Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Black Tea, Darjeeling Tea
Astringent, Dark Chocolate, Grapes, Malt, Raisins, Red Wine, Sweet Potatoes, Tannic, Woody, Bread, Chocolate, Black Currant, Bitter, Apricot, Citrus, Drying, Tannin
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Teatotaler
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 6 g 11 oz / 327 ml

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69 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I started the month of April with 95 black teas on my shelves. 26 of those are in various boxes from various friends. The other 69 are actually teas in my collection. (These numbers don’t include...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well this was a surprise. I don’t drink many teas from India. They are often bitter, harsh, and burn in my stomach like crazy. This one though… the wet leaf smells incredible. The orange-red brew...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s here, it’s here, it’s here, IT’S HERE. It’s finally here! I was so excited for this blend. It was a great Christmas gift (to myself, ha ha), it was waiting in my mailbox when I got home from...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ah, pretty much exactly what I was expecting. This is quite bright and relatively astringent, tastes very much like an Indian blend but there’s no bitterness, that aspect is very smooth, and at...” Read full tasting note

From Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea

Fun fact: The shrill cry you hear when you see a bird of prey onscreen is almost always that of a Red-Tailed Hawk. It is this cry that, when heard while alone and in the wilderness, reminds you that you are indeed alone and in the wilderness. So brew up this blend of bright, delicious teas from the mountains of India and soar to new heights of flavor.

The Red-Tailed Hawk is a blend of bright, delicious teas from the mountains of India. We like to brew it for a little less than 3 minutes in boiling water for a smooth, fragrant cup. Brew it a little longer for more briskness.

About Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea View company

Andrews & Dunham knows that nothing beats a perfect cup of tea, and a great tea needs no explanation. We love the romance of tea. We love that tea might just be the healthiest thing you’ll ever drink. But if the tea you’re drinking doesn’t taste fantastic, you’re missing out. Only a few teas meet our mysterious, rigorous standards and we’re proud to offer them to you. We’re always looking for that perfect cup, so you don’t have to.

69 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I started the month of April with 95 black teas on my shelves.
26 of those are in various boxes from various friends. The other 69 are actually teas in my collection. (These numbers don’t include flavored blacks, BTW). My goal every month is to drink every tea in my collection at least once. It never happens, of course, because I have way too much tea to ever be able to pull that off! However, so far this month I feel pretty good about my progress! Of the black teas in my personal collection, I’ve drank all but 21 of them, & of the tea trades I’ve drank all but 16, for a total of 58 out of 95, which I think is about 55% (if I remember the math formula correctly). Maybe I can get it to 75% by the end of wednesday….

This is nice black blend, probably my least favorite of the damn fine teas, but still very tasty & worthy of being enjoyed.


I crave this one less than I do the others, but it’s still very solid. I need to get more comfortable with the darjeeling side of things I think.


I was wondering about this one. I really like the Double Knit.


I was wondering about this one, too. I love the Tiger Assam, and I have my eye on the Double Knit.

Terri HarpLady

I think Tiger & double knit will always be my favorite Damn Fine Teas. That’s just the facts! :)


Tiger is soooo good.

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1719 tasting notes

Well this was a surprise. I don’t drink many teas from India. They are often bitter, harsh, and burn in my stomach like crazy. This one though… the wet leaf smells incredible. The orange-red brew is very smooth, and not in the least bitter. Yes it is somewhat drying but not harsh. I steeped it for 3 1/2 minutes – I imagine had I gone 2-2 1/2 a lot of that dryness could be reduced. I found myself really enjoying this bold malty cup and a single cup did not cause stomach burn.


Dang. I was waffling on putting this in the cart along with the yunnan last night. Next time, i guess.


i’m totally thinking about picking up this in the 3 pack + the horse..’cause i ned more tea..NOT!

Terri HarpLady

I’ve got plenty of the others, so just getting a tin of the Horse. Which is spurring me onward to place an order with the devotea… I have money burning a hole in my playpal account, thanks to recent CD sales!


i’m trying hard not to look at the devotea yet… sigh

Terri HarpLady

I’m sending you samples of everything I got…


i know.. it’s what’s keeping me from ordering any time soon haha. must try first. it’s also what’s keeping me from placing and order with A&D unless it looks like the horse is going to disappear… i’ll be mad if i don’t get that

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871 tasting notes

It’s here, it’s here, it’s here, IT’S HERE. It’s finally here!

I was so excited for this blend. It was a great Christmas gift (to myself, ha ha), it was waiting in my mailbox when I got home from Christmas.

I have been away for a few days. Drank a lot more coffee than I should have. There was no real good way to drink tea where I was, microwaved or keurig warmed water. So I had a bit of Keurig earl grey, but mostly coffee. So to come home to this tea was a blessing.

The dry tea smells deliciously strong, malty, sweet.

The brewed tea is just unbelievable. These guys have to be magic or something. The tea is thick and bold but not astringent or bitter. It is smooth, super smooth, like liquid silk. It is malty, but there are also hints of cocoa. When people writer about wanting a tea that is like hot chocolate, this is the tea you need. It is sweet and a little but earthy. The flavours are bright and distinctive. It is creamy. I generally don’t add milk and sweetener to my black teas, but I don’t think this one would need it anyway.

So happy to have this one in my hoard.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

REALLY??!?!?! oh man.. now i really want it haha


Let me know if you want a sample. I think I will be able to part with a few tsp, maybe. (Haha)


terri will send some to me eventually so i can be a patient girl…


I had no idea about this one. That is the most badass tin ever.


