Thé du Loup

Tea type
Black Tea
Almonds, Chinese Black Tea, Chocolate Flavor, Cream Flavoring, Hazelnut Natural Flavouring, Sunflower Petals, Vanilla Flavour
Chocolate, Hazelnut, Almond, Creamy, Nutty, Dark Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Ali Bee's Bake Shop
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 322 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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31 Tasting Notes View all

  • “ok seriously? SOOOO GOOOOOOO! i don’t have time to dig into this tea and get a proper tasting not but thank you so much Cteresa for this one. More to come later but this made my day SOOOOOO much...” Read full tasting note
  • “The wolf, the big bad wolf is as sweet as any golden retriever and a perfect gentleman, oh I do love it. It´s chocolate and hazelnut tea, on itself a wonderful idea, but not a sickly sweet...” Read full tasting note
  • “There was a point in time, where this was my hands down favourite tea by The O Dor. I got a bit tired of it for a while, but after making myself a cup of it this morning, it’s like an old friend...” Read full tasting note
  • “thank you so much cteresa for sharing this sample with me. You’re definitively right : this thé du loup is a fantastic tea …and you know I ’m not a chocolatea lover… The scent of the liquor is...” Read full tasting note


Allow yourself to be hypnotized by the insisting notes of chocolate and hazelnut of this flavored black tea.

You are probably asking yourself what is hiding behind the ‘Thé du Loup’.

History says that Rome was founded by the sons of a she-wolf …Theodor’s first creation and enduring reputation has its own story … its own secrets.

This tea’s success is not only due to its seductive notes but to the simplicity of the obvious. It goes without saying! How pretentious!

MAJOR NOTES: Chocolate, hazelnut

INGREDIENTS: Black teas (Origins: China, Sri-Lanka), Almond pieces*, Sunflower petals, Flavors (Vanilla, Cream, Hazelnut*, Chocolate).

INFUSION TIME: 4 to 5 minutes

TEMPERATURE: 185 °F (85°C)

Ingredients other than tea and/or infusion plants don’t exceed 5% of the composition.

Keep away from light, air and humidity.

KOSHER certified tea

About THEODOR View company

Company description not available.

31 Tasting Notes

15606 tasting notes

ok seriously? SOOOO GOOOOOOO! i don’t have time to dig into this tea and get a proper tasting not but thank you so much Cteresa for this one. More to come later but this made my day SOOOOOO much better for being in it!


i’ll be right back…… i have to go click a button……..


argh! i should have stopped with clicking….. but no, i had to be literate. lol.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I did the same (guilty) I must have! :(


Clearly I’m brain addled tonight..what are you guys going to click?

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Added to shopping list… Dreaming one day that this will be mine


Yep…I totally didn’t even think of that….my bed is clearly calling to me. I really wish I could try more teas froth is company. I hate their website and the vague descriptions though…maybe I can save enough for a random weekend to France lol just cause


your random weekend in france? just for tea shopping? i think about it all the time. all. the. time.
(which bag will i take and how little can i pack. thus the more room for tea. etc etc) i’ll meet you there.


Shmiracles – uh a weekend…you only need a change of clothes, pack your carry on size suitcase into a bigger one…then you have two to fill and come back with


Sil, you are a genius.


i told her that earlier. i don’t think she believed me, lol.


LOL, do let me know what you think – and funnily enough, do you know Thé-o-dor makes two black teas with chocolate, hazelnut and vanilla (though a lot more vanilla in the other one). Thé du Loup and Celebration, and they manage to be totally different, while both very good, black teas with chocolate and hazelnut.


sil, weekend tea shopping is sort of bad, because most stores are closed on sunday (Dammann at Place des Vosges is though). But maybe you could put all your tea shopping into saturday :)

About their site, it is horrible indeed, but there is a little trick, if you search for an ingredient or part of a tea´s name, there shows up a list with a short UP-TO-THE-POINT description which is priceless. I have tried to edit their tea entries right here on steepster to always include that ingredient list, but you know, people sometimes prefer the longer precious texts.


