Sorry I’ve been kinda absent for a couple of days! It’s been a little hectic around here, and I’ve been visiting Frankie’s family in Sheffield for a couple of days so have been away from my tea stash. On the plus side, we got to babysit his little brother, who is super cute.
I actually took my Sherlock fandom sampler away with me, and had a few of those that I hadn’t had in a while, but I thought I should review this before I forget as it isn’t mine, and I want to try to log all of the teas that I try, so my own can wait til later.
Drank with sugar and milk as a breakfast drink, and made for me by my non-tea-drinking flatmate. This was a very pleasant morning earl grey, and one which I would happily drink again, although I wouldn’t actively seek it out. It tastes pretty much as described – a black tea, with a light bergamot aroma. The bergamot is definitely light, and actually maybe even a little too light for my tastes/expectations (last time I was there I had Clippers Earl Grey, which was WAY better than I expect from a basic bagged earl grey) but overall a good way to start the day.