trying to talk myself down from another au order…100g of combray…you were right it’s soo good.


I have some I can give you, Shezza. :)


cookies – Bulk Barn is a store that sells all sorts of stuff in bulk. Spices, snacks, chocolates/candy, general household foods like peanut butter or honey, coconut oil etc etc


(Y’all are giving me cravings!) Ever try the butter mints that have just a little bit of jelly filling in the center? I’m not sure if they’re still around…


Really? Thanks!

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17008 tasting notes

This is a queued note.

Super, super happy to have this tea back in my cupboard! And in a larger quantity, too! Tea friends are honestly the best; big thanks to OMGsrsly for adding this to her order for me so I didn’t have to place an order myself for one tea. I hate doing that.

For my “welcome home” mug I added a splash of milk, since I was drinking this right before bed and wanted something that could be consumed immediately, didn’t have caffeine, and would help me relax. This tea is one part creamy white chocolate goodness, one part sweet grapefruit, one part soothing peppermint, and one part pure ecstasy.

Let me tell you, I slept well.

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15618 tasting notes

Vanilla. Grapefruit….mint? I had to try this one when i saw it because it’s not a typical pairing, at least as far as i’ve tried. Mint and grapefruit. weird. this is peppermint. and grapefruit. and somehow works. I think the mint could be dialled back just a teeeeeny bit, but on the whole i like how the mint and the tartness work together. I’m not sure this feels like ethereal noise pop? (whatever that is..) but i do like this blend.

Roswell Strange

I ordered this for the same reasons you did; glad to hear that you liked it for the most part.


yeah. I couldn’t drink it every day but enjoyed it :)


Sounds like it would make a nice refreshing summer iced tea or cold brew with the grapefruit/mint.

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