(i love this thread) (i love chocolate vanilla hazelnut teas and i love this thread) (see you all in paris)


cteresa…oh i ADORE this tea…it’s wonderful and amazing and so good and i MIGHT be slightly more in love with it than wedding imperial, but don’t tell the tea that! ;)


and drat it, meant Dammann is open on sundays, about only place I can think of (a very nice tip from ysaurella)

And no, I will not tell Wedding Imperial that, but I am of the same opinion as well – and wish i had celebration, so you could try it as well. Discussing those teas with another steepsterite, the description I could think of is Thé du Loup is Audrey Hepburn, Celebration is Sofia Loren – both awesome and beautiful and classy, just different styles.


cteresa – I have my hand on the button ready order directly from theodor…i was actually thinking of getting: the du loup; celebration; marabout and caramel…just need to decide if i want to just do it!


HAHAHA i just made a cart with all those same teas in it haha


LMAO ok that’s funny..


i also have a cart built from cadeaux deco vendomme with damman freres tea: puerh gourmand; fleurilege and caramel/toffee…


OMG WHAT WHO WHAT IS THAT DO THEY SHIP HERE!? are you messing with me.


lol no….YYZ found them…posted about them for those advent calenders. well they also sell tea..and it seems to be 8 euro shipping..the only sad part? they don’t have charlotte au chocolate


but they DO have coquelicot gourmand. it tastes like jammie dodgers. i’m so totally placing an order. this is messed up. and awesome.


i didn’t like that one as much…and i’m trying not to order 1kg of tea… LOL


blech…the o dor is 25euro shipping to canada + tax. forget that nonsense sigh


You guys are hilarious. :D


says the woman who bought HOW much tea when she was LUCKY enough to go to france?


Yes I sit here on my high horse, hahaha. I’d be with you guys right now if it wasn’t for that trip


i can’t really complain…you helped me eliminate some from my list of “wants” as well haha

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I went on a little day dream with this thread! Mouth watering non the less. Oh to be in Paris. I wish and hope one day. These teas sound amazing! Hazelnut anything count me in! Chocolate as well! Even better! And vanilla? Wow! Sold! I wish…



BrewTEAlly Sweet

Rub it in! :p


haha i only have enough for a cup left…then i need to decide if i splurge on ordering!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Oh decisions decisions

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362 tasting notes

The wolf, the big bad wolf is as sweet as any golden retriever and a perfect gentleman, oh I do love it.

It´s chocolate and hazelnut tea, on itself a wonderful idea, but not a sickly sweet combination, more like dark chocolate type. And magically the underlying tea can stand up to the flavor, without being bitter, tanninic (or since I experimented having it at night, not too much caffeine I think). And it is one of those magic flavored teas where I can be so careless when brewing it, it is not fussy about temperature or steeping times. I love this wolf tea, and everybody who I have served it to seems to love it as well, this is not going to last very long here. A re-buy for sure.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Interesting—I’m not sure I’d associate chocolate and hazelnut with wolves, but I don’t know what I would. Food for some distraction this afternoon :)


No, me neither, chocolate and hazelnuts for me is a very italian association (genius. Pity I can not get good gianduja here, oh what i would not give for a novi bar). Also a bit christmasy, all those hazelnut filled chocolates which show up at christmas time. So not sure why this is the wolf´s tea, unless it was the tea little red riding hood was taking to her grandmother and that the wolf could not resist. Don´t know – but it´s a lovely wolf!


le loup vit dans les bois et dans les bois il y a des noisettes :) – the wolf lives in the woods and in woods we find hazelnuts :) this could be an explaination but it should work with maple,chestnut…berries

please see this French nursery rhyme, I’ve always loved it :
Refrain :
Promenons-nous dans les bois,
Tant que le loup n’y est pas.
Si le loup y était
Il nous mangerait,
Mais comme il y est pas,
Il nous mangera pas.
Loup, y es-tu ? Que fais-tu ? M’entends-tu ?

