Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Apple Pieces, Green Tea, Hibiscus Flowers, Marigold Flowers, Raspberry Leaves, Rhubarb, Strawberry
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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28 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Here’s an odd thing. Just yesterday I said to someone how I just haven’t really been in a green mood at all lately and that everytime I think I want something green, I end up getting a little bit...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really got this tea to make iced, but up until today I’d only had it hot and it was so-so. The flavor is a bit weak so you need more leaf than usual, so I was definitely waiting for an...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog 7/10 ALMOST THERE! I have homework and such so I’m trying to hurry these up! This is another tea from my swap with darby, thank you very much! This is another I made iced, and another...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I got my package from Den’s Tea! Its my first time ordering from there. I bought a kyusu and used it to steep this tea! It is so delicious! I steeped it twice. I had such a long weekend! This...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas - Discontinued

Commonly used in pies and other treats, rhubarb’s sweet and tart flavor is blended with a subtle Chinese green tea to create another form of delight. You can now have your pie and in this case, drink it too. Enjoy hot or iced.

About Adagio Teas - Discontinued View company

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28 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

Here’s an odd thing. Just yesterday I said to someone how I just haven’t really been in a green mood at all lately and that everytime I think I want something green, I end up getting a little bit disappointed when I actually taste it because it turned out I’d actually rather have had something black. And then I went and had the malted genmaicha. Which is green. And a cup of sencha. Which is green. And now as I was rummaging through the samples tin, I find this one that TeaEqualsBliss sent to me. Which is green.

Maybe greens are just summerly enough that the warm weather we’ve had for a couple of days are affecting my tea choice?

Either way, this is a very nice one indeed. I’m really liking the way rhubarb just fits the tea in the most surprising way. It’s all fresh and interesting and a bit creamy in texture, weirdly. I think it’s because rhubarb is acidic and the green tea it’s based on has a sort of citrus-y feel to it too.

I really like this as a flavour here. It’s not something I’m going to go out and find, but if I happened across it, I might decide to get some.


Glad you enjoyed it! :)

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470 tasting notes

I really got this tea to make iced, but up until today I’d only had it hot and it was so-so. The flavor is a bit weak so you need more leaf than usual, so I was definitely waiting for an opportunity to cold brew it. Of course I’ve been making Bangkok for the past week but it was time for a change!

This is definitely better cold, sweeter and creamier. It’s not so much a rhubarb tea as it is a strawberry rhubarb tea, which is not bad at all in my book. There are tons of strawberry chunks in the blend, so cold brewed this is a lovely shade of pink! Weirdly enough it’s not pink at all hot, but it’s very pretty iced. It’s also a lot more fruit than green, so much that it’s practically a tisane. I can see why this has mediocre ratings hot, but I’m really enjoying it this way and if I run through the bag this summer I’ll probably repurchase it.




Lupicia makes a strawberry rhubarb black tea that I think is yummy.


with strawberry it might be ok.


I really like rhubarb pie, but this blend is kind of missing the tartness of real rhubarb. It’s definitely more strawberry than anything else.


Rhubarb is super tart, so I would think a hibiscus tea would be the closest you’d get to something tasting like rhubarb! I have, however, made rhubarb punch, which is quite tasty and uses tons of rhubarb (aaaaaand sugar, of course).

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119 tasting notes

Backlog 7/10

ALMOST THERE! I have homework and such so I’m trying to hurry these up! This is another tea from my swap with darby, thank you very much!

This is another I made iced, and another that was just okay. Nothing remarkable. I would like to try it again so I can see if I can perfect it. I think the ice kind of watered it down so I’m gonna try again, maybe cold steeping.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1629 tasting notes

So I got my package from Den’s Tea! Its my first time ordering from there. I bought a kyusu and used it to steep this tea! It is so delicious! I steeped it twice.

I had such a long weekend! This tea was great!

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Um… this isn’t a Den’s Tea product…


I know but the kyusu I ordered is from Dens Tea :)


Oh yeah duh, didn’t read it carefully enough. Oops, sorry… Dens is amazing though!


No worries!! :) I know I JUST tried the sencha fuka-midori! So good! :)

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262 tasting notes

this one was getting passed around the office with “Ewwww” attached to it. I don’t know why, it is a fairly intense green tea flavor, and not a bad one at that. Just a hint of rhubarb tartness…not enough that I could identify it as rhubarb or natural to the tea leaves. In fact, I dumped the spent leaves onto a plate and sorted them. I found two 1" shavings of rhubarb in the pile (I ate them to be sure). So, while it might be called “Rhubarb Green”…its mostly just a good green tea.
1 heaping tsp, 180 deg. water for 3 minutes. Got two good steepings from it.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

LOL now that’s dedication… searching your tea leaves…

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6768 tasting notes

Exceptionally creamy today. Relaxing, fun, and tasty!

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18 tasting notes

I found this tea to be extremely mild – slightly sweet. Will try and use more tea next time for more flavor.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
DG Allen

This is what we had this morning. I used about 3 tsp for two cups. I think more tea is better.

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90 tasting notes

This one smells great in the bag. Your nose gets tackled with a playful, ’I’m strawberry and you gotta deal with it!’ that wakes you up and leads you to expect that this flavor will be the important one in the cup.

Once steeped, however, not so much. Strawberry, you little cheater. As with the cocomint green, this tea makes for a really light cup. You hardly get much rhubarb at all except in the aftertaste—if you were expecting a sort of rhubarb pie experience, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Still, it has plenty of merit if you’re into soft, subtle greens. The flavors here are whispery little accents instead of clanging bells and whistles. So, though it may not be showy, at least this tea is honest about its tea-ness—its identi-tea. It doesn’t pretend that it’s actually rhubarb or strawberry or whatever.

More reviews can be found on the Snooty Tea Blog at snooteablog.com.

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3 tasting notes

Mildly sweet with a creamy texture. Slight taste of rhubarb tartness and a little fruity as well.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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865 tasting notes

Made for mom. 3g/8oz water.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

infusion 2, 4 min made for mom on her way to grandma’s house to help get things ready for grandpa to come home.

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