This is one of their new blends, permanent collection.


silly girl… cavo and i were drooling over it in the FB forum haha


Also, I got a super awesome coaster with the tea. The hawk is taking off with a spoon in its claws.

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612 tasting notes

Ah, pretty much exactly what I was expecting. This is quite bright and relatively astringent, tastes very much like an Indian blend but there’s no bitterness, that aspect is very smooth, and at the end of the sip there’s a (surprising given the upfront brightness) rich depth of flavor, that mysterious quality all my favorite A&D blends manage to possess. A decent morning choice. Curious how it’d go blended with something else…maybe something spicy, hm.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Better than the Tiger Assam? They look similar to me as far as their descriptions on the site go.


It’s way more astringent, more like a classic Ceylon even though it isn’t one, if that makes sense. And it has some of the woodiness of darjeeling and Ceylon. Tiger Assam’s got a smooth thick rich malty thing going on, typical of a good Assam. This is way way way brighter, hard to drink on an empty stomach. I like both, but this seems more like something many Steepsters I know would struggle with because it’s got a lot of the classic legacy-style elements that don’t seem very popular here (astringency, Indian/Ceylon-style lightness, that woody raspiness from the tannin, etc.).


sounds like my cup of tea. i grew up drinking Ceylon and Assam ( not the best kind)


Thanks! Late reply, but it sounds like it has elements I probably wouldn’t like as much. I love this tin, though, and I guess I’m vain like that.


understandable! the design company that does A&D’s tins is pretty great—so great that when i first found out about them through A&D i went and ordered a poster from them directly. it’s hanging in my kitchen right now, makes me smile.

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12 tasting notes

I always used to drink all my tea without embellishment. Black, green, herbal, straight up. Then I had surgery and all I wanted during my recovery was tea with lots and lots of honey in it.

Now I’m drinking some teas plain again. This one definitely makes a good start for that. When Erik and Charles say that the Red-Tailed Hawk is “bright” I take this to mean that the flavors can stand on their own, without the aid of sweet or milky things. That’s refreshingly true in this case.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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18 tasting notes

This arrived at work the same time as my Kickstarter KLiP, so of course I had to steep a batch right away.

Only problem is that I am sick and my taste buds are completely shot.

Will try again later.

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1442 tasting notes

Oh, no. I found an almost untouched tin of this faaaar back in the cabinet, along with some other giant untouched brisk black teas. OMG, no. I’m pretty sure I bought this back in 2013.

I know what I’m going to be drinking every day for the next long while. Consider this Day 1. I’m going to start reading War & Peace today as well and see which one I finish first.

Flavors: Astringent, Dark Chocolate, Grapes, Malt, Raisins, Red Wine

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Awe….. I miss their teas. I should see what’s going on for July 4th haha


They are solid and surprisingly lovable teas, eh? I still have this guy and a near-full tin of Carävan Resurrected so probably won’t need to reorder from them until I hit a 15 cupboard again.

Also, some people on here enabled me to order Dessert by Deb and a Unicorn (?) tin (I have no agency!) so I’m done for a while! XD


While I was typing that I also checked out their social media stuff and they have been dead since December 2019. Don’t know if they will do anything for July 4th.. :/

Martin Bednář

Another company down (maybe) :( And it seems they had nice teas. Even the packagings. Aww, sad.

And today I learned something about the Red-Tailed Hawk as a bird :)


I think they’re still open for business but their social media presence is just non-existent! Also, no new teas & tins in quite some time


oh no, I hope A&D aren’t done!


they aren’t. they responded to my post very briefly.


oh that’s good.

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2036 tasting notes

More A&D to try and write first notes about today. Yowza.

In between, I’ll be binge watching season 4 of The Wire. I need to find another show for after this one is done. Suggestions?

It’s not stated what’s in this blend, but I’m going to go with assam and ceylon. The color is that reddish burnt-orange that I associate with Ceylons (and which may be the reason for the red-tailed reference). Whenever I see it, I wish for a sweater in the same color. And the dry leaf is a mix of leaf that looks similar to the Tiger Assam of yesterday mixed with some very dark bird-nesty twists of leaf. The dry leaf smells a little bready, and a little winey-pungent.

The steeped tea has a sweet potato and baked bread smell. I steeped for three minutes and I don’t get any bitterness, but do get some maltiness. There’s something that even heads toward chocolate. The tea is somewhat astringent, but it’s very satisfying.

I find this smooth and flavorful. No throat grab, not harsh on an empty stomach. I may prefer it to the Tiger Assam because of the chocolate note, which gives it more depth.

Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Malt, Red Wine, Sweet Potatoes

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

That’s funny, I saw a red-tailed hawk on my lunch break today.

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81 tasting notes

ahh, it always feels victorious finishing one of these tins. I’ve had this one forever and will miss it. it is everything I enjoy in black teas: malty, bready, stone-fruit-y, bright & brisk.

does anyone know what’s going on with Andrews & Dunham? both last year & this year they didn’t release their Oktoberfest blend :( I don’t even think they released their Christmas blend last year either (could be wrong).


I think A&D posted something about a sale a couple months ago, so they are still around…

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1403 tasting notes

I reached for this as tea of the morning after a hectic day of running. Thankfully, my health has been accommodating the past few days for which I am so grateful. Hectic days are not usually within my capacity, so truly truly truly yay!

The first sip of this tea hits you with a kapow, followed up with the bready smoothness. Nice malty scent rises from my cup as I inhale the deliciousness. Delightful.

Thank you for the sample, Sil.

Flavors: Black Currant, Bread, Malt

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Glad you get to try these :)

Evol Ving Ness

You and me both!

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