Le loup : « Je mets ma chemise »
Le loup : « Je mets ma culotte »
Le loup : « Je mets mes chaussettes »
Le loup : « Je mets ma veste »
Le loup : « Je mets mes bottes »
Le loup : « Je mets mon chapeau »
Ajouter les vêtements souhaités par l’enfant
Le loup : « Je prends mon fusil ! J’arrive ! Me voilà ! »

Sauvons nous !


Oh I did not know that one! It is charming indeed, sauvons nous!

And did you see already today´s google doodle with little red riding hood? (and a loup not nearly as nice as this tea!)

I like the hazelnut justification. And here on steepster somebody has another justification ;) Maybe!


it is so funny when you are a kid to play with voice to speak as the wolf…this is something we sing when we are taking a ride in a wood & forest…so fun to have fear :)

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150 tasting notes

There was a point in time, where this was my hands down favourite tea by The O Dor. I got a bit tired of it for a while, but after making myself a cup of it this morning, it’s like an old friend smiling back at me.

At first sniff: My mother cannot stand the smell of this tea. I personally smell the chocolate at first and then a nutty after smell comes through. I wouldn’t say it’s the nicest smell considering it’s suppose to be Chocolate and hazelnut, but what it lacks in smell dry, it makes up for in…

At first steep: Today I actually brewed it to the instruction on my tin. 80C at 5 mins. It’s a bit on the weak side to my liking, so I think I would brew it longer next time. The hazelnut and chocolate come out way more in the aroma of the tea once brewed. There’s a reason it was a number one contender at one point. And it doesn’t disappoint like say… Choconut Oolong from DT. No licorice here, no fake smells or tastes, just pure ingredients. I’ve been thinking more and more this is why I don’t appreciate DT as much… I’m use to high class French tea. The French do it right, it seems and they are my favourite cup of tea, if I had to choose a country. I take this tea with milk and sugar (today it was stevia because I’m trying to cut down on the sugar I ingest) and it’s just delicious. A dessert in a tea. I use to have this at high tea all the time and it goes well with both savory and sweet. I’m glad I decided to brew this tea today, made me appreciate it again.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Have you have ever tried The-o-dor´s Celebration? it´s their other chocolate and hazelnut tea (really, they do two chocolate and hazelnut flavoured black teas). I think I love the wolf better but love both actually and it is funny how totally different these two teas while being from the same company and supposedly having the same flavours. Thé du Loup is more like dunno Audrey Hepburn, Celebration is Sofia Loren.


cteresa you speak my language. I haven’t had celebration in a while but I remember coming back to the du loup over and over again. For some reason I don’t remember the hazelnut in it but I remember vanilla notes. I’m definitely more Audrey Hepburn though so it makes sense why I would shy a bit from celebration. I do remember the flavours from celebration being more bold.


Yes, celebration has more vanilla I think, though IMO it also smells like kahlua mixed with frangelico or something. Both lovely lovely classy teas, just with different personalities.


tuscanteal – how did you come to own this tea? cteresa has me on a bit of a mission after sharing this with me so i’m trying to figure out the best way to get it haha


Hey sil well I live in Vancouver and the urban tea merchant use to be partnered with them. They have since moved on to the TWG company so I am sol to restock unless I want to ship it from France and pay high coin for the shipping costs. Its truly unfortunate.


booo… i’m still looking. Justjames may be inspired to place a joint order from them so yeah….haha


Best way would be to go in on an order with someone or a few so that the shipping can be split between everyone. When I did a mock order that was in the 160.00 euro range shipping was upwards of 75 euros. And with the dollar being 1 euro to 1.45 cnd… you really have to want this tea. They don’t have 500g bags to buy in more bulk but I believe the website says you get a small discount if you buy over 500g. They also don’t ship orders over 500 euros. Maybe a steepster trip to Paris might be in order.


someday i’ll get back to paris, but yes..james and i were talking about a join/group order to share shipping costs. :)


I’d be interested too honestly. I need to replenish my stocks soon.


i will keep you posted. James is actually out in victoria so closer to you, since i’m currently in toronto…though originally from edmonton and went to school in vancouver for a stint heh


On that note… maybe I’ll just go to France. I need to go to mariage and there as well as fauchon. I also need to write a letter to The O Dor and tell them to carry it at least somewhere in north America! !!


