Irish Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Melody, Ceylon Sonata
Cocoa, Drying, Malt, Metallic, Sweet Potatoes, Caramel, Cardboard, Sweet, Wet Wood, Wood, Bread, Fruity, Honey, Smooth, Spicy, Astringent, Tannin, Orange Zest
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 12 oz / 349 ml

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169 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m back to the top of my black tea list! I sipped down one last week & added 2, so now I’m at 19 unflavored blacks, with a few more on their way. As far as breakfast teas go, I’m enjoying...” Read full tasting note
  • “Whee! Fun updates! Looks great, Steepster Overlords! (Now if we could just edit the comments we make….) I spent my drive to work this morning pretty much doing three things: listening to OK Go,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I threw in a little Irish Breakfast on top of yesterday’s leftover Keemun Concerto. Yum. This tea is comforting and heavy…malty and smokey. Fantastic for a cold, rainy and generally yucky day. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s wednesday, my regular day off and I’ve taken the rest of the week off as well. (This, btw, has nothing to do with illness, it was already planned, so no worries there). After the restorative...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Our Irish Breakfast combines hearty black teas from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Assam (India) to get your morning off to a bright start. As its name implies, Irish Breakfast black tea blend is an ideal accompaniment to a morning meal. It seamlessly blends the citrusy notes of a high-grown Ceylon with the malty underscore of a pungent Assam. Spicy and jammy aroma on the leaf, malty and deep flavor with a brisk and ‘buzzy’ mouthfeel. Rounded sweetness in the finish. May be enjoyed plain or with a drop of milk. Irish Breakfast is one of Adagio’s most popular teas.

Ingredients: Ceylon sonata tea & Assam melody tea

Steep at 212° for 3-5 minutes.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

169 Tasting Notes

20 tasting notes

had this this morning for breakfast before my test. I do like this tea a whole lot as a morning tea or dreary afternoon tea. Good malty taste NOT BITTER! there is a difference between malty and bitter and you really should not have a bitter tea if you brew it right. anywho, I like this far more than earl grey bravo. And this morning I tried it with a dab of milk and a dab of honey as apposed to suger it was tasty.


I think more natural sweeteners like honey or agave syrup work much better for bringing out the flavour of teas.

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13 tasting notes

Smells like peaches or apricots. Tastes likes apricots too. I don’t even think I’ve had too many apricots, but upon first sip of this tea, apricots instantly came to mind, so I’m going to go with it and pretend I know what I’m talking about. This tea is very smooth; no bitterness whatsoever. It’s also very light and easy on the stomach, making it a good tea to have in the morning, or drink throughout the day.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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160 tasting notes

First cup at work for the day. The bitterness makes it a bit tangy, but I like it, it gives it an edge. It’s a rich flavor but not like nutty or chocolatey, more of a refreshing feel. I have a sample packet of this that I’ll probably finish off soon.

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51 tasting notes

Found the 4 oz tin of this on sale at the local Fresh Market. I’ve prepared it numerous ways with creams and sugars and such and the best result I’ve had so far has been from just adding honey. It’s a great alternative to coffee and the unwanted reactions that I get from it. I don’t even drink any coffee at all anymore.

After the first morning’s cup of which I add just a touch more than 1 teaspoon, I brew it a second time for a lighter cup at lunch time.
I will continue searching for another black tea however before thinking of purchasing again. I’m looking for that morning cup to look forward to!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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191 tasting notes

Not as bold as I’d imagined (I think I imagined it more like an English Breakfast), but not bitter, either. And that is the more important of the two, methinks. It is a lovely flavor. My first sip, I was rather “meh”, but the more I’ve sipped it, the more it has wormed its way into my heart palate.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

You should try a plain Assam. Talk about bold… Yum!

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117 tasting notes

Nice and malty. Had it with a touch of milk. Yum.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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71 tasting notes

This is my first Irish Breakfast ever, so I have nothing to compare it to. That being said, I really like it and it’s my “go-to strong black blend” I do tatse the complex notes of flavors..boldness, maltiness, notes of hay, savory, sweet, all that.
As a matter of fact, shouldn’t Adagio use this blend as a base for some of their flavored teas instead of using just Ceylon Sonata? It would probably make their other teas more interesting

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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18 tasting notes

Well after a day at work, my Adagio order finally came in! Although it wasn’t as massive as it originally was (due to a transaction problem with my web browser that made me scale back a bit), I ended up with this. I like it, don’t get me wrong. I’m just trying to figure out what i feel it needs. Sugar maybe? But on the other hand, I just got one with pot #3 of it :P

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8 tasting notes

I throw about a Tbs. of this in metal diffuser and drop that into a ceramic mug with about 2 cups of water 212. Then after about 2 min. I pull it out. Great mellow aroma and taste. Reminds me of a warm blanket I just pulled out of the drier.

Now having said that, the gate of heave opens to me and angles sign when I drink this with cookies. I like chocolate chip cookie best with this.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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12 tasting notes

I got a sample of this tea as a birthday present from my boyfriend, along with 2oz of White Peach and a sample of Dancong Aria. Pretty small amount of tea, but with the shipping and exchange rate, it cost us fair bit. I have to limit these orders to special occasions, unfortunately.

Anyway, I decided to try the Irish Breakfast first. I like a good blend of Ceylon and Assam very much, they are like parts of a symphony that sound a bit bland or harsh on their own but complement each other perfectly when blended together. This blend is magnificent. It is perfectly balanced, and using just boiling water for three minutes makes it full flavoured with not a hint of bitterness. It coats the palate nicely with no dryness on the tongue afterward. Deep and dark malty molasses from the Assam, bright and cheerful floral notes from the Ceylon. I like to put a bit of light brown sugar in my black tea. This cup was perfect. Delicious!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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