Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Artisan du Vivant

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1 Tasting Note

16455 tasting notes


This was a gift from Marika – and I’ve liked everything else I’ve tried from Artisan du Vivant so I was excited to try this too. I’ve gotta be honest though that I made it as an iced tea because I thought I saw hibiscus in the dry leaf, but turns out there’s not hibiscus in this blend and I just mistook that deep red/pink colour for a different type of dried out flower in the blend.

Steeped this was very light, both in colour and in body. However it did have some distinct and more savory leaning notes – in particular, very thyme forward with a gentle citrusy note. I found it super refreshing, and it’s the kind of very crisp, natural and not too savory profile that does work for a summer-y iced refresher. Like, a step up from lemon water but a step below something excessively sweet and fruity. I could see this being the kind of refreshment served as a really nice cafe with an upscale outside seating area in the summer.

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