…there’s a single place in NA that i’ve been able to find that carries it… posted in the general discussion threads


I live close to the us border… I could pick up the package in the us and then bring it across! Then we could truly say we’re drinking tea not friendly to the earth lol


haha i have a tea mule friend who does that for me all the time…just no sure how much is in each bag they sell…assume 100g but there’s nothing there to indicate hah


Is there a link?


General discussion thread. Labelled the o dor. I started it tonight

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408 tasting notes

thank you so much cteresa for sharing this sample with me.
You’re definitively right : this thé du loup is a fantastic tea …and you know I ’m not a chocolatea lover…
The scent of the liquor is really chocolate (almost like Charlotte au Chocolat of Dammann Frères) but tasting it, I get the hazelnuts !

The tea base is not too strong finally and I was expecting a stronger black tea that’s why I didn’t steep it very long but I think I should try with a longer steeping time.
Anyway I like it very much but may prefer a more bodied tea with chocolate.

Thé du loup for sure is a masterpiece and deserves the high rates given here on Steepster.
A tea to recommend to chocolatea lovers – would you be my valentine dear wolf ?

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

Ooh ill have to try this one!

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, baby!


This is my current favorite chocolate tea, it´s so refined. Not sickly sweet, not sweet at all apart from chocolate. Glad you enjoyed it, I finished it oh so fast! I did send a couple swaps but my Theodor orders have been consumed extremely fast, must make another.


i wonder if you can get their teas outside of europe..


I think they ship to Usa & Canada yes

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59 tasting notes

I recieved a very generous sample of The du Loup today when buying yet another tin of Theodor. I’m starting to feel like some kind of repeat record, but what a great tea! Considering that I have never liked a chocolate tea before, that’s saying something. Somehow this blend just works.

With other chocolate teas my overall feeling always used to be that it tries to substitute hot chocolate (the: this-is-good-for-your-diet-and-if-you-could-only-believe-it-preferable-to-the-real-thing). With this tea I don’t have that feeling. Of course it’s has a strong chocolate flavour and – especially – smell and isn’t ‘the real thing’, but it has such an own identity that I don’t feel cheated by the fact.

I’ll definately be buying this one!

I must say that Theodor at present is my favourite brand for flavoured teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec

They are also my current favorite for flavoured teas – and my next large tea order will be of their teas!


Which ones are on your shopping list?


Sadly I am probably going to rebuy 3 – milky oolong (oh yeah, if I can be sure it is their milky oolong, thé du loup because it just seemed to disappear and fussy family members loved it, and carpe diem because it is sort of a perfectn rooibos. I would probably rebuy Melange de Galice but am using it more slowly!

My wishlist is peché mignon though I can not find it. I would love to buy Sans Soute, another one I smelled but did not buy at the time and can not find now hecause that shop closed – green tea with berries, whole black berries and I am sure I would love it. Of the ones I might buy but will have to ruthlessly choose just a couple:
- Baya, another rooibos, and one I smelled at a shop which now closed and smelled divinely (divinely strange, but divine nonetheless).
- Inachevee de Constantinople
- Adele H
- Madame (sounds so weird indeed, but I like lapsang souchong so I might not resist this discontinued one).
- Rouge Revolution or Yan Krasnaia – not a high priority but still
-On Va se Revoir – mint green tea with twists, it sounds intriguing.

On their main website they have many more teas I would love to try, including some single origins, but I will be sensible and order from a national store and save on shipping costs.


Hahaha, that’s really going to be a large order! I’m going to have an extra look into some of the teas you’ve mentioned. Might be something of interest there for me as well. Although my shelf in de kitchen is full already and my partner isn’t very happy about me occupying even more space (the kitchen is his domain). :-)


I am not going to get all of it, will ruthlessly edit and get maybe 3 to 5 teas. It will be very painful to edit down my real wishlist but will have to do it (which is why I have not got baya and sans doute already, sigh… shop closed before I could go get them).
Teas need their own corner! Tea space does not really count, it is a sign of civilication. Though I admit to a) getting some ikea shelves so i can stack b) prefer tins which can be stacked easily to use as much space as possible c) be a tin fetishist in general and keep buying tins to put my loose teas in (tiger has many cheap tins)


You make a good argument, but ultimately they’re just excuses – which I’ll glady repeat in the domestic arena here ;-)


and d) awww tins are so pretty and they got collectable value.

I can swear to this in a signed affidavit if you need backup!

(And tell him about using tea in cooking. matcha in some things, lapsang souchong in things with umami, earl grey can be magical to soak for example raisins, etc)

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2037 tasting notes

My 300th tasting note? Really? Man, they accumulate fast. Lol.

Clue No. 4 [This would have been the last clue, if Rabs hadn’t figured out my mystery with only three! Awesome!]

Surprised I’m the first to write a note on this as it appears to be the flagship tea of The O Dor.

As a fan of Harney & Sons Florence, I was particularly curious about this tea as it’s also a chocolate and hazelnut flavored black.

The leaves smell different. The Wolf smells more like what I’d expected of Florence and been pleasantly surprised not to find: Frangelico and chocolate. Florence has a true nut smell, rather than a liqueur. But the liqueur of the Wolf is marvelous smelling in its own way. There are large nut fragments visible in the tea.

Steeped, the tea produces a truer nut smell with a chocolate undercurrent.

It’s a different taste than Florence. Though I’m not doing a side by side tasting, from memory I’d say it’s subtler, with less pronounced chocolate. That is both a minus and a plus, as it is naturally sweeter prior to milk and/or sweetening additives than Florence is and makes a really delicious drink plain — but the trade off is that it is less chocolatey overall.

I’m still liking Florence in the top spot, but this is a strong contender and one I think can coexist nicely for those times a straight up chocolate/hazelnut is calling.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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9 tasting notes

Du Loup will forever be a luxurious tea to me. Even smelling it before the brew reminds you of dessert thanks to the essence of chocolate and hazelnuts. Delicious with steamed milk, but like all Theodor teas, absolutely brilliant on its own.

Flavors: Chocolate, Hazelnut

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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338 tasting notes

It is quite depressing to see that my eye is still red this morning… so I am glad that the 1st tea of the day turns out to be a good one and brightens the day a bit!

This came as a mysterious tea packet, which was complimentary with my order from THE O DOR. So I didn’t know what to expect, except guessing that it would be a black tea because the packet was black :P

Cutting the packet open, I was greeted by a nutty aroma. It was something familiar, something creamy… Is it almond? Is it coconut?

The answer: almond and hazelnut! No coconut at all. The liquor was pretty chocolatey too. Yummy! A shame that, though, the chocolate flavour was not quite there after the second brew.

Flavors: Almond, Chocolate, Creamy, Hazelnut, Nutty

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (132)

I used the last of this in my smoothie. I was going to add peanut butter but decided not to as I worried it would be too strong a flavor and having this now I am glad I didn’t because it gave the hazelnut of this tea a chance to really shine. It’s like a nutella smoothie which is obviously super delicious. Thank you again Sil for sharing this with me :)

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1040 tasting notes

I’ve been lucky this week to be able to enjoy several awesome chocolate teas.
This one says chocolate hazelnut – but I’m getting mostly chocolate not much nut.
Totally different than the other two I tried – it’s interesting how each company does chocolate differently.
This is a great tea – wish it had more hazelnut.

That’s so much Sil for providing this opportunity. :))


Oh no, that’s sad. Hazelnut is great…I mean, chocolate is too, but the hazelnut would have made it super better.

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